
Weirdly Walking Dead

Dude kept finding people who shouldn't be in this fandom with both familiar looks and names, though they are apart of this fandom now. SI as Rick Grimes younger brother but doesn't get his memories until Rick gets shot. Lived with Rick and his family for the last few years so he could help babysit Carl in his off time and save money to buy a house, when he turned 21 he worked security and a year later joined the sheriffs department as well while still staying at the house simply to save and help his brother since they worked different shifts.

Westley86 · TV
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6 Chs

Weirdly 5

7th day of apocalypse

It was several days later, the end of the first week of the apocalypse and it almost seemed like there were more of these little shits than less! I have fucking killed hundreds if not thousands of them and they just keep multiplying like cockroaches and I can admit it, it is annoying as fuck!

This isn't a fucking video game with respawn right? Are they coming from other places? This town ain't that fucking big damnit!

On another note, other than getting to know each other we had also decided to loot anything remotely useful from the entire block of houses and we had a decent system in place by the second day of living together. The younger girls would watch the kids and the older girls would watch my ass so nothing would sneak up on me while I was making noise to draw the Walkers out of their hidey holes when searching buildings.

It's also important to note that the military had definitely bugged out of the town and hospital by now, whatever was left of them anyways.

We had looted and stockpiled all the food, any decent clothes that would fit the kids and ourselves that we liked or might need in the future, bedding and any baby type food or formulas as who knows when something like that would be needed, of course any weapons, good knives and guns, and we even found a small enclosed trailer that the RV could easily pull behind it with some of the things we grabbed.

We hadn't really hit any of the bigger stores in town, well big for this town anyways, such as the only sporting good store in town, a dicks sporting goods to be exact, we hadn't hit them because I honestly didn't think we were ready as a team to do so. It had only been a few days since we had met and we all got to know each other, while making a few dozen runs on nearby houses in the neighborhood, accessing each others skills and learning to kill the Walkers without too much effort.

By the end of the second day they could, Raven and Sam that is, reliably shoot Walkers in the head from a little over a dozen feet away. Nothing spectacular but it means I didn't have to worry too badly about them freezing and getting their asses bitten after the first few times and they got into the swing of things. I had to watch them closely those first few times just in case.

I had already scoped the sporting goods store out a bit, enough to know that there were definite walking corpses in there and that I didn't really want to clear it alone at all.


"Y'all ready?" I ask the two beauties as we stand in front of the door to the fairly large store. The doors didn't have power so the sliding glass doors didn't open automatically.

Just looking through the glass you could tell that something unpleasant happened behind these doors, knowing the world as we do, it was pretty obvious that the something unpleasant was a slaughter going by the gore and grossness all around.

"Are we sure we really want to go in there…?" Raven asked hesitantly. Well not really, the smell alone makes me want to turn back if I'm being honest.. that is the one thing I haven't been able to get over and I want to gag every time one of the smelly bastards gets near me. The television series, while bringing that aspect up definitely down played how bad the smell was, either that or my nose is extra sensitive.

"No, I really don't want to go in there if I'm being honest but at the same time we have to know how to clear places like this for the future as it will be necessary eventually and we might as well do it before someone else loots the place as well as other places or it will simply be gone later." They both looked resigned to their fate similarly to the look I probably have myself right now. They understood it was necessary but liked it just as little as myself.

The first thing I did after forcing open the sliding doors was tap my knife on the metal of the door fairly loudly (as if my opening the door didn't make enough noise) to draw the Walkers to the front so we didn't have to go inside the dark building searching for hiding corpses, even if we would still do that later anyways.

Thankfully they didn't come as some kind of fleshy tidal wave and only came in groups of 2 or 3 and we kept the doors closed enough so that only one could exit the store at a time but eventually shit just got repetitive. There ended up being more than I thought there would be as in the end, at the door alone, there were over 30 corpses. I had begun to sweat and ache from the exertion and was relieved when the last one came so we could take a break.

I had after every wave, kept hitting the metal part of the door with the butt of my knife harder and harder so the sound would travel further into the depth of the store. The girls did manage to take out the stray Walker here and there that were drawn to the noise from other places outside of the store so it wasn't just me doing the work at least. And damn if I didn't already need a shower.

Keeping the gore off of you is easy when you are only dealing with one corpse at a time but when your starting to deal with them multiple at a time and in quick succession… well goo accumulates and it isn't a pleasant smell or feeling to be covered in the shit.

After about 15 minutes break from drawing the dead to us and more coming in that time the others are either stuck, or just playing possum for whatever reason, it didn't really matter. Thankfully we had some really bright flashlights and there was some light coming in through the windows of the store since it was daylight out still so nothing should be able to easily sneak up on us.

I should mention that for better or worse we had closed the sliding doors behind us as we entered so that more shitheads couldn't come in behind us so come hell or high water we knew we had to clear this bitch no matter what as running was a dangerous option at this juncture.

Tell me what you think!

I have plenty written for this story it’s just not out in coherent chapters right now as I simply don’t have much time to do anything with it due to work schedule.

Westley86creators' thoughts