

When we finally left the maze of tunnels where we got lost for an hour, the boys and I headed to my room to finish clearing up a few things.

- Okay, Mike, you don't be a guide again when we're in mazes. - I said as I closed my door.

- Yep I'm not good at that. - Nathaniel looked at him angrily, I feel sorry, and he got most of the traps.

- Forgetting the fact that I want to kill you. - I look at Mike- Say it, which is what you have in mind. – I look at myself.

And as fast as he came, the room was silent, the laughter that adorned Mike's face disappeared to make way for an unexpressed watching me waiting for answers.

- I mean. They have brought us here. Only for a scapegoat, for God's sake, whenever they want to regain territory, they call us when it comes to attacking when it's time to fight no before, besides I don't know your Nathaniel case. But they sleep you and bring you here without saying anything? - I point to Mike- Or that you're eldest and your hands. - Karina and Mathew- Behave strangely, I find it rare not to fit, I feel that this is more complex than it seems.

Once that sentence was over, the children said nothing their face was showing serious the room was silent until Nathaniel spoke.

- Strangers in what sense Sara. - Nathaniel looked at me that was the look I had when I discovered the piece of a puzzle.

- I don't know when my eldest calls me, he seemed worried, and he wondered that if I knew the reason for the meeting. Besides that Karina calls me the next day she seemed to want to tell me something, but Aron came and was alarmed when he saw us talking, then when we came here they gave me serum to sleep and Karina left.

I look at Nathaniel waiting for answers or an indicator to tell me that he knew it was happening. But he just sat watching the ground, I look confused at Mike who beckoned me that he wasn't understanding anything. I rolled my eyes. Mike can become as useful as useless. We were silent until Nathaniel rose from his chair with his eyes open looking at us for a second then go out the door. I don't hesitate so I followed him, Nathaniel left the house and stood in what appeared to be the garden, I didn't spend much time when Mike caught up with us.

- You're right, this is more complex than it looks. - Nathaniel spoke after a few minutes. - I was only informed that we had to recover the capital, the next day on the night we left, but they gave me the serum, and just as your Paula left. - Nathaniel turned to see me.

- Now that Alexander mentioned it was not there when I woke up, I don't remember him waking me up, but he wasn't there when he arrives.

Unlike other times Mike said it seriously while his face hardened showing expression would be so rare in him, it seems that we all found ourselves on the same page.

- We were all given the serum to sleep. We were very vague or without any information about what we are going to do. Besides we awakening, one of our hands was not whit us. - I said.

- And if we made other stops while we were sleeping, I mean our hands could have done something while we were unconscious because we had never been asleep before we were moved. We are always keeping consenting outside whatever time.

Nathaniel and I turned to see Mike, the wind was blowing proof that autumn was coming, but none said anything. We just keep watching each other. If what Mike was saying was true something very important step while we were moved, something that may be involved with why we were here and even if he didn't want it, it can be dangerous.