
Week 566655

When Jayce open his eyes, he was surprised to find himself reborn into a fantasy world of dragons and magic, knights and... princesses. Not only that, but even his previously designed game system followed him into this world. Then, is to travel thousands of world, gain infinite strength, become brave, defeat the Demon King to marry the princess, embark on the peak of life...... Wait, before that, why am I reborn as a cult that everyone shouts... Beast? -×- (This is translated version) >Original Link: https://sj.uukanshu.com/book.aspx?id=73329 (~3 chapters a weak) -×- You need to keep in mind before you read: First, I'm not native English. Second, I'm just a beginner translator. Third, My English knowledge is acquired from reading various novels and... let's not forget school. Fourth, This is the human translation, I'm just 1 person translating this, so I'm a get tired too. Fifth, The reason I'm translating this to improve my writings, English, and creativity to make my own story. -×- Support me by leaving a review

Asthreus · Anime und Comics
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|Dimensional Code|

A night passed.

When the light of the sunrise emerged from the other side of the horizon, he also finally sorted out the memories in his head and figured out the cause and effect of what happened.

First, he was indeed dead. This made him speechless. All along, he considered himself to be a cautious person. He was always used to being prepared for all kinds of unexpected risks. From his girlfriend's breakup to his company's bankruptcy, from a broken capital flow to a partner running away with the money, from being robbed for money to meeting a drunk driver while crossing the street. All kinds of risks and accidents will be considered by him, and to make a response. He likes this kind of life where everything is under control, and it has always been his philosophy in the world to respond to changes, and because of this, he can have the success he has today.

But what he did not expect is that the world is always so wonderful, full of all kinds of surprises that he could not imagine.

For example, when he jumped into the river to save people, he did not think he would be successful in rescuing people and see them off in an ambulance after a sudden break in a high-voltage line overhead to a square.

And what he didn't expect was that he not only died, but he opened his eyes again and found himself reborn into another world.

And what happened to the owner of the body he was reborn in, make him very speechless.

To be frank, the matter is not complicated, their boarding this small noble family has a secret treasure, and just a short time ago, a group of knights from the Kingdom of the Holy Church found this small noble, claiming that the secret treasure in his family is evil and unknown existence, asking him to hand over the secret treasure. The little nobleman was of course unwilling to do so and directly drove the group of knights away from the matter. The original small nobleman thought little this. The results let them not expect is that in the night of being driven away, the group of knights raided their manor, a killing spree.

The little nobleman named Williams is only a normal human, Wherever he has seen such a scene, he was naturally scared and ran away with his secret treasure.

He had hoped to enter the city to find other noble families for assistance but he learned that the Kingdom of the Holy Church had publicly announced that the Williams family had colluded with the cult and was considered an enemy of the order issued a killing order.

The Kingdom of the Holy Church has a high status on this continent, and the Williams family is simply a small fish and shrimp, naturally can not be compared with it. They had no choice but to continue to flee, but he did not expect to eventually escape the pursuit of the Kingdom of the Holy Church and eventually died here.

If you look at it from the perspective of a third party, you undoubtedly think that the Kingdom of the Holy Church must be superficially moral, but behind the scenes a belly of male thieves and female prostitutes who like to play with young boys. But after absorbing the memory of this little nobleman, he was depressed to find - this Kingdom of Holy Church of the under pursuing the order... did not wrong him at all.

Because according to Williams' memory, the family believes in the goddess of order, but in fact, they are a devout believer of the "Day of Destruction" sect, This sect believes at the end of all things, everything will be destroyed, even the gods will also fall. The time will come when the God of Destruction will rise and rule the world. All the followers of this sect have to do is to weaken the power of those order dogs as much as possible to wait for the return of the God of Destruction and other blah blah blah crap.

And of course, the Williams family can not help but do some dirty and dark deeds under the table. According to his view, even without this Holy Chruch to do justice to and Judge according to the laws of his world to sentence, this family is enough to pull out and be shot a hundred times.

How did he get reborn into such a cargo?

Thinking about it, he felt a headache, others crossed either a character with a blood feud or a protagonist with hidden attributes. Why did he cross into such a cult that everyone shouted at?

The more depressing thing is that, through the absorption of Williams' memory, He helplessly found that not only has he become a wanted criminal in the country of the Holy Church, but even the Day of Destruction sect also can't help him, because according to Williams' memory, the so-called sect's secret treasure, has been destroyed by him on the way to escape!

Breaking the secret treasure is not worth mentioning faced with the Kingdom of the Holy Church's pursuers, Williams intends to make a desperate move to activate the secret treasure, which will hurt both sides. The result is not sure whether it is a specific step on the problem or his bad luck, in Williams put the magic into the secret treasure, the secret treasure "snap" shattered, and then Williams also directly pass out --- then it was his turn to appear.

You deserve to be hunted for the rest of your life, William!

The first thing he can imagine is that if he is found by the people of the Day of Destruction sect, and if he can't get the secret treasure, then he can only die. The cult, no matter which world, is the same, all kinds of torture, endless, so that you can't survive and die. If he thinks about it, maybe it's better to be caught by the country of the holy religion, at least they kill you directly...

Not only that, through Williams' memory, he also learned that this is a very developed world of power system, in this world, not only magic, there are knights, there are dragons, undead, and other kinds of monsters in existence. Not to mention the goddess and gods and envoys... Unlike the religions in his world that specialize in cheating money, the sects here are above.

In contrast, even though he has some abilities faced with magic and that magical swordsmanship, he thinks it is not enough, As for his current body? he already knows that this Williams only has the strength of a trainee knight, and the Day of Destruction sect he believes in did not give him a divine blessing or something like that. If there are no surprises, the knights that he saw before, one will beat himself ten times.

But fortunately, this world is lacking in everything, but not lacking in surprise.

Thinking of this, he raised his hand, along with his movements, the magnificent, heavy book appeared once again. And only then did he look carefully at the big book that appeared out of thin air in his hand. It looks as thick as the sea of words, but to his hand is light as a goose feather, dark and heavy cover, you can see a gorgeous, shining with colorful gems set in its center, and the center of this gem, a silver circle around the four scattered as if the universe planets circling rectory of rectoryeral unfolding.

Turning the page, he could see that at the top of the page was his name. And in the middle there is a groove, at the moment that groove is set with a beautiful white gem, frost mist around the surface of the gem, giving it a bit of cold feeling.

At the bottom of the interface, there are three options of [Summon] [Enhance] [Teleport] respectively.

This is what he got after coming to this world - The Dimensional Code

And this is the game system that he designed before he was reborn!

Looking at the familiar cover, he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, before he was just guessing, but now, he can be sure --- this is exactly the system he developed and manufactured!

This is a new handheld game that is still in development, called "The Code of Dimension", where a player is a young man with a self-defined gender and an avatar of his choice. According to the game's setting, the player will be caught in the space-time turbulence and then wake up to find himself in a brand new world, and here, the player will meet a big book called "Dimensional Code", to start his brand new journey.

In the game, after getting the Dimensional Code, the player will become a "second dimension mage". As the name implies, it is a mage who travels in various dimensional worlds. He can use this codex to teleport to various dimensional realms to complete various tasks to obtain dimensional points, these points can summon the soul stones that contain "the power of the existence of powerful souls from other dimensions", and can also enhance the power of the attributes of these soul stones themselves.

At the moment, he is equipped with the soul stone he got in the first "novice summoning" --- the Lich King Arthas.

As the producer of this game, he of course also knows how to use soul stones. There are two ways to use the soul stone, one is simply to "set" it in the secondary code like this so that he can get a resident buff, this buff can only provide him a certain degree of increase unless he uses dimensional points to enhance the soul stone, it can be like the game upgrade gradually get a whole new ability and skills to use.

The other is the full activation of the power of the soul stone. During the activation, he can use all the abilities possessed by this soul, and it is not much different from the original version. Just like what he used in his previous battle with those knights, is the true power of the Lich King, and in front of the King of Heavenly Calamity, even the regular knights of the Kingdom of the Holy Church is so weak in front of him.

But unfortunately, although the activation mode looks very cool, there are many restrictions. First, the activation will be temporarily cooled for some time, just like the skill CD. The second is that the activation itself is limited to several times, like this time the [Arthas] soul stone summoned by him can only be activated five times, and once the number of activations is used up, then the [Arthas] soul stone will completely collapse and disappear.

Here, he will only be able to choose to either re-summon another soul stone or ... just wait for death.

[Executor: Jayce]

[Dimension Points: 0]

[Equipped Soul Stone: Arthas]

[Gain: Undead King (50% increase to undead sense, 50% increase to undead damage, 50% increase to undead protection)]

[Strength: E (you are no different from ordinary people)]

[Agility: D (It is always good to run faster than others)]

[Physique: E (If a person is killed, he will die)] 

[Perception: D (just open your eyes it basic for you)]

[Charm: D (As long as you are not blind, you will know your external beauty)]

[Equipment Skill: None]

Exclusive Quest: The Curse of Frostmourne]

This magic sword is eager to devour souls full of pain, and all you have to do is to satisfy its desire - Frostmourne, hungry (requires the holder to obtain no less than 1000 soul power in the next task world, the success of the task random reward +1, failure of the holder will be subject to The curse of Fostmourne, countdown to 24H)




(A goal with no plan is called a delusion. You need a plan in order to achieve your goal)