
Weatherologist in a World of Magic

New Chapter M/W/F ---------------------- John, a dedicated weatherologist, met a tragic end during an unprecedented storm. Instead of transitioning to the afterlife, he unexpectedly found himself reincarnated in a magical world. Reborn as Ethan Hartfield, he embarks on a journey to master the realm of mages and harness the power of the elements. In this new world lacking modern knowledge of weather and how is formed, Ethan sets out to become the strongest mage, using his previous life's expertise to bring awareness and understanding to the people around him. Follow Ethan's adventures as he navigates this magical realm and strives to dominate as the most powerful mage.

FirstBite · Fantasie
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70 Chs

[Part 2] Chapter 3 - Ethan's Dilemma

"Mana Vein Atrophy?" Ethan asked, his confusion evident.

"Yes. As most attendees here are aware, primordial vigor is a distinct source of internal energy, separate from the mana pool." the man explained. "It's an energy cultivated throughout one's life. While it typically develops naturally and can't be directly influenced, it forms an essential reservoir of power. However, as many of you might know, tapping into this power is discouraged due to the profound effects it can have."

Ethan frowned. "I don't recall ever harnessing such power."

The doctor raised an eyebrow. "That's not what your friend beside you told me."

Ethan turned to Sven, a puzzled expression on his face.

Sven sighed, "It's true, Ethan. The trauma of losing your parents was so overwhelming that it caused you to blackout. It seems your mind perceived imminent danger. To protect you, it unintentionally unleashed a power far beyond your current capabilities, indicating you tapped into your primordial vigor." he affirmed, echoing the doctor's sentiments.

"That's right," the doctor affirmed. "Had it not been for your friend's timely intervention, you likely would have lost your life. While he managed to save you in the nick of time, it doesn't mean you're free from the repercussions of tapping into such power."

... I'm lost. What does all this have to do with my trial?" Ethan's voice quivered with confusion.

Grandfeld stepped forward, a hint of mischief in his eyes as he watched Ethan's distress. "Allow me to clarify." he began, taking a moment to enjoy the drama of the situation.

"To harness the power of one's Primordial Vigor, an individual essentially trades a portion of their life force. Think of it as a costly transaction. And in your situation, the price you paid was the injury to your mana vein, leading to what we term as Mana Vein Atrophy," Grandfeld explained, barely concealing his satisfaction in unveiling Ethan's predicament.

"Mana Vein Atrophy is a severe condition that impacts the network of mana channels in your body," the doctor began, addressing Ethan. "These channels, often referred to as 'mana veins', regulate the flow and distribution of mana. They enable the harnessing and manifestation of magical energy. Due to excessive use of primordial vigor, your channels have deteriorated. The walls of the mana veins have ruptured, causing mana leaks. Consequently, the mana flow has become erratic."

Ethan listened closely, a growing weight settling in his chest. He felt paralyzed, unable to respond, and could only focus on the doctor's words.

"The challenge with Mana Vein Atrophy is its irreversibility. Regrettably, this means your progression as a mage is now limited." the doctor explained. "While you can still wield magic at your current proficiency, advancing to higher levels of mastery will be out of reach. Mages derive their abilities from the depth of their mana pool and the strength of their mana veins. Consider your current state as being at the beginner level. You can still perform basic spells, but attempting more potent variations will be futile. Advancing to intermediate or advanced levels, for instance, is now an impossibility for you."

The weight of the revelation bore down on Ethan, suffocating him with despair. This was the culmination of the worst series of events in both his life – losing his home, the death of his parents, and now the shattering of his dreams of becoming a powerful mage. Waves of regret and self-doubt washed over him. 'Was all my effort for nothing? Should I have taken a different path, perhaps being brough back in the military, even if it meant being on the frontline? Could that decision have saved my parents or prevented the devastation of our village? Will I, after everything, be discarded and forgotten?' These haunting questions plagued his mind, casting a shadow over him.

Witnessing Ethan's emotional turmoil, Grandfeld seized the opportunity to further twist the knife, relishing every moment of the young mage's anguish. "There you have it!" he declared to the assembly. "Not only did Ethan Hartfield and his companion brazenly leave the academy grounds without permission, but Ethan also suffers from Mana Vein Atrophy. As you are all well aware, our esteemed academy was established to cultivate formidable mages, guardians who would defend our kingdom against the forces of darkness. Those who lack the potential to progress further are deemed superfluous. Given these undeniable facts, I present two compelling reasons for Ethan's expulsion from our institution."

"Where will he go? His home is gone, he has no family left; he's utterly alone!" Professor Eveline exclaimed, her voice quivering with concern.

Ethan remained silent, the weight of her words sinking in, emphasizing his desolation.

Grandfeld, always one to have an answer, replied smoothly, "Professor Eveline, you needn't fret. There's a place already destined for young Ethan."

Eveline's eyes narrowed suspiciously, "And where might that be?"

Grandfeld's lips curled into a sly smile, "Given that he isn't of noble lineage and has reached an age of responsibility, it's only fitting that he serves the kingdom. He'll be conscripted into the imperial military ranks, defending the very realm he calls home."Grandfeld continued, his voice dripping with condescension, "Which, if I might add, should have been his path from the very beginning."

The room was thick with tension. Even the professors who had previously supported Ethan, his ally Sven, and Ethan himself couldn't counteract the irrefutable points made by Grandfeld. The outcome, it seemed, had been preordained even before they entered the courtroom.

Grandfeld then turned his attention to Sven. "Regarding Sven Thornfield, while his village no longer stands, his noble lineage remains. He will find a position within the kingdom befitting his noble status. However, let it be known that our academy upholds its principles with utmost integrity. We do not show favoritism, and as such, he too will face expulsion for his transgressions," Grandfeld declared, his voice unwavering.

"For those in favor of the expulsion, please raise your hands." Grandfeld directed. As expected, a sea of hands shot up, leaving only a few notable exceptions: the professors who had formed close bonds with the students, Alfred, and quite unexpectedly, the principal.

With the majority clearly in favor, Grandfeld's voice rang out with authority, "Given the overwhelming consensus, I hereby decree Sven Thornfield and Ethan Harfield expelled from the Academy!"

His gavel echoed with two final, decisive taps, sealing their fates. Tap, tap.

"Alfred, as the enforcer, it falls upon you to carry out their expulsion, I expect them off the premises by dawn!" Grandfeld stated, his voice dripping with a mix of authority and subtle malice. He was well aware of Alfred's fondness for the young students, and the undertone in his words was clear — he relished the fact that Alfred would be the one to face the emotional turmoil of executing the order.

Alfred responded with a heavy sigh. Walking up to the two young mages, he gently placed a hand on each of their shoulders, offering a silent gesture of comfort and understanding. "Come on," he said softly, "I'll escort you to your dorms so you can gather your belongings."

With their heads hung low, Ethan and Sven trailed behind Alfred, the weight of the verdict still pressing heavily on their minds. The silence between them was palpable, each lost in his own thoughts, trying to come to terms with the abrupt end to their time at the academy and the events that had transpired prior.

Reaching their dormitory, they were taken aback to find Seraphine waiting anxiously at the entrance. Her eyes darted between them, searching for answers.

"You're finally back!" she exclaimed, a mix of relief and concern evident in her voice. "Where have you been? Someone, please tell me what's happening."

Their faces reflecting the heavy burden of the day's events. Neither had the energy or will to explain.

Sensing their discomfort, Alfred stepped in, "You two, head inside and pack your things. I'll fill Seraphine in."

Seraphine's brow furrowed with worry, her gaze flicking between the retreating figures of her friends and Alfred. "Pack? Why? Where are they going?"

The two boys simply nodded in acknowledgment and disappeared into the dorm, leaving the questions hanging in the air.

Alfred gestured to a quieter spot, "Seraphine, let's discuss this over here." He began leading her away, preparing to relay the grim information.