
Week 566655

When Jayce open his eyes, he was surprised to find himself reborn into a fantasy world of dragons and magic, knights and... princesses. Not only that, but even his previously designed game system followed him into this world. Then, is to travel thousands of world, gain infinite strength, become brave, defeat the Demon King to marry the princess, embark on the peak of life...... Wait, before that, why am I reborn as a cult that everyone shouts... Beast? -×- (This is translated version) >Original Link: https://sj.uukanshu.com/book.aspx?id=73329 (~3 chapters a weak) -×- You need to keep in mind before you read: First, I'm not native English. Second, I'm just a beginner translator. Third, My English knowledge is acquired from reading various novels and... let's not forget school. Fourth, This is the human translation, I'm just 1 person translating this, so I'm a get tired too. Fifth, The reason I'm translating this to improve my writings, English, and creativity to make my own story. -×- Support me by leaving a review

Asthreus · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Luckily I'm not the protagonist

Diablo --- He is certainly familiar with this series, the magnificent magic, evil scenery, and settings, plus the endless brushes, which is the impression most players have of this world. But as long as the players who have studied this world in depth will be very clear, this world... just looks cool.

As its name suggests, it is dark, full of death and destruction, and can never be turned around. The human struggle for only a moment of peace, but this period will not be long before it is unceremoniously broken.

It is as if the sun will eventually rise and the ice will eventually melt.

And it's a world that's unfriendly to the protagonists.

Don't look in the game, the protagonists are all God to kill God, Buddha to kill Buddha, but Diablo through three generations, almost no few protagonists have a good end.

The three main characters in the first part of Diablo, the warrior, inserted the soul stone of the big pineapple into his brain, trying to use his strong will to suppress the evil soul of the big pineapple. And then the big pineapple corrupted and then became a prop for the resurrection of the big pineapple. The other two are not much better, either after death was transformed into evil spirits, or succumbed to the evil will to corrupt and degenerate, and finally became the BOSS and then the second part of the protagonist killed, of course, as the successor of the protagonists is also not good to end... kill the demon king to go home and marry the princess that is What a daydream, these people either disappeared or were killed.

(T/n: Tell me what is big pineapple about in Diablo, it confuses me if this is the right word I use 3 translation but they show is still pineapple.)

The main character's aura is lifesaving, but in this world, the main character's aura is deadly!

because of that, after figuring out this world, his first reaction was a relief... Luckily the protagonist is not me!

If he remembered correctly, he crossed the third part of Diablo; the plot is now the opening part, a meteor fell from the sky smashed Tristram Church, Decard Caine granddaughter Leah gathered militia to find her grandfather, and the protagonist shine, and then just embarked on a road of no return... Well, the road of no return.

(T/n: tell me what the name of the protagonist in diablo? cuz I can't find the name of the protagonist )

Although his memory for the plot of this one is not very clear to remember, he believes that the unlucky protagonist absolutely no good results in the future. Even if he defeats the big pineapple, so what? Anyway, the world is malicious to the protagonist that is leverage, either by old friends sent assassins to death, or because of magic out of control, unlucky, and died, or by the influence of evil forces corrupted and degenerated thus becoming the next generation of the protagonist to send equipment BOSS.

The main character's aura is so unlucky, who wants it anyway, he is not sensitive.

"Knock knock!!!"

Just as he finished his broth, suddenly a rush of footsteps came, then only to see a militia running into the hotel.

"Jayce! Captain Rumford wants you to go to the gate immediately! That damned undead has appeared again! We must hold them off!"

"I got it!"

Hearing the militia's words, he said nothing else and hurriedly stood up to follow the militia to leave the inn. By this time, the rain had stopped, and a few people could be seen more or less around. But most of them look nervous and anxious. But at this moment, he is not in the mood to care about these people; he came to the front door, only to see that Captain Rumford has also changed his clothes, is now directing other militia to make barricades, see him, Rumford immediately waved his hand.

"Quick, Jayce, come and help, we just repelled a wave of undead attack, they... deserve to die!... again!"

Before he could say anything he saw the barricade on the right was smashed with a bang, and then several living dead walked in slowly, their eyes glowing, staggering towards the door. Seeing this scene, several other militiamen suddenly also tensed up.

They clutched the weapons in their hands and didn't dare to breathe as they looked at the monster in front of them.

His ear also sounded a "ding" system beep, followed by a line of the information displayed in front of his eyes.

[Scene quest triggered: Guardian]

The dark and evil forces have descended, the flame of civilization is like a candle in the wind, the test of doom is coming, all you can do is accept the challenge to face the dark future (resist the attack of the undead, defend the town, the mission success to learn skills +1, the next dimensional points +1)]

Finally, a quest!

Seeing the quest in front of him, he also pulled out his Frostmourne, but looking at the others as if they were on the verge of despair, he was still a bit puzzled inside. his understanding of this world is limited to the game, the plot, and the setting. As for the strength of the monsters in this game, he does not know very well. But in his opinion, these living dead have nothing to be wary of, their speed is very slow, and not like those zombies in the world of Resident Evil and so on will also mutate and strengthen, if it is the elite with a halo, then maybe there is still a little threat. But these walking three swayings, living dead, to make Rumford such a battle-hardened warrior so nervous?

Doubt, but he also concentrated his spirit, vigilantly watching the living dead in front of him. He knows very well that he has just come to this world, and his understanding of this place is certainly not as good as Rumford's, since the other side is so nervous, then he certainly will not let down his guard.

After all, it is better to be careful in everything.

Although the speed of the living dead is very slow, their purpose is quite clear, straight towards the gate, and at this moment even he is also clutching the long sword, swallowing his saliva, feeling their heart thumping. This can be said to be his first serious battle after coming to the other world, and he does not know what he can do.

Although he can still activate the soul stone of the Lich King four times, he will not use it --- the living dead is a junior monster in the dark world, he fought this open Lich King? That is not an anti-aircraft gun to hit the mosquito?


Just as those living dead stepped into the attacking circle, Rumford roared, raised his long sword, and slashed at the living dead. And he also clenched his teeth, gripped the hilt of Frostmourne, and slashed down hard at the Living Dead in front of him.


Holy shit!!!

Until this sword cut, he was dumbfounded. He finally understood why a group of living dead who walk slower than a grandmother would make an old warrior like Rumford a great enemy.

One word to describe it is --- hard!

This guy is so hard!!!

Although the Frostmourne in his hand is not activated because of the soul stone, most of the special abilities can not be used, but simply as a sword, it is also considered equally excellent. When he was dealing with the silver knights, Frostmourne cut through their armor as easily as cutting butter. But his sword cut on the living dead, it felt as if it was cut on a tire! He only felt that Frostmourne only cut into the muscle, and then it was stuck!

There is no such thing as a hard-living dead!

But what surprised Founder was more than that...


Although the living dead moved slowly, it was not a target either; it roared low, then opened its hands and grabbed towards him. He hurriedly drew back his long sword, then blocked the incoming attack in front of him. But what he didn't expect was that at the same time those claws of the living dead hit Frostmourne, he felt a powerful force coming at it, and then he flew out just like that!   


He hit the door behind his head-on and just felt his whole body falling apart. He now finally understood why this group of living dead who looked like they were hobbling on their feet and were not much faster than a turtle crawling could destroy a militia team!      Besides slow speed, these bastards have no weaknesses at all!  

In the game, there are two swords Nefitian.

He thought that these living dead are soft as persimmon, this is good, they may not be as bizarre as those mutant zombies in Resident Evil, but just this hardness and strength, a proper tyrant level ah!   

"Founder! Stand up quickly, don't let them surround you!      

Hearing Captain Rumford's shout, he also gritted his teeth, rolled to his feet, and raised the Frostmourne in his hand to meet the living dead again. But this time he learned wisely, he did not go head to head with this living dead, because he has found that the living dead in the dark world strength, high defense, but speed is their flawed.

The first thing you need to do is to let the living dead attack you first, and then when the opponent raises his hands, he immediately slashes the living dead's hands with his sword.      

This time Frostmourne finally showed the power of its divine tool, although the arms of the living dead are also very hard, under the full force of his blow was completely cut off, and the living dead without hands immediately like a toothless tiger, although it shook its head to attack he once again.

But this time he is also learned to be clever. He directly cut off its head, only to see the living dead swayed a few times, and then fell to the ground without a sound.      

After all, there is still away. Seeing this living deadfall down, he was relieved.

Then he hurriedly grabbed his weapon and ran towards the other living dead.      

Captain Rumford and the other militia were just tangling with these living dead, and he just took a glance and understood why they couldn't beat the living dead. Weapons do not work!

In his hand, he is holding the Frostmourne. Cutting up these living dead is so difficult, these people are holding only the most common standard weapons, naturally even worse.

He saw with his own eyes Captain Rumford slash the living dead with his sword, and it took four or five cuts before he made a few wounds, as if he had chiseled them out with a knife on a stone slab!   

"Captain Rumford!!!"      

Hearing his shout, Rumford glanced at him, and after seeing the living dead who fell at his feet, his eyes lit up, then immediately nodded to him. He took a half step forward and wielded his long sword to hold the living dead in front of him.

And he took advantage of Rumford to attract the attention of the living dead gap to come behind it, then he swings his sword, cut off the head of the living dead. Those militiamen are also experienced. Seeing that the weapons in his hands can deal with the living dead, they naturally played the role of MT without a word. With the cooperation of both parties, it did not take long before this group of living dead were swept away and completely killed.


Until the last of the living dead fell to the ground. Only then did he wipe a bead of sweat from his forehead. He could see that on the bodies of the living dead, a fog-like white gas emerged from them, and they tangled into a form similar to a human face, and then it was sucked into the Frostmourne sword as if it was attracted by a magnet.

In front of his eyes, a line of system prompts appears.  

[Soul Power +10... Soul Power +13... Soul Power +12... ...]  Done!      Seeing the system prompt in front of him, he was finally relieved. He was previously worried about how to complete the Frostmourne quest, but now it looked like there was nothing more difficult to complete the quest.  


Just as he was drawing on his soul power, the system prompt sounded again in his ears, followed by another line of words floating in front of his eyes.      

[Scene quest "Guardian" progress one completed] [User receives skill reward      [User receives +1 Sublime Points]      [Please select skills]

[Frost Strike] [Crusader Strike] choice?      Looking at the prompt in front of him, he couldn't help but stare, weren't these two skills the skills of the death knight and paladin in the Yamaguchi mountain? Death Knight, he can still understand. What the hell is a paladin? The soul stone he is now embedded with Arthas, Arthas was a paladin before he became the Lich King.     

But...what is he going to choose?


(T/n: tell me if something wrong cuz I force my self to translate this)



(Saturo Goju)

(Searching for someone to blame is just a pain)