
Chapter 224 ~ A King’s Request

Yuuji, Aika, Momon, and Lupu entered the grand hall and every eye turned to the Adamantite ranked Adventurer party Providence who, for all appearances, appeared more like nobles of the highest pedigree than adventurers. 

They were dressed in formal party attires, in suits and dresses, which elevated their appearances enough to stun all onlookers. 

Yuuji, Aika, and Lupu were especially eye-catching that a great many nobles, despite their frequency with those of great beauty and appearance, were starstruck.

Fortunately, Aika still wore her mask, which somewhat obscured her visage. Else, all men within the room, even the stoic and those unconcerned with romance such as Gazef, would've fallen into the alluring and bewitching beauty of the great succubus. 

A long table was laid out for the grand occasion. The feast to celebrate heroes of the Kingdom who had thwarted evils that threatened the lives of the citizens and protected cities from monstrous calamities. 

At the head of the long, marble table was an empty space for one. Nearest to the left hand at the corner end was Gazef Stronnof, and at its right was the King's son, Prince Zanac, followed by his daughter, Princess Renner. Behind her stood her bodyguard, while to her own right hand sat the Marquis Raeven. 

Their eyes all locked onto the appearances of Providence. 

The seat to Gazef's left was occupied by Pandora's Actor in his guise as Ainz Ooal Gown. And to his left were four empty spots, and it was immediately obvious to them who those species were for. 

The proximity at the table was the measure of the position within the court.

'Just like in during Black Knight's meetings.'

Yuuij recalled from his time in the Black Knights. 

During meetings, Lelouch, or "Zero", would sit at the head. To his right was Yuuji, or "Mordred", and Karen, the two top Knightmare pilot aces of the Black Knights.To his left was Tatsuya, or "Silver", Satoru, or "Ainz", and then Ohgi, the heads of Black Knight's R&D, human resource, and operations departments. Then, the rest of the members. 

Momon was also familiar with such arrangements. They were just like in his normal work meetings from his old world. 

After Providence took their places, servants began to wheel out carts filled with feasts in silver trays or bottles of wine. The long table was quickly filled with a myriad of dishes and drinks, a magnificent spread of luxury.

Then, after it was set, a herald called out. 

"All rise for King Ramposaa III!"

Yuuji and the others stood like all the rest, and with slow and stately steps, the King entered and walked to his place at the table. 

He sat down and the servants began to pour wine, starting from the king and working their way to the back as the King began to speak. 

"The ruling monarch is the face and beating heart of the Kingdom. But the people, his people, they are his blood, his hands, and the feet that march to war and the living embodiment of his rule. As King, my greatest purpose which I have always sought to do was protecting my people as best as I could. However, at times, even the greatest king needs help, for they are, in the end, mortals with their own limitations."

The old, but now seemingly more resolute and hopeful king turned towards Pandora's Actor and Providence. 

"You embodied what it means to do just that. Ainz Ooal Gown crushed the raiders that threatened not only my people, but our Royal Head Warrior as well. Providence took it upon themselves to protect a city from not one, but two skeletal dragons, and destroyed a Zuranon enclave within E-Rantel, saving the city from turning into a land of the undead. They have, even if they hadn't knew it, embodied the true will and desire of my rule. And for that…"

King Ramposa took his silver cup, which had been filled by the servants, and raised it.

"I thank you, each and every single one of you. Hail to the heroes of the Kingdom!"

""Hail to the heroes!""

The court cheered, having raised their glasses after the King. Then they drank as one. 

"Now, you may be seated. Eat, drink, and be merry. That too, is the will of your king."

Now, the feast has finally truly started. But questions and conversations with the "heroes" seemed to attract the interests of some of the sharper ones more than the magnificent feast before them. Marquis Raeven, for one, would love to dig deeper and get to know the figures, "heroes", before him. If they were to be potential allies, or perhaps… threats. 

However, chances for doing so directly were hard to come by as the Adamantite Party seemed to be more interested in conversing with the supreme magus who managed to best a whole scripture of the Theocracy. 

And in the end, Raeven could only listen and tried his best to piece together a general profile of the members of Providence and the magus Ainz Ooal Gown through their conversations. 

The table grew steadily drunker as the evening went on. The occasional sound of toppling of a body or a loud thud when one had fallen face first onto the table punctuated the sound of the remaining conversations as servants had begun helping some of the nobles away from their tables to sleep it off in various guest quarters. 

It wasn't lost on Renner and the King, however, that neither Lord Gown, Alexander, Lilith, or Momon seemed to engage much in drinking. Though, Lupu seemed to enjoy herself as she frequently cast "Cure Poison" to start anew every time she began to feel drunk. 

Finally, only the King and his immediate circle remained both conscious and present, along with their honored guests. And the King rose to his feet. 

"Providence, Lord Gown, walk with me."

He said, and in that moment, Gazef and the rest put their hands on the table, about to push themselves to their feet to join him, only for the King to hold up his hand to stop them. 

"No, I wish to speak with the heroes alone."

The King said with haste, and left with Providence and Ainz Ooal Gown following behind. 


Pitch darkness welcomed them when the King led Providence and Pandora's Actor to the gardens in the back of the castle. 

However, despite the darkness, seeing wasn't that difficult.

With the absence of clouds, the tapestry of darkness that was the night sky shone and glimmered with moonlight and twinkling stars. 

Satoru stared into the evening sky, mesmerized by the splendor of nature and the beauty of the world he could never see in his previous world. No matter how many times he had enjoyed it when he arrived in this world, he still never got tired of it. 

"Tranquil, isn't it? A rare peaceful moment, especially at times such as now."

The King took a deep breath, his eyes still locked on the moon, and breathed out with almost a sigh. 

The path crunched under their heels as the King led them down the garden path, and soon, they could hear the sound of water. He led them to the center of the garden, where a beautiful marble water fountain stood. 

Then, he turned towards his guest. First towards the handsome young man before him – perhaps the most handsome man he had ever seen – and leader of the new adamantite ranked adventurer party. 

"Sir Alexander, I have promised to reward you and your party, and you will receive it no matter your answer. My request for you is simple, and one with abundant compensation to be had."

Yuuji and Providence turned and looked at the King.

"I want you and Providence to take down Eight Fingers. Hunt down their leadership, which was made up of Adamantite or nearly Adamantite killers. They are the rot of the Kingdom, like a terrible disease or perhaps termites in unprotected wood. They've eaten their way into the structure of the Kingdom, threatening to bring it down little by little. They've recently faltered, and I was going to use that chance to break them. But they instead doubled down on their atrocities and strengthened their death grip. This will not be easy and it would pose a great risk. But if you take down the big fishes, then my personal guards and the royal guards can take down the rest."

"That is… quite the request indeed, King Rampossa. Simple, as you said, but not easy."

Yuuji said, pretending to be surprised, and glanced towards Aika to his side. 

Aika held his hand and looked up to him. Her lips, which were visible just below her mask, curved into an enchanting smile as she nodded. 

Then, he turned towards Momon and Lupu, who nodded and winked respectively. 

"What are you offering?"

"Lordship of any lands you choose I have available to give you. If everything goes well, then even lands equivalent to one of the great nobles is also a possibility."

Yuuji thought for a moment. Lands were one of the things he had expected the King to give as compensation. And at first, he was indeed quite interested. But soon, he realized. 

Why would he waste his time lording over a city while they would be conquering nations and kingdoms? Moreover, he wouldn't have the time to manage it anyway since he'd be busy with things over in Nazarick and his world. 

But… perhaps Albedo or Demiurge could use it. Perhaps as a place to start spreading Nazarick's influence subtly though economy, social, and culture within the kingdom. 

"That is acceptable compensation."

"Very well. We can discuss which land after the job is done, and how far out that land should go. I trust you will accept my word when I say I will be generous?"

King Ramposa replied, his piercing eyes held firmly up to the eyes of the young, yet extremely sharp Adamantite adventurer. 

He could feel it. His instincts told him that the young man before him was no mere powerful adventurer. In fact, from the moment he saw him, he felt like he was looking at a foreign monarch rather than an adventurer. 

He had no proof. But, he trusted the instinct he had honed over decades that had saved him countless times from many cunning schemes and terrible conmen. 

So, he wouldn't look down upon him.

"I do. I accept your terms. All that you've asked shall be done. I will begin tomorrow."

Rampossa nodded deeply. That was one weight off his shoulders. 

Then, he turned towards the supreme magic caster. 

"Lord Gown. I've learned that magic casters are prickly lot as a rule. What I am about to request of you is even greater than what I asked of Sir Alexander and Providence. Will you, also, do as I have asked, and what will you ask in return for your aid?"

Pandora's Actor responded accordingly to the plans thought up by the Supreme Beings, Albedo, and Demiurge.

"I understand your desire to have a strong magic caster in your service, King Ramposa. However, I am far older than I appear, and I dislike serving. I emerged from my studies only to help people I found in sudden distress by chance. Being sucked into court games for someone else has no appeal to me."

Rampossa felt his heart about to drop to his guts. His eyes widening slightly. 

But before his hope had fully extinguished, he felt a hand on his shoulder. A large, firm, yet warm hand. 

"Therefore, if I were to do as you asked, restoring the peace I valued so highly, it would only be worthwhile if I were to be an independent ruler."

King Rampossa's eyes widened.

"Give me the land of the Katze plains south of E-Rantel, and extending to the western border of the Draconic Kingdom. When Baharuth capitulates, I will also take lands from them in exchange for peace. I will be a buffer state between you and the empire, and they will not threaten you again. Give me an alliance between the Kingdom I will have founded and yourself, and never again will your harvest be interrupted by wars in the north."

The sonorous, noble voice continued to resound. His words, one by one, restore the hope he thought he had lost. 

Finally… he could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

"Peace within and peace without for not even 200 kilometers of land across? That's the best bargain I've heard."

King Rampossa replied. A brief smile appeared on his tired visage, before he stuck out his hand. 

"Are you sure you can do this?"

Pandora's Actor reached out to the king and collapsed forearm to forearm. 

"I can."

He said with a voice that closed all doubt. Like a coffin lid closing in the dead.

And King Ramposa III's heart finally lightened. The weight on his shoulders lifted up slightly by the two great men before him. 


Under the guise of the dark night sky, dressed in her usual dress and battlemaid's uniform respectively, Shalltear and Entoma stood outside a manor. 

Shalltear stood in silence, her eyes gleaming with crimson radiance, before she addressed the now a mix of Succubus and Arachnoid battle maid by her side. 

"Roughly 30 guards around the estate, as you've reconnoitered with your insects. Do you think you can kill all of them?"

Entoma, with her previous bug mask now becoming her true visage and becoming much more beautiful than before, smiled bewitchingly in confidence. 

"Of course~ I've already scattered my bugs everywhere! They can poison and paralyze them the moment I tell them to~!"

Shalltear nodded, her lips curved into a smile to match Entoma. 

"Great work.Then, I'll go pick up our target. Feel free to start whenever."

Entoma raised her hands and waved them with her flowing robes. 

"Yes~ Have a nice trip~"

The manor was quite large with various exotic woods, marble columns, and worked stone used in its construction. There were also an expensively maintained lawn that held statues of marble and large fountains that kept a constant flow of running water through the air. An obvious display of luxury and grandeur. 

Shalltear entered and immediately saw two guards noticing her presence. Their eyes widened in shock before turning into an amused one upon seeing her lithe and beautiful figure. 

But just as they were to speak, one froze. Their body, every single muscle refusing to move, before they fall to the ground. Soon, he saw his partner slamming the ground beside him as well with white liquid frothing out of his mouth, his skin deadly purple, and his eyes rolled backwards. 

"Hm, quite effective. As expected, she has become stronger after becoming a part of Her household."

A beautiful bell-like voice resounded, accompanied by light the click and clack of heels against the worked-stone floor. 

"Hm, one's still alive, but paralyzed… Oh well, one more gift for Demiurge. He'd welcome more bodies for his experiments."

The guard frozen on the ground could hardly believe, or even understood, the disturbing words that flowed freely through the seemingly young and beautiful figure. 

He could not ask for any clarification, but what happened to him and the implications of her words, if they were true, sent a chill down his frozen spine. 

Sweat began pouring out of every pore in his body, and the chilling wind of night brushed against him as the little girl walked past.

His eyes, frozen wide-opened, could only stare at the gruesome visage of his fellow guard, unable to look away from the frightening sight. And his eyes, still functioning well, could only hear the sounds of bodies and armor clattering onto the ground one by one, as the light click clack of heels hit against the marble floor. 

Soon, Shalltear arrived in the largest room. She turned the brass handle and opened the door. 

In the bed, a woman laid in her sleep. Her chest heaved up and down rapidly. Her face flushed. And her thighs rubbing together with an obvious stench of the lowly woman's pheromones drifting around the air. 

'Must be Entoma's new spell from being a succubus.'

She noted. It was, after all, unnatural for her to suddenly act in such a way randomly. Unless she had also seen her beloved master. In that case, dreaming of being ravaged by him daily would be understandable. 

Shalltear walked to the edge of the bed, looked down, and slashed down at her legs with her elongated nails. 


"Ssshh… Quiet now. We won't want to wake the others, now do we? Well, if there are still "others" around here."

Hilma froze, frozen out of her will. Her eyes, bloodshot, widened in pure shock and pain. Her body arched up from the pain that suddenly exploded in her mind. She wanted to scream, even if it meant ripping her throat out if it meant it could release some of the pain and anguish she was feeling from losing her legs. 

But she couldn't. Her mouth was frozen opened in a silent scream as her eyes slowly focused on the figure before her. A little girl, a doll more beautiful beyond any little girls she had seen turned into the playthings of "great" nobles and even the idiot crown prince. 

'What's happening?! Who are they?! My legs! It's gone!'

Searing pain, anguish, fear, and confusion were all that filled her mind at this very moment. She couldn't even think of postulating who the little girl was, how she could appear in her room, or what her words meant.

"Now then, come on. I'll bring you to Demiurge to be baptized. Then… Fufufu~ I'll have my reward and meet Yuuji-sama~"

Shalltear grabbed Hilma by her fading golden locks, frozen by her "Hold Person" spell, and began dragging her down from her bed and tracing her path back out of the mansion. The blood flowing out of her legs marked her path. 


AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!! 

Also, if you'd like to read additional chapters ahead and get a pdf version (Light & Dark), please feel free to check out my at patr_eon.com/verglasx ~! 

Thank you~!

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