
Weatherologist in a World of Magic

New Chapter M/W/F ---------------------- John, a dedicated weatherologist, met a tragic end during an unprecedented storm. Instead of transitioning to the afterlife, he unexpectedly found himself reincarnated in a magical world. Reborn as Ethan Hartfield, he embarks on a journey to master the realm of mages and harness the power of the elements. In this new world lacking modern knowledge of weather and how is formed, Ethan sets out to become the strongest mage, using his previous life's expertise to bring awareness and understanding to the people around him. Follow Ethan's adventures as he navigates this magical realm and strives to dominate as the most powerful mage.

FirstBite · Fantasie
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70 Chs

The Item That Reflects Him

Ethan's eyes snapped open, and a sudden realization hit him. He wasn't lost in his dream anymore; he was back in the real world. He lay on a wet spot, remnants of a passing rain shower.

"Ethan! You're finally awake!"

"Wow, you had us really worried!"

His heart raced, his breath was uneven. Slowly, he registered the familiar faces above him. It was Seraphine and Sven, their concerned expressions hovering over him.

Ethan blinked, trying to shake off the lingering echoes of the dream. His surroundings were clear now, his camarades were safe and sound. A mix of surprise and relief washed over him as he looked at them.

"Thanks," he managed to say, his voice a bit shaky. "For waking me up. And for being okay."

Seraphine's smile was reassuring, and Sven gave him a thumbs-up, his grin infectious. They were real, not just figments of his imagination. In that moment, Ethan felt a deep relief and a connection with them, a bond that bridged the gap between their status.

Ethan's relief was palpable, but the remnants of the dream still clung to him like a shadow. Over a decade had passed since his rebirth into this world, and never before had he experienced such vivid moments. He had long thought of his former self as John, burying those memories deep within him. Yet, this dream had resurrected the very instance that had shattered his childhood – the moment he had witnessed his parents' deaths. Why now? That question echoed in his mind, its persistence driving him to seek a deeper meaning. After all, more than 40 years had passed since he had lost his previous parents, and just a mere decade since he had found himself embraced by a new, loving family.

"Let's head back to the forest's entrance and inform the teacher. We also need to recharge our mana and stamina," Sven interjected, breaking through Ethan's reverie.

Ethan's gaze shifted to Sven, his thoughts momentarily pulled away from the turmoil within. He nodded in agreement, acknowledging the practicality of Sven's suggestion. Before he could fully respond, Seraphine chimed in with a practical reminder.

"Wait, let's not forget to gather the materials from the Cleared Skinned Skipper. With it already being, well, somewhat dismembered, it should be easier to collect. By the way, Ethan, how on earth did you manage to defeat it? We're having a hard time wrapping our heads around it."

Seraphine's words broke through the grip of Ethan's lingering thoughts, offering a welcome distraction. He managed a small smile and replied, "It's not the right moment for an explanation. I'll fill you in another time."

Sven's voice interjected, a reminder of their ongoing quest. "By the way, we haven't found a glimmering ore yet. Are you sure we want to leave without finding it, Seraphine?"

Seraphine's expression shifted, torn between the urgency of their situation and the potential value of the ore. She hesitated before responding, "Our lives matter more right now. We're too drained to worry about it."

Just then, the voice of the student they had previously aided cut through their conversation, drawing their attention. He was the sole survivor amidst the aftermath, his presence a testament to their bravery.

"I couldn't help but overhear," he began, his voice filled with gratitude. "I actually have a glimmering ore. It's the material I needed, but after everything you've done and for saving my life, I want you to have it as a gift."

Ethan and his companions exchanged surprised glances, touched by the student's generosity. Gratitude and camaraderie filled the air, intertwining with the heaviness of recent events. In that moment, they quickly gathered the skin of the cleared skinned skipper and left the forest the best they could with their remaining strength.

a few minutes later, the group found themselves back at the entrance of the forest. they made their way to professor Harrington and informed him of the recent event.

This information shocked him and he quickly acted on it. The outing was still being held as usual but with professor Harrington intervention, the amount of security through the evaluation had drastically increased. at a point where the end of the evaluation did not have any other casualties.

The recent events swiftly spread throughout the school, reaching the ears of students and faculty alike. Ethan's name became a topic of conversation in every corner, a name that elicited both admiration and controversy. To some, he was hailed as a savior, a figure of strength and integrity. Others, however, couldn't shake off the notion of him being an omen of bad luck. Being the sole non-noble amidst the sea of aristocracy, his presence was seen by some as a harbinger of misfortune, as if calamities were fated to befall the school as long as he remained.

Despite the divergent opinions swirling around him, life eventually resumed its rhythm. After a few days of rest and mourning for those affected, students and staff settled back into their routines. The wounds of the past events remained fresh, yet the relentless march of time pushed everyone forward. The sun continued to rise, casting its warm light over the school grounds, and the halls echoed with the hum of activity once more.

Amidst the steady flow of life, the calendar page turned, revealing a new day, a day that held significance for the first-year students of the crafting class. It was the day they would craft their very first partner in arms, a concept that brimmed with excitement and anticipation. The workshop buzzed with a blend of nervousness and enthusiasm as each student prepared to breathe life into their own unique creation, a tangible symbol of their journey at the school.

As the students gathered in the crafting workshop, Professor Stone's commanding presence filled the room. His gaze swept over the expectant faces before him, a mix of curiosity and apprehension evident in their expressions. With a calm yet authoritative tone, he addressed the class.

"Good morning, everyone. Today marks a significant milestone in your journey as budding artisans. You've spent days pouring your creative thinking into your blueprints today marks your first step into honing your skills, and show your dedication into crafting your very first partner in arms."

"Today is the day of the evaluation. Your acquired materials will be assessed not just for their aesthetic appeal, but for their functionality, craftsmanship, and the embodiment of your understanding of the art of crafting. This evaluation will determine how well you've absorbed the principles and techniques I've imparted during this course."

His words hung in the air, a reminder that the culmination of their hard work would be scrutinized and judged. But it was also an opportunity to showcase their growth and potential.

"Remember that crafting is not merely about the end product, but the journey of learning, refining your skills, and expressing your individuality as artisans. Let the fruits of your labor speak for your dedication. I have faith that each of you will do justice to your creations. Best of luck to all of you."

As Professor Stone's words settled in, a mixture of determination and nervousness rippled through the students. The workshop was abuzz with whispered conversations as they exchanged last-minute advice, adjusted details on their blueprints, and made sure everything was in place for the evaluation.

One by one, the students went over to their workbenches. The room was filled with the soft clinks of metal, the faint hum of enchantments, and the occasional hushed discussions among the students. As each of them started crafting professor stones was examining their approach and evaluated the students actions.

Ethan, too, was amidst the crowd, his recent battle with the Corrupted Cleared Skinned Skipper still fresh in his mind. He glanced down at his own blueprint, an item that bore a distinct mark of his style – simple yet sturdy, reflecting his practical approach as a weatherologist.

Apologies for the lack of posts this week. I've been immersed in work and the commencement of the school semester, necessitating me to adapt to a new, more constrained schedule. I'm optimistic that I'll soon resume posting consistently as per the set schedule. Thank you for your understanding.

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