
Weasley Twin (Edited Version)

{Completed.} *Rose's POV* "Rose, Rose, wake up!" "Leave me alone Ron! It is five in the morning, go back to sleep." It was currently the first of Semtember. We were supposed to go to Hogwarts today. "I can't! I am just sooooo excited,"Ron replied to me. I opened my eyes to see him on my bed on all fours, staring down at me, smiling. I shook my head and turned. Why would anyone even be excited? We were starting school, I don't see what was so fun in that. "Well to bad, now, leave me alone!" I yelled, closing my eyes. Ron left me to go to his bed. Jeez. Can't a person sleep in peace before torture arrives at school. I hated waking up early. * Rose Wesley, the twin of Ronald Weasley. First girl in her family, fiery red hair, green eyes. The description of perfect to someone who does not know her properly. Everything, however, changes the moment she steps into Hogwarts, what will she do? ~Huffle_Claw

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#Chapter 8

*Rose's POV*

My thoughts were whizzing again.

December was coming soon and I did not know what I was going to be doing for Christmas and I was not sure what I was going to do. I could either stay at Hogwarts, or go to see my new home with Sev.

If I stayed with Sev, Hermione said that I could come over to hang out in the muggle world.

If I stayed, there was a very small possibility that Daphne would stay back with me.

I sighed as I sat in the common room. I really wish I had a cat. Millicent said that if she managed to pass this year and go into second year she would get a cat.

It was getting late, and tomorrow was another day of boring school. Even if I was good at it, I still hated it. It was a wonder how Ginerva even wanted to come.

I tear poured out of my eye, I still missed them, after all, they were still my family, and I would miss them with all my life, even Percy and Ginerva.

I stood up and went to bed, dreading the next day.


We had double Potions, but I didn't understand why we had to do it in the cold and freezing dungeons.

Draco and I were partnered up, as Sev gave us 10 points each for our Potions.

He favoured us the most as we are his favorite students. I didn't know if I felt good or bad about this, but it was awesome!

"I do feel sorry," Draco said stirring the Potion three times clockwise,"For all those people who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because they are not wanted at home."

Crabbe and Goyle chuckled behind us.

I bonked all three of them on the head.

"First of all, Draco, focus on our potion, you have to add the powdered spine of lionfish before the bat spleen!

Second of all, that is offensive, as I am, too, not wanted in my family.

Third of all I may be staying here at Hogwarts-"

"What?! No way!" Draco said ignoring the second part,"There is no way that you are staying here. You will go with Snape. Who in all the fairylands would stay here?"

I nodded as he did have a point,"You are right, and anyway, at least I'll be able see 'Mione."

"You are going to see that Grager-Girl?" He asked, frowning.

"Get used to it Draco, if not, then it sucks to be you."


I rolled my eyes,"Just focus on our Potion please."

Potions ended quickly enough. I put our Potion in a bottle and gave it to Sev to mark.

Draco took time to pack, which was very annoying.

We went outside.

"Draaccooo, I want to go back inside, it is freezing cold!"

He just rolled his eyes. I noticed that we were headed towards Hermione and her friends including Hagrid, the half giant.

"Would you mind moving out the way?" Draco said,"Are you trying to earn some extra money Weasley? Hoping to be gamekeeper yourself when you leave Hogwarts, I suppose- that hut of Hagrid's must seem like a palace compared to what your family is used to."

My stupid brother dives onto Draco. I gasped and backed off.


Ron let go of his robes as I sighed in relief.

"He was provoked, Professor Snape," Said Hagrid,"Malfoy was insultin' his family."

"Miss Rose, is this true?" Sev asked me. I nodded.

"Very well then, one point from Slytherin, and ten points from Gryffindor as fighting is against the school rules. Now move along, all of you."

Crabbe, Goyle and Draco pushed passed a Christmas tree, scattering needles everywhere, with me trailing behind them.

I looked back at Hermione who was frowning. We had this thing where we could talk to each other without actually talking.

She was saying that I should help her pick the needles up. I really didn't want to, but for her sake I walked towards them. Harry and Ron were talking to each other, not noticing me.

"I'll get him," Ron was saying,"One of these days, I'll get him-"

Harry cut his off,"I hate them both, Snape and Malfoy."

"Don't forget Rose," Ron muttered.

"Ron, she was your sister!" Hermione said trying to save me.

"Exactly 'Mione, she WAS."

I ignored what Ron said and quickly picked up all the needles. While I was doing this, I could feel all of their eyes staring at me.

I stood up and gave them to Hermione smiling weakly,"Good news, I won't be staying at Hogwarts for the holidays."

We hugged, and I left them.