
Welcome to Powers

James disliked the idea of living in the mountains because he almost lived all his life by the beach... But he had no choice. His aunt had a job in a town called Powers so they had to move and live there for an entire year. He never knew the place and, crazy enough, he actually thought it was non-existent. But to his surprise, he started learning more about himself when he stepped right into Powers and made the whole town vanish again on his first day. As the "hundredth person", he was tasked by the mayor himself, Jonathan Powers, to finally uncover the truth behind the town's peculiar ways... and how to stop Serenity from taking lives again!

heykoen · Fantasie
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The hundredth person

There's a peculiar town up north hiding behind a facade of high rise mountains. It was called Powers for two reasons not even related to how the town looked like.

It got its name from an electric company, Powers Electric Corp., who built a dam high up the mountains. A very ambitious project indeed, the powerplant lasted only a decade.

It had a short-lived fame until the disastrous collapse of the dam that drowned a whole town. Serenity Lake which used to be a small, serene lake killed alot of locals and extended its reach far until it filled an entire valley.

The surviving families, most were loyal workers of the destroyed powerplant, followed the lead of Edmund Powers, the brother of the company's CEO. This man was regarded as the better Powers. The workers and their families listened to him as he led them in making a new settlement by the lake.

The settlement ultimately became the sleepy town of Powers. In honor of its very first mayor and the company that once made it flourish, the town became known to many as Powers.

Powers had became a famous tourist destination because of the Serenity Lake and its disastrous history. Tourists often enjoyed making boat rides most especially when they reach places in the lake where the old Catholic church stood. The top of the church bearing the cross fascinated many as it was not destroyed.

The fascination of these visitors often pained the locals especially the old ones. The history of the place was not exactly a fun memory for them. But, as years went by, the locals get used to it because it brought money to the town and food to their tables.

The town's fame somewhat vanished in the year 1987 when the town from that point until five years later disappeared.

Neighboring towns tried to look for Powers but all was in vain. Nobody could not find it until a small boy was lost in 1990. When he returned safe in 1992 he claimed that he got stuck in a place called Powers.

The town sparked interest to many again as people began flocking to places near the town and began seeing it again.

Nobody dared to ask anything to why the population of the city drastically dropped to just 67 people. And these people looked as if they experienced trauma from a war.

There were theories of what exactly happened but nobody confirmed anything. Nobody knew the real story of the disappearance.

As the years went on, the town almost became a 'ghost' town relying solely to tourist who sought thrills and somewhat loved being scared.

The once glorified town started to slumber. . . until the boy who was lost and lived there for two years went back and claimed his inheritance as he was, to nobody's knowledge, became legally adopted to the Powers' household became the mayor.

Mayor Jonathan Powers, young and ambitious. He promised to show Powers again to the world.

He was almost going to make it but to his dismay another "hundredth person" entered Powers... and made the town vanish again!