
Weasley Twin

Huffle_Claw · Fantasie
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73 Chs

Chapter 10 ∆Book 1∆

-Muggle Shopping-

*Rose's POV*

"Hermione dear, We are going off to work, take care of yourselves"

It was the first day of the holidays, and to my surprise, Hermione and I were still asleep in her room. I never knew that Hermione could stay asleep till 9:00am.

I sighed and stood up, leaving Hermione sleeping on her bed. I looked around her room seeing very odd muggle things, which just didn't make sense at all.

"Good morning Rose," Hermione said as she yawned and stretched.

"Morning Hermione- hey, what is this?" I said looking at a flat rectangular thing that had buttons on the side. I pushed one, and the blank rectangle lit up.

"Eerr, Hermione? I think I broke this muggle thing."

She started to laugh,"That is called a phone, and no, you didn't brake it.

You just switched it on."

She told me how to use it. She spent the next half n hour giving a tour of her house that was way bigger and better than the burrow. She even answered my questione when I wanted to know about muggle things.

I wasn't really fascinated because I didn't see the need of it. I mean, us witches and wizards has a way better communication without phones.

And if we were bored we would just play exploding snap instead of the,ummm, button controller game on the extremely flat and huge phone ( video games and tv ).

We had pancakes for breakfast, then went to have a shower.

"Mum said we could get our Christmas shopping done today so we can spend the next days decorating and packing them."

So that's what we had done. We were to move around in the muggle world, something I had never done in all of my life.

I wasn't able to change my money into muggle money, so Hermione insisted on paying for me. I promised her that I would re-pay her once we got to Hogwarts.

Hermione stayed with me the whole time so I didn't get lost, however, I was finding it difficult to buy a gift for her when she was around me.

So she gave me a muggle device, which was the phone and showed me how to use it just in case we got lost.

"Chill Hermione, I know I won't get lost."

She rolled her eyes,"Surreee, just remember to meet at the statue once you are done, I will be here with my present for you."

I nodded and searched around for a gift. I didn't know what to buy because I wasn't familiar with all the muggle items.

I went into a bookshop where here was a whole hall of books. There were many people there reading.

All of the books looked babyish. I looked around for a long time till I found this one book in particular, it was called Glass Hotel.

I picked it up, hoping that Hermione hadn't read it before and went to the counter.

"Hello," I said,"How much for this book?"

She blinked at me,"Pardon?"

"How much for this book," I said slowly as if she was an alien from outer space who was still learning how to speak English.

"I am sorry dearie, you can't buy this book."


"Please whisper dearie, this a library, not a bookshop."

I flushed a deep red.

"S-sorry,"I stuttered,"I thought this was a bookshop. I am new here, you see."

"It is alright," she smiled,"the bookshop is three blocks, right around the corner."


I walked away very fast. I had just embarrassed myself, I felt like punching myself over and over again.

When I reached the building, I looked at the sign to double check that it was a bookshop.

Florist's Bookshop. Books are currently 50% of! Buy now!

I went inside and browsed around. There weren't that many books as the library. That thought made me blush again.

"Looking for a book?" And assistant asked.

I nodded.

"Try this one, it is a very popular book."

She handed me a book. I read the blurb, it said:

Flora has amnesia-

I wondered what that meant.

-she can't remember anything day to day:

The joke her friend made, the instructions her parents gave her, how old she is-

Oohhhh, she was sick.

-Then the next day she kisses someone she should not, and the next day she remembers it-

Oooo damn

-It is the first time she's remembered anything since she was ten. But the boy is gone.

I look at my hands and it says, Flora be brave-

I looked up from the book,"I'll take this one."

She nodded and I followed her to the counter. I payed for the book and put it into my bag.

I smiled, my Christmas shopping was done. I exited the store and went to find the statue, which was pretty easy.

I saw Hermione pacing back and forth. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Rose! Where have you been? I called you on the phone but you didn't pick up!"

"Chill 'Mione it took me a long time cause I went to a wrong area-"

"Don't yell me that your got lost"

"I didn't, but I did get embarrassed, luckily that lady told me what had happened and showed me where this place was."

"You aren't making any sense right now."

I smirked,"Good."

She just rolled her eyes, and we looked around for a while. She showed me sweets that didn't come in every flavour and sweets that didn't move, which was very weird.

It also tasted disgusting, especially one hat was called, hmm what was the name again? Earwax? No no, it was called twix, yeah.