
Chapter 121 ~ Long Lost Siblings

Lelouch quickly made his way back to his home within the Student Government Building of the Ashford academy after having received a message from his little sister. 

It was a vague message, which told him to come home for a bit to meet a guest he'd recognize.

His mind immediately went to Yuuji, Tatsuya, Satoru, or Karen who knew of his true identity, his relationship with Nunnally, and was close enough with her that she'd allow them in their home. 

However, Yuuji and Karen, he knew, were going around the festival with C.C. While Tatsuya and Satoru never informed him that they'd be coming to his home…

If it's not them… then who could it be?

The anxiety for the safety of his sister and wonder of who could be coming to his home without him knowing made him speed up to the point of speed walking. 

He was supposed to meet up with Shirley soon, but this took precedence, and he told her he'll be a bit late. 

Upon arriving at his home, he quickly entered and heard giggles coming from his living room. He recognized one of the voices to be Nunnally's, and the other one… familiar. 

He turned the corner towards the living room, and froze when he saw the guest that Nunnally referred to.


The two girls stopped and turned towards the sound of the voice upon hearing Lelouch. 

"Ah, brother! You're back!"


He looked at his little sister in shock before turning towards Euphemia, who had stood up and directed a soft, gentle smile towards him. 

"Hehe~ Isn't this a pleasant surprise, brother~? I didn't expect to meet Euphie-neechan here~"

"Yes… This is a bit unexpected…"

His mind was racing. Now that he thought of it a bit more clearly, he could've easily guessed that the person Nunnally referred to was Euphemia. 

He knew that she would be here. He had seen her come to Ashford Academy in the anime. Even her clothes, sunglasses, and hat were exactly the ones she wore in the anime.

An apologetic smile appeared on Euphemia's face as she slightly lowered her head.

"I apologize for coming here so suddenly. But… When I saw Nunnally in the festival, I just had to meet her. Otherwise, with everything that has been… and will be going on, I don't think I'd get another chance like this again. 

To talk with her… and you."


Euphemia had a warm, affectionate look that she directed towards Nunnally when she referred to her. But when she turned towards Lelouch, he saw a look of seriousness that didn't fit her gentle, innocent look. 

"I see… Alright."

Lelouch nodded back with a small smile. Then, he moved towards Nunnally, knelt down beside her, and took her hands into his.

"Nunnally, can I speak with Euphie alone for a bit? Meanwhile, can you and Sayoko reheat the tea in the kitchen…?"


A look of surprise appeared on her face when she heard the graveness in his tone and nature of his request, and she inadvertently held his hands tighter.

"It's fine… I just have something to talk about in private with Euphie, okay? It will be just for a bit…"

The hold she had on his hand only became tighter as he continued to reassure her. But finally, she let go of him and nodded.

"I understand… Then, I'll be in the kitchen with Sayoko."

"Mm. Thank you for understanding, Nunnally."

Lelouch raised back up to his feet, called Sayoko, and had her accompany Nunnally to the kitchen after getting the teapot with them, leaving Lelouch and Euphemia alone in the kitchen. 

He let out a sigh, and turned towards his half sister, the third princess of the Holy Empire of Britannia, a smile still present in his face. 

"It's been a while… Euphie."


Lelouch nodded and gestured towards the chair with his hand.

"How about we take a seat first?"

Lelouch dragged a chair towards where Nunnally was while Euphemia sat back down on the chair she sat in while with Nunnally.

A few moments past in silence as Euphemia, in her sudden reunion with the banished half brother she hadn't seen for years, failed to find a way to start the conversation she had been wanting to share with him.

Until finally… with the fear of not being able to get another chance again for this, she began.

"Lelouch… You must've seen the announcement I've made… What do you think of it?"

Euphie twiddled her fingers and forced herself to look Lelouch in the eyes.

Her decision to establish the Special Administrative Zone of Japan… She knew it was an idealistic, controversial, and perhaps naive decision that she had made in hopes of ending the war in this land and giving both her homeland and the land she now currently stand on a favorable end in this conflict. 

It was only thanks to the support of her elder sister, Cornelia, and her elder brother, Schneizel, that she could make it a reality. But even then, she knew there would still be many obstacles ahead of her if she wanted to make the special zone as she envisioned it. 

Lelouch kept his eyes at her with a soft, neutral expression, not shying away from her direct gaze. 

If it was him in the past… He would've taken some drastic measures against the Euphemia and her plan to establish the special zone. After all, her plan, if realized, would render every single reason why the Black Knights fought mute. 

The Black Knights fought against Britannians to defend the Japanese and their interest against aggressions that Britannia started. And sometimes, they would also strike first in order to cripple, or delay Britannia's plans to suppress them.

But… by creating this special zone and winning the hearts of Japanese, even if not completely, she had unintentionally made the Black Knights an unwanted obstacle between the Japanese people and the peace they sought for so long.

With "peace" given to them on a silver platter, a rebellion group, whose mere existence caused chaos within the land, would be an unwanted hindrance.

And this would not be limited to regular Japanese civilians. Many of its members were Japanese who sought to fight for their peace, putting their lives on the line in the name of peace and freedom. 

However… no one wants to risk their lives… No one wanted to live on the battlefield, where one single step in the wrong direction could mean life or death. 

They would rather become a part of the special zone instead, where they could, at the very least, live a life away from the battlefield, where bullets tear through the air and blood seeps deep into the ground.

It was the obvious choice… And Lelouch knew this would eventually happen. Because in the anime, many members of the Black Knights did sign up to become a part of the Special Zone. 

Even if there was a chance that the Britannian could still be controlling it from the shadows, the special zone offered them a life away from war, away from conflict. And for those who had experienced and suffered through such things… it was only obvious that they'd choose the special zone. 

The Lelouch in the anime saw this happen in reality, and in a fit of madness, he asked Euphie to shoot him with a fake weapon when he was given a chance to meet her at the opening ceremony of the Special Administrative Zone of Japan.

He would "die" before the eyes of the Japanese, be deemed as a deceived martyr, and rise once again, elevated and seen as divine. 

Then, he'd be able to rally the Japanese to his cause, show them that the Britannians couldn't be trusted, and tear away their control over Japan using the strength of its angry people.

In hindsight… It was a rather foolish decision. He couldn't help but shake his head at the decision that "Lelouch" made. 

He had now gained a new perspective… Now that he had become a part of the group chat, and saw the end of his path if he never changed, his eyes were finally opened. 

All the hatred he had towards the emperor of Britannia. His wish to turn this world upside down, destroy it, and create it anew for his little sister, even if it would cost him his life… All of these things that seemed all consuming and made him blind to what was truly precious now seemed… smaller. 

Of course, he still wished to stop the emperor from completing the Thought Elevator and erasing mankind's will. 

Of course he still wished to see those who killed his mother punished. 

Of course he still wished to create a world where his sister could be happy. 

But… he now has the means and allies to accomplish them in a different way. A way in which he does not need to cause sadness to those he cared for by sacrificing himself in the process. A way to still be by his little sister's side and live happily with those he cared for… 

And the special zone Euphie intended to create… might be the first step towards that future. 

Seeing his silence, Euphie became a bit more nervous before continuing. 

"Lelouch, I wanted to create this zone… partly because I know you and Nunnally were here. I was hoping that this would let the two of you live in peace… I understand that this might not be the best method, but… I can't stand seeing even more unnecessary bloodshed and this war to continue any longer-"

A soft, helpless, gentle smile that Euphemia had almost never seen coming from Lelouch appeared on his countenance and froze her in place. 

"It certainly is a naive and idealistic approach to bringing peace into Japan, and it seems you're at least aware of it yourself. Yet, you still choose to do it anyway. I see you haven't changed at all, Euphie. You're still the foolish, naive, and innocent girl who'd make rash decisions with the purest of intention…"

Hearing the series of "insults" her half brother threw at her casually, Euphie pouted her cute little pink lips and "glared" at him. 

"... I know I'm not as smart as you, Lelouch. I've never won against you in games nor in studies. But that's still a bit too much…!"

A small laugh escaped his lips before he waved his hand. 

"I haven't finished. I was about to say that even though you've always been rash in your foolish decision, you ended up still winning it all in the end, just like how you ended up winning the hearts of the Japanese."

He looked at her with warmth, so much more warmth that Euphie had… ever seen from him. 

Something… Something had changed in Lelouch… No, perhaps instead of changing, he had returned to how he really was before Marianne, his late mother, passed away. 

"It's still a long road ahead, Euphie. Yes, many Japanese look up to Suzaku and see him as a ray of hope. And because you took him as your knight and showed your sincerity, you've won the hearts of many Japanese. But, there are still many who doubt you. Moreover…"

Lelouch glanced towards the window, and continued. 

"There are some Britannians that'd wish to use your special zone as a way to control the Japanese through the shadows, turning it into a puppet state. I know this to be true, because that is how Britannia simply is. 

And if that happened… the creation of your special zone would become the catalyst that turned the Japanese people directly into slaves of Britannia-"

"I won't let that happen!"

Epuhie's sudden shout caused him to turn his gaze back towards her. And there he saw her, eyes widened in horror and her body trembling in anger and fear from the sheer notion of his words.

"If you react that way to just the thought of it… Then I feel assured."

He let out a smile and nodded.

"But you need more than that determination, Euphie… You need the power to prevent it as well."


Euphemia inadvertently clenched her fists when Lelouch mentioned the word "power". 

Unlike her elder sister and elder brother, Euphemia… was powerless, both in the battlefield and in politics.

She only has her position as the third princess of Britannia, an empty title, and Suzaku. But, it still wouldn't be enough for her to protect the zone she created from her own empire. 

Euphie fell into a deep thought… When suddenly, Lelouch's words snapped her out of her daze and caused her eyes to widen in shock.

"The Black Knights… I believe it's time for you to know about this… So "we" can help you protect your ideals."

AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

Also, if you'd like to read additional chapters ahead and get a pdf version (Light & Dark), please feel free to check out my at patr.eon.com/verglasx ~!!

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