
Welcome to Hell, Heroes!

(18+, Grotesque Violence, Sexual Content, Abuse, Mass Murder) A psycopathic high schooler, consumed by his inner demons, encounters the devil himself. Instead of claiming his soul, the devil offers a sinister deal. "Hell? Don't be ridiculous," the devil chuckles, a flicker of malevolence in his eyes. "Those self-righteous prigs disgust me even more than you do. Let's strike a bargain. Eradicate those pathetic sheep, and I'll grant you your wildest desires."

Vanhel · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Prison Raid

The sun had risen, its light piercing through the gaps in the curtains and illuminating the room.

The chirping of birds and the warm sunlight fell upon the dragonkin girl's face, waking her. She opened her eyes and slowly regained awareness as she lay on the bed. As the memories of the previous night's events flooded back to her, she looked around the room and found Julian sitting in a chair in the corner.

"Grrrrr..." she groaned and growled, glaring at Julian with hatred as she covered her body with the blanket.

"Awake already? Go wash up and get dressed. I've got you a proper dress and breakfast ready," Julian said, his tone brusque.

She turned to look at the table beside the bed, noticing a new modest dress and a plate of eggs and sausage placed on top of the table

"I don't need food or clothes from you, human!" she spat back.

"You see, I don't think you understand your situation. I could have just thrown you away like a one-time-use wrapper, but I actually adore you. If you keep being stubborn and difficult, remember that I can cast you out onto the street. Imagine what your fate will be among those beggars and mentally fuckers out there."

She paused for a moment, but continued to glare at him angrily.

"I said wash up and get dressed! Or do you need me to bathe you?!" Julian glared back with intimidating aura.

She eventually relented and complied, making her way slowly to the bathroom.

After spending several minutes in the bath, she finally emerged, her body wrapped in a towel.

"'Get changed,'" Julian instructed firmly.

She stared at the dress on the table and then glanced back at Julian.

"What are you waiting for? Get changed already. Don't pretend to be shy and innocent. We've already fucked; it doesn't matter if I see you naked or not," Julian said dismissively.

She let the towel fall from her body and began changing into her new dress. Hickeys covered her pale white skin, but no matter how many times he saw it, her beauty is indeed out of this world.

After changing, she sat down on the bed and began to eat her breakfast. At first, she seemed reluctant, but soon she was devouring the meal as though she had been starving.

*Cough* *cough*

"Eat slowly, no one's going to take it from you. I can have the servants bring more if you like,'"Julian said as he poured a glass of water from a glass jug and handed it to her.

*gulp* *gulp* 

"haaah...What are you planning to do to me?" she asked, staring at Julian intently.

"I told you, if you behave and become my woman, I'll take care of you—clothes, food, shelter, even protection."

"And if none of that appeals to you, you're free to leave. But in a city you know nothing about, it's only a matter of time before you end up back in the slave auction."

She paused for a moment, absorbing his words, then continued eating her breakfast in silence.

"Once you've finished we should get going. I have a busy day ahead."

"Hmm... by the way, what's your name? Calling you 'you' all the time is impractical."

"Nymira," she answered curtly.

"Nymira... That's quite a unique name... Name's Julian. Remember it well; it's the name of your master."

After a moment of silence, Nymira finally spoke up and asked, "Who exactly are you? What is your goal?"

Julian leaned back in his chair and regarded Nymira thoughtfully. "I'm someone with big dreams and ambitions," he said cryptically. "As for my goal, you'll see soon enough. But for now, just know that your place is by my side. Be my consort, and you'll witness my plans unfold firsthand."

Julian's voice carried a hint of menace as he spoke. "Remember, Nymira, you belong to me now. Every part of you. If you even think about trying something foolish, you will regret it. Your life is in my hands, and your future is tied to mine. Don't ever forget that."

After Nymira finished her breakfast, she set the empty plate aside and stood up from the bed. Julian gave her a nod, and she followed him out of the room. They walked down the hallway in silence.

As they approached the elevator, Nymira glanced around, trying to take in her surroundings and familiarize herself with the unfamiliar environment. Julian pressed the button to call the elevator, and they waited for the doors to open.

As they stepped inside, Nymira kept her distance from Julian, watching him warily as the doors closed behind them.


The elevator stopped with a gentle jolt, and the floor indicator showed "4" as the doors slid open with a soft, metallic sound. Julian stepped out first, turning back to give Nymira a pointed look. She hesitated for a moment, then followed him out into the hallway. This floor seemed quieter than the one they had just left, with only a few closed doors lining the walls.

Julian entered the room confidently, holding the door open for Nymira to follow him inside. As they stepped into Baxter's office, they were met withvtension from the group waiting within. Baxter, nodded at Julian as he entered. Lydia and Brutus were also present, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and wariness as they eyed Nymira.

The fourth person in the room was an unfamiliar man who had a stern, calculating demeanor about him. His eyes briefly met Nymira's, and she felt a shiver run down her spine at the intensity of his gaze.

Baxter cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "How's the night? I hope the room is to your liking." he greeted. 

Julian gave a nonchalant smile in response. "For sure," he said, his gaze locking briefly with Baxter's.

Baxter glanced between the two of them, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Well then, let's get down to business."

"You've already met Lydia and Brutus, but today we have another companion with us."

"This is Alexei," he introduced, his tone hinting at the man standing nearby. "He's going to be a big help in our next step."

Baxter slid a file across the table, which Julian promptly picked up and began to review. As he flipped through its contents, Baxter outlined the strategy to the group.

"The plan is simple," Baxter stated, his voice steady and confident. "In order to take down the Apostle, we must first dismantle the foundation of their influence: their reputation and the people's faith in them."

"San de Leina Prison, the highest security prison in all of Desmont, houses 500 of the most dangerous criminals known to man. This is our next stop."

Before Baxter could explain any further, Julian interjected. "You want to release those 500 madmen onto the streets and pin the blame on the apostle and his followers."

With a big grin, Baxter nodded. "Bingo!"

"Alexei here knows the layout of the prison like the back of his hand," Baxter continued, gesturing towards the stern man. "He will be your guide in and out of the prison."

"Although, I won't say that this mission will be easy. The prison has a guard-to-prisoner ratio of 1 to 3. You'll need a surprise element," Baxter cautioned.


"Get moving!" a guard in uniform barked at the line of inmates waiting for their lunch.

The inmates were clad in orange shirts, their wrists bound in oversized handcuffs.

Among them, there was a suspicious inmate who glanced left and right as if he were hiding something. When his turn came to collect his food, he avoided making eye contact with the food service.

As the inmate approached the food service, his movements were tense and furtive, his eyes darting around nervously. Sensing something amiss, the guard overseeing the distribution narrowed his eyes.

"Hey, you!" he called out sharply. "Look at me when I'm talking to you."

Reluctantly, the inmate turned his head to face the guard.

"What's your name?" the guard demanded, scrutinizing the inmate closely.

The inmate muttered something unintelligible.

"Speak up!" the guard barked, growing impatient.


With those chilling words, the inmate swiftly reached inside his shirt and pulled out a grey, brick-like object. Time seemed to slow down for the guard as he stared at the suspicious item, his hand reflexively reaching for his baton at his waist, but it was too late.

A sinister smirk crossed the inmate's face as a massive explosion erupted, engulfing the entire block in a fiery inferno.

The deafening blast shattered the calm within the facility, sending shockwaves of panic rippling through the air. Sirens wailed, their shrill cries blending with the shouts and cries of inmates and guards alike. Chaos erupted as guards from neighboring blocks sprinted towards the source of the explosion.

As the car pulled up to a halt outside the prison gate, the group consisting of Brutus, Lydia, Alexei, Julian, and Nymira exited, their eyes immediately drawn to the thick plumes of smoke billowing into the sky from the facility.

"Is this what he means by 'surprise element'?" Julian sneered, his voice dripping with pessimism as he look upon the scene before them.

"The Patriarch is sometimes eccentric in his methods, but this is all part of the plan," Lydia remarked calmly, her tone reassuring as she addressed the group. "Now, let's get to work, shall we?"