

It was May, a sunny day.

It was already evening by the time Han Lang walked out of the school with his backpack. He threw his books into the garbage can. Three years of high school finally came to an end and the books no longer had any value to him.

Suddenly, a slightly chubby guy placed his arm around Han Lang. His name was Li Qi, Han Lang's long time bro. He wasn't really fat, he just belonged to a rich family. Due to the benefits of such status, he had lighter skin than the other guys, as well as being slightly higher in body fat concentration.

Li Qi smiled and said, "We're finally done, let's find a place and go celebrate. The bill is on me!"

Someone's paying?! Everyone cheered, but Wang Yan, another one of Han Lang's friends, hesitated and said, "I have to pass today. I have to start preparing for university entrance exams. After all we are only ordinary guys with no super powers... If we don't get into university, it will be hard for us to even find a job."