
Week 566655

When Jayce open his eyes, he was surprised to find himself reborn into a fantasy world of dragons and magic, knights and... princesses. Not only that, but even his previously designed game system followed him into this world. Then, is to travel thousands of world, gain infinite strength, become brave, defeat the Demon King to marry the princess, embark on the peak of life...... Wait, before that, why am I reborn as a cult that everyone shouts... Beast? -×- (This is translated version) >Original Link: https://sj.uukanshu.com/book.aspx?id=73329 (~3 chapters a weak) -×- You need to keep in mind before you read: First, I'm not native English. Second, I'm just a beginner translator. Third, My English knowledge is acquired from reading various novels and... let's not forget school. Fourth, This is the human translation, I'm just 1 person translating this, so I'm a get tired too. Fifth, The reason I'm translating this to improve my writings, English, and creativity to make my own story. -×- Support me by leaving a review

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New World?

[Exclusive Quest: The Curse of Frostmourne]

[(This magic sword is eager to devour souls full of pain, and all you have to do is to satisfy its desire - Frostmourne, hungry (requires the holder to get no less than 1000 soul power in the next task world, the success of the task random reward +1, failure of the holder will be subject to The curse of Fostmourne, countdown to 24H)]

"It's killing me..."

Looking at this task prompt, he could not help but grind his teeth, he already knew that the soul power mentioned above is probably the human soul, and to complete this task, then it is the same as asking him to kill a thousand people ... This is not a thousand pigs! It's a thousand pigs lined up for you to cut, you can't probably be finished in a day!

But want him to give up this task?

Haha...It's not that he has never played World of Warcraft before and does he know how terrifying this sword is? The curse of Frostmourne, he could bear it before hell.

But what made him depresses is that he does not know how he drew this thing because he remembers very clearly that he only finished the main framework and setting of the system, as for the soul stone and other quest realms inside, he simply did not complete, the program team did not start work, but why, he could summon the soul stone through this half-finished product, and also the soul stone of Lich King's?

And this dimensional teleportation...


Looking at the panel in front of him, he let out a long sigh. If he could, he didn't want to go through this mission. After all, no one knows which world the system will take him to. But if not, he knew very well that with his current power, as long as the Kingdom of the Holy Church came, then he would only be captured.

It's not that he didn't think about hiding in the mission world, but unfortunately, he knew very well that he had set a time limit for each mission world stay. Not only that, like the soul stone, every time he comes out of the mission world, the teleportation function will be on cooldown and will only be turned on after some time, nor could he hide from the Holy Church Kingdom and the Day of Destruction sect by constantly carrying out missions.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

And his hunch has always been very accurate.


Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated. He closed the code in his hand with a "pop" and whispered to himself. Soon, he saw that the heavy dimensional code in his hand suddenly turned into a circle of light, surrounding him in it. The next moment, only his figure disappeared instantly, and then the scattered halo quickly collapsed and turned into a circle of light. A little light and dust disappeared.

"swish~ swish~"

Not long after he disappeared, a dense sound of wing flapping, followed by the sight of several winged, pure white celestial horses descended from the sky and landed in the place where he had previously hidden.

"My sister, what have you found?"

Riding on top of the celestial horses, a man dressed similarly to the silver knight, Jayce had seen before stared carefully at the ground, then asked in a low voice. Hearing his inquiry, the female rider riding on another celestial horse closed her eyes and sensed for a moment, then shook her head.

"I didn't sense any aura, parishioner, I think the other party has already left here."

"The cursed cultist ..."

Hearing the female knight's reply, the man clenched his fist hard.

"Not only did they kill our companions, but they even desecrated their corpses and souls! Such behavior can never be forgiven! In the Goddess's name of Order, we will never let our comrades die in vain! Justice will eventually be done!"

Saying this, the man gave a strong wave of his hand.

"Let's go, keep searching, that cultist won't get far! He must be nearby, search for me!"


For Jayce, the feeling of teleportation can not be pleasant at all.

At the moment he disappeared, he felt his feet immediately turned into a void. Then his whole body is as if on a slide with no end as fast as falling. He could not even tell if he was falling, only felt as if countless stars were flashing around him, and everywhere was a sky spinning --- and immediately after, he only felt his body soaring high up.

The next moment, gravity captured his body once again without mercy.


Once again lashed to the ground, he could not help but scream out, he felt his body simply as if it was going to fall apart, no part of his body was intact.

How can he be so unlucky, crossing twice in a row and being thrown to the ground twice in a row? There is no heavenly justice and king's law?


Just when he was inwardly slandering, he saw a man's voice ringing in his ears, and then he felt someone pulling him up from the ground. He opened his eyes and looked in front of him, only to see a man in armor staring at himself with a deadly stare.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I, I'm fine."

Although it was not clear who the man in front of him was, he shook his head and forced himself to wake up before he opened his mouth to answer. And hearing his answer, the man finally breathed a sigh of relief, then he let go of him and raised the long sword in his hand.

"Quick, let's get out of here! The damn undead are about to surround us! If we don't leave now, then we'll never be able to leave again!!!"


Hearing the man's words, he looked to the side, only to find that in the pouring rain, there are dozens of full-body festering, as if the movie of the living dead-like monsters towards them, near to them, at the moment there are several soldiers have fallen in a pool of blood, not breathing.

Holy shit, how come again?

Looking at this scene in front of him, he was completely speechless. The system are you trying to play me to death? I was just reborn and was being chased, and to avoid the chase, I changed the world and was still under siege?

But fortunately, this time, the siege of him is not those terrible paladins, but a group of living dead... well, this is not much better.

The speed of the living dead is not fast, but their number is very large. If not he and the man run fast, he afraid that after being surrounded, they cannot get out.

"Damn it!"

Until he escaped from the encirclement, the man then clenched his fist hard and swung it in the air.

"I didn't expect that so many undead creatures would appear near the church! It's a pity about those good lads... hey, I don't even have the means to bury them ......"

Having said this, the man sighed, and then he glanced at him.

"Well, let's go back to Tristram, these damn undead will attack there, we have to protect it!"

"I know."

Hearing the man's order, he said nothing and just nodded his head. In the system's world mission, his identity had already been arranged by the system. Only up to now, he has not figured out which world this is, judging from the man's dress, it seems to be like the main world where he was reborn, right?

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, he and the man wretchedly return to the town known as Tristram. This is a town that does not look very big. The entrance to the town gate is closed, only the two militia standing on the two sides of the sentry tower holding a longbow. When they saw the two people coming to the gate, the guard on the sentry tower immediately bent his bow and arrow and aimed at him and the man.

"Who are you guys? What are you doing here?!"

And in the guard's face's inquiry, the man beside him shouted.

"It's me! Rumford! And Jayce! We're back!"

"It's Captain Rumford!"

Hearing the voice of the man called Rumford, the guard on the sentry tower froze for a moment, then immediately waved and shouted.

"Open the gate! Captain Rumford and the others have returned!"

Along with the guard's shout, the gate slowly opened, and Rumford took him inside with him.

Just into the town, he can feel the tension here. Under the pouring rain, the whole town looks gloomy and cold. And in front of a large pit not far away, several militia bodies are lying around. Seeing these corpses, Rumford's eyebrows instantly wrinkled.

"Why not cremate them?"

"It's raining too much now! Captain!"

Hearing Rumford's inquiry, one guard touched a handful of rain on his face and replied loudly.

"We have no way to light them!!"

"Then build a cloth to keep the rain off! Use kerosene! Do you also wish to see them rise again and drag you into the abyss of death as well?! Go!"


Hearing Rumford's order, the militiaman also hurriedly turned around and left. And only did Rumford let out a breath and then looked at him.

"Well, Jayce, you are lucky to come back alive... go to the Bull Slaughter Inn to rest, change your clothes, have something to eat, and tell the boss it's on my account."

"Okay, Captain Rumford."

Hearing Rumford's words, he also nodded and then turned to leave. He also needs a little time to think about what this world he has come to is a place, The words that Ramford said before are too informative, listening to him makes him also dizzy, he vaguely feels this Tristram a little familiar, as if he had heard somewhere...

He also intended to find someone to ask where the Bull Slaughter Inn was, but soon he realized he didn't need to bother with that effort --- because there was only this hotel in this town, and the sign was still hanging on the door.


The first thing that he smelled was a pungent smell of medicine, and then he saw a few badly wounded soldiers lying there wailing by the wall of the hall. And seeing his arrival, the boss who was standing behind the counter, waved at him.

"Yo, Jayce! You're really lucky to come back alive!"

"Fortunately, my luck is good, boss."

Faced with the boss's greeting, he also responded with a small smile, while the boss nodded with a smile.

"Yes, you went with sixteen people, and it turned out that only you and Captain Rumford came back alive, which is luck...Okay, let's not talk more nonsense, I have prepared a change of clothes for you in the room, and hot broth and scones "

He also starving this time, he has not eaten a bite of rice. So when he heard the boss speak, he hurriedly went to change his clothes and came out to enjoy his dinner. In all fairness, these things are not delicious, but when people are hungry naturally everything tastes good, and he is no exception, anyway, someone treats, so he is not polite to let go of his appetite to eat, but also did not forget to brag about the boss's handiwork. And as a person living in this kind of medieval era, of course, the hotel owner has never heard the boasting of people who have experienced the information explosion like him, just a few words will make him smile, not only to give him additional meals, he even waved his hand, which directly avoided the cost of the meal.

And, he is also finally inquired from the store owner, what happened before.

"You mean the ...... meteorite star?"


Hearing his inquiry, the shopkeeper nodded with a gloomy expression.

"There was a meteorite that fell from the sky and hit the church directly, destroying the whole church! Alas, you did not see the scene, it was too terrible. Later, Leah, the little girl came and said she was going to gather the militia to find her uncle, hey... did not expect this to happen..."


Hearing this, he could not help but frown, and then he seemed to think of something like looking at the boss.

"By the way, what is the name of Miss Leah's uncle?"

"Well... seems to be called... Deckard Cain."

Hearing this, he finally knew what world he had come to.

This is an incomparably dark and desperate world, a world where all people are struggling to survive, but can only helplessly accept their fate.




(Houtarou Oreki)

(The more inexperienced you are, the more you want to show off)