
Weatherologist in a World of Magic

New Chapter M/W/F ---------------------- John, a dedicated weatherologist, met a tragic end during an unprecedented storm. Instead of transitioning to the afterlife, he unexpectedly found himself reincarnated in a magical world. Reborn as Ethan Hartfield, he embarks on a journey to master the realm of mages and harness the power of the elements. In this new world lacking modern knowledge of weather and how is formed, Ethan sets out to become the strongest mage, using his previous life's expertise to bring awareness and understanding to the people around him. Follow Ethan's adventures as he navigates this magical realm and strives to dominate as the most powerful mage.

FirstBite · Fantasie
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70 Chs

First Trial!

After a journey spanning two days, Ethan reached his destination - the Academy. Rising proudly amidst an expansive and picturesque landscape, its magnificence sparked the imagination. Situated within vibrant, enchanted green plains, the academy exuded an air of profound wisdom and mystical power.

The majestic spires soared towards the clouds, commanding attention and inspiring awe. Its architectural design flawlessly combined timeless grace with enchanting whimsy, featuring intricate archways and sweeping balconies that provided breathtaking view of the surrounding horizon.

As Ethan approached the entrance gate of the Academy, his eyes widened in awe. The gate stood as a formidable structure, crafted from polished iron and adorned with intricate carvings depicting mythical creatures and symbols of knowledge. Its imposing presence hinted at the prestigious institution that lay beyond.

As he drew nearer, Ethan noticed a bustling scene of people, clad in vibrant robes of various hues, gathered near the gate, their anticipation palpable in the air. The murmurs of excitement filled the surroundings, blending with the occasional neighing of horses and the clattering of chariots.

Indeed, the Academy was abuzz with activity, preparing for the commencement of the recruitment trial. Chariots, adorned with colorful banners and drawn by spirited steeds, were stationed nearby, eagerly awaiting their turn to enter the Academy's gate.

Ethan exclaimed in awe as he witnessed the astonishing sight before him.

"Hmph! Consider yourself privileged to be in this place. Make the most of your time here because once tomorrow's trial is over, you'll return to where you belong," the Young Master, Sven, stated with a disrespectful tone.

Throughout the past two days of traveling together, Ethan chose not to acknowledge or engage with Sven. He soon realized that the young master was constantly seeking attention, incessantly talking and attempting to provoke a reaction from him. Understanding his true nature, Ethan decided to ignore him completely.

Soon after, the chariot abruptly stopped and the soldiers who had accompanied them to the Academy opened the door.

"We have reached our destination. You will be staying at this Inn until the recruitment trial begins tomorrow morning. Until you are accepted into the academy, you are not allowed to venture outside. We will return here to pick you and take you to the trial site. Am I being understood?" stated the soldier sporting the black eyepatch.

Ethan and Sven nodded in agreement, indicating their understanding.

After the soldiers departed, Ethan and Sven silently entered the Inn and acquired the keys to their respective rooms, behaving as if they were complete strangers who had never crossed paths. The night swiftly passed, giving way to the morning of the awaited trial. As promised, the soldiers arrived and collected Ethan and Sven, escorting them to the designated trial site.

The trial site was a vast arena. It was a picturesque scene, framed by towering seats that provided a overhead view of the arena. The site was bustling with anticipation as numerous children, clad in elaborate and elegant garments, gathered in groups, their voices carrying a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Amidst the sea of well-dressed youngsters, one figure stood out conspicuously. Ethan, unlike them, he was not adorned in fancy clothing that reflected his noble lineage. His attire was simple and unassuming, a clear indicator to those around him that he was the sole non-noble child present at the site. The contrast between his modest appearance accentuated his uniqueness within the crowd, drawing curious glances and whispered conversations.

"Why is a peasant here?" one of the noble children sneered, their tone dripping with condescension.

"How shameful of him! Is he trying to insult us?" exclaimed another child, their words laced with disdain.

"Eww, his mere presence denigrates this holy place." scoffed a disdainful noblewoman, her judgmental gaze fixed upon Ethan.

The whispered remarks and judgmental stares reverberated through the air, casting a shadow over Ethan's presence at the trial site. The weight of their derisive comments bore down upon him, but he remained stoic despite the skepticism that surrounded him.

As a few minutes ticked by, the attention of the gathered participants was abruptly drawn to a figure standing atop one of the elevated pillars encircling the arena. All eyes turned towards the mysterious man, whose commanding presence emanated an air of authority and wisdom. His posture was regal, his gaze penetrating, as if he held the key to their destinies in his hands. A hushed silence settled over the crowd, awaiting his words that would set the course of the upcoming trials.

"Welcome!" the man's voice echoed throughout the arena, resounding with an otherworldly quality that caught everyone off guard.

"Whoa!" gasped the surprised onlookers, their eyes widening in amazement at the peculiar phenomenon.

Ethan observed the man's lips moving, but it became evident that his voice carried with an uncanny clarity despite the considerable distance separating them. It was as if the words whispered by the man reached each and every ear in the vicinity with astonishing precision, causing a ripple of astonishment and disbelief among the gathered children. The extraordinary nature of the man's amplified yet intimate voice left them in a state of bewilderment and captivation, as they eagerly awaited his next words, their curiosity piqued.

"My name is Roderick Spellman, but you may also address me as the principal of this esteemed academy." the resonant voice of Roderick Spellman filled the air, commanding attention.

"Today is a momentous occasion as it signifies the commencement of our annual recruitment trial." he continued, his words carrying a weight of significance that hung in the atmosphere.

Ethan and the other children listened intently, their eyes fixed on Principal Spellman, aware of the rare opportunity that lay before them. The gravity of the occasion intensified as they realized the stakes and the potential impact it could have on their lives.

"The first recruitment trial is a straightforward one." Principal Spellman explained, his gaze fixed on the massive dark stone at the center of the arena. "This stone has been meticulously crafted to reveal the power level of your spells and showcase the elemental combinations employed within them."

Gesturing towards the stone, he continued, "Your task is a simple yet challenging one. You must generate a crafted spell that inflicts a total of 10,000 numerical damage, utilizing a combination of two or more magical elements."

"Those who successfully complete the first trial will proceed to wait for the remaining participants to finish their turn," Principal Spellman explained, his voice carrying a tone of impartiality.

"However, those who fail to meet the requirements of the first trial will be escorted away immediately," he continued, emphasizing the swift consequence for those who did not measure up.

Principal Spellman's words resonated with a sense of urgency, underscoring the significance of each trial and the need for participants to perform their best.

"Now! Shall we start with the first participant!" Principal Spellman's voice boomed, punctuating the air with anticipation.

In response to his command, a series of radiant lights materialized above each participant's head, displaying numerical values. The shimmering lights seemed to indicate the order in which they would take their turn in the trial.

The children gazed at the luminous display in awe. As for Ethan, his curiosity filled his mind as he pondered the nature of the lights, contemplating whether it was an intricate manifestation of light magic or an illusionary magic, reminiscent of the descriptions he had read in the book.

As the first participant nervously stepped forward, Ethan couldn't help but feel a pang of unease. He wondered how far ahead the privileged and noble children were in their magical abilities, given their access to resources and training that he lacked.

Observing closely, Ethan noticed the participant brandishing a wand adorned with a red crystal, likely a catalyst for channeling magical energy.

'Wait! Catalysts are allowed? Isn't that cheating? I don't have one. That's so unfair' Ethan thought with a tinge of frustration, realizing the disadvantage he faced without such a tool.

The first participant began conjuring a fireball, its size growing to that of a basketball, poised to be launched. Ethan keenly observed the manifestation, analyzing the elements at play.

'Hmm, it appears he's utilizing the Fire element to generate the fireball. And by incorporating the Wind element, he's accelerating its rotating speed and enlarging it by introducing a significant amount of oxygen from the generated air.' Ethan deduced, impressed by the participant's technique but also recognizing its limitations.

As the fireball surged through the air and hit the black rock, Ethan watched with a discerning eye, the displayed information above it.

[Damage: 2,000]

[Type: Fire/Wind]

'He failed? Well, that's not really surprising, considering the spell he used. But is it too harsh to consider this attack a mere 2,000 value?' Ethan contemplated, his thoughts interrupted by the commanding voice of the principal.

"Participant number 1, failed! Next!"

The plea of the unsuccessful participant broke the air, desperately begging for another chance, attributing the failure to nerves. However, before any consideration could be given, the principal cast a dismissive gaze upon the pleading figure. With a simple gesture of his hand, the participant vanished from the arena, as if they had never been present at all.

"Next!" the principal declared in an authoritative tone, offering no explanation or reassurance to the bewildered onlookers regarding the fate of the failed participant. The swift and uncompromising manner in which the principal operated underscored the seriousness and ruthlessness of the selection process. It left Ethan and the remaining participants the realization that the trials held no room for second chances.

Time elapsed, and as the trials progressed, only a few participants managed to succeed while the majority faltered in the face of the first trial's challenges. One by one, hopeful candidates stepped forward, with each passing moment bringing them closer to Ethan's turn.

"Next!" Principal Spellman's voice resonated through the arena, signaling that it was now Ethan's moment to take the stage.

"Look, it's his turn," a noble child remarked, their voice tinged with amusement.

"Can't wait to see him barely manage a damage of 1, hahaha," another chimed in, their laughter filled with mockery.

Sven, observing from the sidelines, gazed at Ethan's determined figure, his curiosity piqued. He pondered the source of Ethan's unwavering confidence and the audacity to stand against the nobles. There was a hint of admiration by the boldness he was witnessing.

Determined not to falter, Ethan mustered his resolve, fully aware of the weight resting on his shoulders. He contemplated his options, knowing that he needed to choose a spell that showcased his strengths and maximized his chances of success.

'This spell it is!'