

I feel like someone called me and moved me, so I opened my eyes and looked around me, trying to remember where I was until my eyes fell on Karina, that's when I remembered, I was on my way to Australia.

- Sara, something has happened, we are going to make a detour in Iraq where I will have to stay, you will continue, Mathew will wait for you there.

I just nodded to continue sleeping, I don't know if it was because I still under the effect of the sleeping serum, but it seemed that Karina had been crying. I wanted to ask her what was happening. But my body would not allow it due to the serum. At least I realized I was already closing my eyes. It was then that I heard a "take care" from Karina. I wanted to ask her what she was referring to, but everything went dark.

-Sara wakes up Sara, you already arrived.

I woke up alarmed when I did not recognize the voice that called me, but I calmed down when I realized those green eyes that were watching me, Mathew, I look for Karina with my eyes, but I do not see her.

- Karina is not here. She will come later. - Mathew remind me.

- Sure, I'm sorry it's just that you and Karina are always when I wake up after a long trip. It's the custom.

He just smiled. It wasn't until that moment that I realized where I was. It was a very... curious room. I began to explore it with my eyes until Mathew spoke.

- Do you like it? It will be your room for the time we are here. I decorate it myself.

-I guess it´s okay. I don't know after all this. I find it a bit strange.

I wanted it to sound like a joke, but Mathew did not see it that way because as soon as I mentioned that he was sad, between Karina and Mathew, they always tried to make me have a kind of a normal childhood, but Mathew tried more.

- Hey, don't be like that, it's a joke. I love it.

Mathew smiled, but it was a sad smile. I don't like to see him like this and even less knowing that it's my fault, I just hugged.

-Thank you very much. - He returned the hug.

We stayed that way for a minute until Mathew mentioned that it was lunchtime and that he didn't want to risk Martha scolding him for skipping one of my meals.

- Have the others arrived yet?

- Mike arrived two days ago, but he went out to buy something, he will be back shortly. Nathaniel will arrive tonight, and Elena will not come until classes start. Apparently, he has to solve something with a deputy and a law council.

-Those damn kasacs.

- Sara that vocabulary. - Martha came into the room with my food.

- Sorry, but is the truth, they are nothing more than wretches who do not care about anything other than having power, even though we are in a war.- When I said that Mathew agreed with me.

- Besides that, they want to have control over us and our secrets to be able to try... that, and we do not want it to happen. Right? - Said a voice behind me.

- Oh my god, Mike! - I do not hesitate, and I throw myself into the arms of my best friend, oh how much I had missed him these last months. Mike is a tall boy with brown eyes and blond hair, as well as being very white. He is one of the few who understands my pain. We both came to this place together after having lost everything, he supports me, and I support him, together we have suffered, and together we have tried to overcome all the pain. - You do not know how much I have missed you, so many things have happened in these months. - I couldn't stop tears from coming out of my eyes. I had missed him a lot.

- I've missed you too. A lot, Sara. - I felt like the shoulder of my blouse began to get wet.

After that emotional meeting, Martha forced me to eat while Mike sat next to me and began to tell me about what he had been doing. At some point during the talk, we only found him and me sitting in the dining room, but it does not matter. The only thing I wanted was to be able to spend time with him.

- Hey Sara, how are you doing? - When Mike said that, I couldn't do anything than smile sadly as I remembered what I had said to him on that occasion when we were able to speak through the communicators.

- Well, I've tried to talk to my Major so that he allows me to see him, but after how he reacts that time, he doesn't want to risk an attack happening again.

- And how do you feel about this?

- Well, I don't know there are many things, for one side, I understand it, I don't want to have another attack, but I also want to see him, it's the only thing I have left, and I want to be with him, even though he can't see me, I know he can hear me, and I would like to be with him, but. - I could not continue to articulate words, I was crying and could not stop.

- It's not possible for someone of our status. - Mike finished for me.

After saying that, the place was silent, no one spoke, and he said the truth that despite being cruel was true, we are not allowed to do many things, the organization has us very controlled.

- But we can't do anything, we chose to do this and we accept all the clauses, the moment we decide to follow this path we accept all the sacrifices that it involved. - I said.

Mike only nodded to what I said after that, no one spoke, the place was silent, no one wanted to speak, we liked this silence, no matter how dark it is, we like it, we feel comfortable, in the dark we can find a refuge from all this, It is like the arms of a mother, it comforts you.

- Hey, I just got in touch with Carlos, Nathaniel has just arrived he will be here in fifteen minutes, get ready we will explain what you will do and we will give a reconnaissance tour around the area. - Mathew explained to us.

That said, I went up to my room to get ready, I took out my expedition clothes which consisted of a black bodysuit with tennis shoes of the same color, once outside I went into the bathroom to take a shower, once I got dressed and went down to the room to await Nathaniel's arrival. Just when I was going down the stairs I managed to hear how the front door of the house was open.

- Qiymətli xəzinə. - Greet Nathaniel as per protocol.

- Good since you've arrived. - Point to Nathaniel- You can explain all the details of this mission. - Point to Mathew, Carlos, and Marco.

- Always so direct, Sara. - Nathaniel mention with derision.

I just winked at him and sat between him and Mike to wait for them to explain how things were going to be.

- Well, since you are so eager to know what they will do, join us. -When Carlos said that, he went to the bar that was on one side of the kitchen and triggered something that made the bar open, giving way to a dark corridor.

- Did you know that it can do that? - I whispered to Mike.

- Nope, I'll put it like this, I don't even know what we're doing here, I just know that I went to sleep and when I woke up I was already here and Marco just said that we had a mission to do. - Mike said very calmly. I just stared at him with a face of disbelief, I don't know how he can be so like that.

- Mike, you really are so, ahg. - I try to claim him, but it's just useless.

- Sara, don't even try, I gave up on that a long time ago, and you better reach Carlos and the others. - I mention Nathaniel behind me.

We followed Mathew and the others into the corridor, which was very dark, in these cases I appreciate having the sight of a feline to be able to see in the dark. After many laps, through what is a maze, in my opinion, we came to a door that gave access to what appears to be the organization's makeshift base here in Australia.

- Well here is the control base where everything that happens within the capital and its surroundings is observed. - I mention Marco.

- They will also be provided with the appropriate equipment for each mission given to them for the recovery of the capital and later of the country. - Mathew continued.

After that, the children and I began to observe around the base while we qualified how the work team was, sincerely I did not know any of them, therefore I did not trust them much, and I wish they had brought Charly or Maximiliano, they are the best and I know them.

- Well, what do you want to know? - Carlos said that while he led us to a kind of room separated from the base by a door and offered us something to drink.

- Because we did not start by what exactly are we going to do? Because I already observed that some do not even know what they are doing here. - I Look to Mike who just smiled at me.

- They will liberate the capital of Australia since it has merilia mines and right now we are a little short of said material and since after that your weapon was destroyed and you need another one because we believed that it was an opportune moment. - I mention Carlos seriously, but I know he was making fun of what happened three months ago.

- Well if I mentioned it my Major, but I just wanted to be sure of everything.

Carlos just nodded to what was said, then someone knocked on the door whispered something in Marco's ear, who opened his eyes and shot a look at Mathew and Carlos.

- Well now that all your doubts have been resolved, why don't you go back and explore the place where dinner is ready? We will see you later. - Marco finished.

When we least realized it they had already taken us out and closed the door.

- Okay, that was weird. - Nathaniel said as he looked at the door.

- Needless to say, besides, despite my hearing I can't hear anything, they are hiding something. - Mike mentioned as he cleared his ear from the door. I began to feel a gaze on me so I sneakily observed and saw how everyone was watching us, so I decided to interrupt before anything else happened.

- No more nonsense, their reasons will have, better let's go, we have to see how is this place where we will spend a long time.

Nathaniel seemed to understand my hint, but Mike, as always, did not understand what he was going to reproach for, but Nathaniel hit him and I gave him a look to shut up. After our "conversation" we headed towards the exit while we were observed by everyone until a moment came when it bothered me.

- I did not think that in Australia they were so disrespectful to the point of staring at their elders. - I released the comment loud enough while looking at my companions who let out a wry laugh. My comment seemed to give the expected result because everyone stopped watching us while we walked towards the exit with the posture that we were taught, head up, serious eyes, and straight body, the posture of the five best, of the best unit, of the entire organization.