
Week 566655

When Jayce open his eyes, he was surprised to find himself reborn into a fantasy world of dragons and magic, knights and... princesses. Not only that, but even his previously designed game system followed him into this world. Then, is to travel thousands of world, gain infinite strength, become brave, defeat the Demon King to marry the princess, embark on the peak of life...... Wait, before that, why am I reborn as a cult that everyone shouts... Beast? -×- (This is translated version) >Original Link: https://sj.uukanshu.com/book.aspx?id=73329 (~3 chapters a weak) -×- You need to keep in mind before you read: First, I'm not native English. Second, I'm just a beginner translator. Third, My English knowledge is acquired from reading various novels and... let's not forget school. Fourth, This is the human translation, I'm just 1 person translating this, so I'm a get tired too. Fifth, The reason I'm translating this to improve my writings, English, and creativity to make my own story. -×- Support me by leaving a review

Asthreus · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs


"Kill him!!!"

The silver knight stepped forward, the sharp blade in his hand brought a round of bending moon-like flash and cut down towards Jayce. He could be sure that his strike had no deflection, and in just a split second, he could cut off the head of the young man in front of him.



With a crisp metallic clash, the long sword in the silver knight's hand stood up in mid-air, and he stared in surprise as the young man in front of him raised his right hand --- in his hand, the overflowing icy cold air gradually condensed and transformed into a beautiful and frightening long sword.

The black as night on the hilt of the sword, a bizarre skeleton staring him dead in the face, that seems to be the white bones of ice and snow emanating from the body of the sword, is the deep soul of the cold. The blue glow emerged from the grooves of the sword, and even just a glimpse was enough to see that the long sword was not of extraordinary quality.

"What's that?"

"That must be the secret treasure!!!"

Looking at the long sword that suddenly appeared in Jayce's hand, the Silver Knight next to him shouted. The black robe stared at what was happening in front of him and suddenly felt as if something was not quite right...

"Wait, the situation is not right, careful ---!"

Before the words of the black robe fell, only to see Jayce half-kneeling on the ground, jumped up, his hands clutching the long sword, raised high, forcefully swung forward. The next moment saw the long sword without flowers fake stabbed into the body of the silver knight in front of him.


The silver knight who was pierced by the long sword trembled and screamed, his body dried up rapidly, the light of the soul shone from it, and then saw a vague figure emerge from the silver knight's body as if pulled by something, and then just spun and was sucked into the body of the long sword.

"Boom ---!!!"

In this instant, the roaring wind suddenly erupted with Jayce as the center, the rotating and whistling bitter cold air sent all the other Silver Knight who rushed forward flying away. And that black robe is also hurriedly backward a few meters away after. This just barely resisted the round of cold burst, and when the storm disappeared, he once again looked ahead, and then grew mouth, dumbfounded.

"This, this is...."

Only to see in front of the crowd. At this moment, Jayce is no longer the same beaten, miserable appearance just now. The icy cold air spread in all directions on his body, transforming into silver-white armor. And above his head, a huge phantom emerged out of thin air. It was a being wearing a crown, hiding his face in the shadows. He just sat on a throne that seemed to be condensed by ten thousand years of ice, coldly gazing at the enemy in front of him. Even just being gazed at by his gaze gives the illusion that even the soul is frozen.

Perhaps that is not an illusion.

At this moment, with Jayce as the center, the surrounding earth is gradually being covered by frost, flowers and trees are withering as if all life is about to be ended.

"What a terrifying power of death!!!"

Seeing this scene, the black robe also changed his face. He hurriedly backed away, then took out a rune from his pocket and held it in his hand. But before he could make his next move, Jayce seemed to have sensed his presence and turned his head to look at the black robe in front of him. Then he raised his long sword and pointed at the black robe.


Just a moment, the black robe was suddenly frozen by the ice completely, his movements remained in the moment of holding the rune as if time had stopped at this point. But soon, the black robe's body, a wailing blurred human form, flew out from it, screaming, and was sucked into the long sword blade in his hand.

"Evil undead creature, how dare you desecrate the soul!!!"

Taking in the scene in front of him, several other silver knights were shocked and angry, only to see them glance at each other and raise the long sword in their hands. 

"Holy Blessing!"

Along with the knights' roar, a soft light emerged from their bodies, illuminating the otherwise dark wilderness. However, this did not seem to be of much use to him.

"The cold winds of Northrend will devour your souls!"

He turned his head and looked at the knight in front of him, whispering to himself. And along with his words, the cold wind whistling around suddenly strengthened once more, forming an invisible wall to wrap these silver knights in it. The earth cracked, a skeleton crawled out of it. They may have been the warriors who fought in this land, or they may have been just civilians buried in the middle of nowhere. But now, the icy blue flames burning in their eyes show their identity.

"Let's fight him! Let's go together!!! The Goddess is with us!!!"

Looking at the increasing number of undead creatures in front of them, the silver knights' faces were ashen, they felt the pounding power of death and knew that they were no match for this powerful force, but they had no way to retreat --- then, there was only a fight to the death!

"He can't use the power of that secret treasure without restriction, let's all go together!"

With a roar, the remaining few silver knights immediately raised the long swords in their hands and lunged towards him. They raised the weapons in their hands with a roar, and dazzling bright light burst out on their swords. The long sword in their hands seemed to turn into a pillar of light, and then the silver knights shouted in anger and swung down hard at him!


The pure white light condensed at this moment, forming some kind of unique and mysterious rune, and then saw these lights gradually dissipate, followed by a huge, nearly ten meters long giant sword descending from the sky, whistling and stabbing at him below. And just above his head, that huge phantom finally moved!

"But.... so!"

Only to see that phantom whispered to himself, then he stood up violently, pulled out the long sword from his waist, facing the huge sword of light that fell from the sky to meet it! Immediately afterward, the long sword in his hand, just like that, collided with the sword of light.

"Ka-chow ---!"

Just a light, sound, the next moment, the sword of light as if a matchstick broken, broken, into fragments disappeared into the air. And those several knights in the hands of the shining light of the sharp blade are also broken in response to the sound. They spit out a mouthful of blood in unison, backward flying away, lying on the ground.

"This, this can't be ..."

Looking at the fading lightsaber in the sky, the silver knights were dumbfounded. They did not expect that the greatest reliance on themselves would be so unbearable?

What the hell is that thing!

But their questions were not answered, because the boundless ice-cold has wrapped their bodies, they can feel the blood in their bodies stopped flowing, the heart gradually became slow, they can only despair to watch the shadow of death descend on their side! --- then silently swallowed their souls.


Only when the last glimmer of soul light disappeared, did Jayce fall to his knees. The armor on his body gradually dissipated, and the mysterious and terrifying long sword in his hand once again turned into a cold wind and disappeared into the air. While above his head, the huge phantom watched him motionlessly, then merged with the darkness of the night and disappeared.

"Ha... haha..."

On the cold ground, he panted as he looked at the dark starry sky in front of him, his mind in a state of confusion.

To be honest, until now, HD did not know what had happened to him and why he had become like this. However, one thing was clear to him, and that was --- he survived!

Although it is still unclear what exactly is going on, he has survived after all!

To get out of here as soon as possible, ...as soon as possible...

After a few moments, Jayce, who had caught his breath, then stood up again and looked around. Only to see that there are corpses everywhere, those servants who protected themselves and him before are dead, and those knights who came to kill themselves are also dead. The chill in the air was dissipating, and in the distance, even a few faint wolf howls could be heard.

Sensing all this, he couldn't help but shiver. He did not know the origin of these people, but if the companions of those knights find they are missing, they will come here to look for them. If he didn't leave, then I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to get away!

He must get out of here!

Thinking of this, he also ignored the soreness and fatigue of his whole body, gritted his teeth, and stumbled towards the depths of the wilderness.



(Shoto Aizawa)

(There's nothing crueler than letting a dream end midway)