
Welcome to Arcana

(Author note:Not going to continue writing anymore. Feedback: Reasons feedback poor.) Radley was a boy desperately trying to look after his struggling mother and sister. He was willing to do some really uncouth things to help them. One day an event took place called the rapture that destroyed some of the human population, his mother and sister being one of them. He lived primarily on the street and in the orphanage. He made a best friend called Allen, who too was a depressed kid. As one event led to another an unexpected accident caused Radley's death. Radley awoke in a world that made no sense. Follow Radley in this crazy fantastic new world with a system called DIFF (Death is for Fools). This system allowed him to invigorate himself to get stronger, but there are others like him in this world who can invigorate as well, but only he has DIFF system that allows him rise above all. A tale about survival in an inhospitable environment, with death waiting around every corner, while dealing with his own inner demons. (Author note: Not for sensitive readers)

WhosDatDude · Urban
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70 Chs

The Strategy

Radley walked up to Adrian who standing on the frontline looking through a pair of binoculars. He was smiling.

Radley inquired, "So what are we up against?"

"It's not as bad as I thought. I expected more."

"Can I see?"


He handed the binoculars to Radley. Radley checked the front people and tried scanning. It actually worked. So, binoculars could actually allow him to scan over a distance. He needed to get himself one.

"Oh, yeah almost forgot. Here take this Radley."

Adrian handed over an ornate shield. The stats were nigh ridiculous. It had a white metallic sheen and seem to be covered in gold on the edges. There were horns on the inside that was so large that it protruded outwards. The shield covered a large area and shaped in the form of an elongated kite, "It's a Paladin shield for lower levels, but this one is a bit special. It's made with wyvern horns and made of Albumerium. It is a level three to level eight shield. What makes Albumerium is unique for its energy absorption properties, while not an inherently strong material like Neodizamate, its properties puts it in a class of its own. The yellow metal on the edge isn't gold but a catalyst that buffs the properties by being an energy absorber. Any energy that is left is transferred and dissipates outwards. This way you get maximum protection for a low-level shield. This shield is as strong as it is going to get for a level eight. The wyvern horns are just straight-up protection, and an intimidation tactic."

Radley tested the shield a bit, "Shouldn't it be better to give something this grandiose to your daughter?"

He chuckled, "You still don't get it. I have decided to become your sponsor whether you like it or not."

Radley looked at the stats, this was a ridiculous shield. Defense of 155 and a durability of 350. It was a beast. Are Paladin shields really this powerful?!

"This is one hell of a gift! How much did this cost!?"

"You earned that kid, and it wasn't as expensive as you might think. Believe it or not, I am pretty well off. Why do you think that that magistrate was so adamant to get me on his side? Truth be told I wanted to give it to you a bit later, but I think that you need it more now than ever before."

"Thank you, I don't what to say."

"The thank you was more than enough.

Radley nodded and said something that Adrian wasn't expecting, "Look, I have to tell you a little secret. I can sense levels."

Adrian shook his head, "Even more surprises, why ain't I surprise."

"I have a suggestion."

"I listening."

"The front five guys at the other end of the bridge are shield bearers between the level of twelve and fourteen. Behind them, there are four hidden gunners between the same levels. We could use this to our advantage. We use the exact same tactic, but all honesty I think this is a diversion tactic. Don't you think their numbers are too few?"

"Mmm, now that you mention it I do think that was weirdly odd. I just thought we were lucky. Guess certain things are just to good to be true."

"Timing also played a role. Why did they not attack us outright? It's because they needed time. They will be attacking from the stairs. Getting us from behind. I suggest we use Adira to protect the rear and perhaps a few low-level supporters. I don't know their numbers but I do think they will use their best to hold the line, hence I think there will be one or two higher levels attacking us from behind with a bunch of lower levels. It would have been devastating as a surprise tactic, but we are aware of it now, and they won't be expecting Adira. The other thing is I don't think their Magistrate will get involved, because he thinks this will be an easy whitewash, well at least till the very end, that's when we will instigate peace talks and finish him off."

Adrian patted Radley on the head, "Smart lad, from the moment I laid eyes on you I knew you would be special."

Adrian broke off and spoke to the others about the plan. Adira didn't like it but reluctantly agreed.

She stood there with Radley, Elita, Rita and a bunch of other low levels. Adira placed his her hand on Radley's shoulder, "I hope you are correct about all this. I should be used on the front lines."

"Me too. I am surprised you working under Adrian with this."

"I am looking at it objectively. These people won't listen to an outsider to give the orders, so Adrian is the perfect choice as an already established figure."

"And that is where my big problem comes into play. If the council appoints a new Magistrate will the people take to him?"

"Yes, it will be during a time of peace and reconciliation. Though that said they should choose the replacement very carefully, and I can't take over. I already have an area of responsibility. Might even take you there someday. Hopefully, I will live long enough to see you become a Magistrate yourself."

"I have an idea that will happen."

"I misjudged you. Here I thought you were this common isled street rat when I first met you. Turns out you are quite the clever kid. Look well after my daughter."

Radley was indifferent, "You forced them on me, remember?"

She laughed, "Semantics."

Radley's instincts kicked into high gear. Something was wrong. The first of the people from the Westside did indeed show up just like Radley predicted.

This took Adira by surprise, "You were right! Battle formation everyone!"

A gunshot could be heard in the distance. Radley immediately knew that those were the high levels, but he didn't have time to ponder. His eyes caught the trajectory of the bullet. It was heading straight towards Elita. Radley jumped in between Elita and the oncoming bullet. The bullet punched right through Radley's shield and straight into him, puncturing his lungs. Radley buckled, "The high levels are gunners. Adira, you need to intercept!"

End of Chapter results:

Current exp: 18,236 \ 84 000

Current invigoration level: 3

Base Stats:

Attack: 12

Defense: 12

Agility: 15

Current equipment: The Horned Helm of Crowning Defense: 25

Durability: 65

Lumina Ingens Scorpius Chestplate Defense: 38

Durability: 75

Lumina Ingens Scorpius Leg armor Defense: 38

Durability: 75

Lumina Ingens Scorpius boots Defense: 25

Durability: 75

Albumerium Wyvern Kite Shield: Defense 155

Durability 350

Neodizamate axe: Damage 15

(The Protector) Durability 200

Neodizamate Knife: Damage 5

Durability 50

Diff point count: 10

Abilities learned through Diff: Advanced analyses (Passive)

Spatial awareness(Instant reaction II)

Toxin Detection

Minor Crafting

Telling Time


Abilities learned by himself: Power Slam II

Sonic Boom

Agility boost


Blobby: Blobby: Current form: Hybrid (Limun Lacerti Reptalia + Cornimarsunum)