
Wealth of Dreams

In an alternate version of Earth, Rio finds himself in a world where certain industries have been stunted. Fueled by his ambition and desire for power, he discovers the remarkable Wealth System, a tool that grants him unprecedented abilities and knowledge. With his eyes set on becoming the richest and most influential person on the planet, Rio embarks on a thrilling journey. Hello, everyone! I'm new to writing, and I'll do my best to ensure my grammar is as close to perfect as possible with the help of Grammarly. If there are any plot holes or other issues you notice, please feel free to criticize i will try my best into improving those areas. SEE YA!

Awiener · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Chapter 6

As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains of his luxurious bedroom, Rio stirred from his deep slumber. Stretching his limbs and feeling refreshed, he rose from the comfortable bed and made his way to the en-suite bathroom to freshen up.

After a refreshing shower, Rio put on a comfortable robe and made his way downstairs to the kitchen, ready to start his day with a hearty breakfast. The spacious and well-equipped kitchen greeted him, filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the promise of a delicious meal.

Rio's culinary skills came into play once again as he prepared his breakfast. With a selection of fresh ingredients at his disposal, he whipped up a nutritious omelette, accompanied by crispy bacon, toasted bread, and a side of vibrant fruit salad. The enticing smells filled the air, making his stomach rumble in anticipation.

Sitting at the elegant dining table, Rio savored each bite of his breakfast, enjoying the flavors and taking a moment to appreciate the abundance in his life. As he sipped his coffee, he pondered the tasks that lay ahead for the day.

With a clear mind, Rio opened his planner and started outlining his schedule. He prioritized a visit to the newly acquired shop lot, where he planned to assess its potential and explore potential business opportunities. Additionally, he made a mental note to schedule a meeting with the talented F&B manager he had received as a reward, aiming to discuss potential collaborations and ideas for his future ventures.

Rio also wanted to take some time to explore the city and familiarize himself with its landmarks, culture, and the opportunities it presented. He knew that immersing himself in the local scene would provide valuable insights and connections for his entrepreneurial endeavors.

Beyond business, Rio recognized the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. He scheduled some time for exercise, be it a visit to the state-of-the-art gym in his villa or a jog in the nearby park. Taking care of his physical and mental well-being would ensure he was at his best to tackle the challenges that lay ahead.

With his schedule planned, Rio finished his breakfast, cleared the table, and tidied up the kitchen. He felt a sense of excitement and anticipation for the day ahead, eager to make the most of his resources, talents, and the opportunities that had been bestowed upon him.

Rio stood in front of the mirror, observing his reflection with a critical eye. While he acknowledged his attractive appearance, he couldn't help but feel dissatisfied with his thin and somewhat feminine physique. Determined to transform his body into a more fit and masculine form, he devised a plan to incorporate daily exercise into his routine.

Rio began by setting up a dedicated space in his home for his workout sessions. He cleared out a corner of his villa to create a small gym area, complete with essential equipment such as dumbbells, resistance bands, and a workout mat. Excited about the possibilities that lay ahead, he couldn't wait to kickstart his fitness journey.

He developed a structured exercise schedule that would allow him to target different muscle groups throughout the week. Rio planned to focus on a combination of strength training and cardiovascular exercises to achieve his desired lean and muscular physique.

His mornings would now start with a refreshing shower to invigorate his senses and prepare him for the day ahead. Afterward, he would get dressed in comfortable workout attire, ready to break a sweat and push his body to its limits.

Entering his home gym, Rio began his workout routine with a dynamic warm-up. This consisted of movements like jumping jacks, lunges, and arm circles to increase his heart rate, warm up his muscles, and improve his flexibility. He knew that warming up properly would reduce the risk of injury and enhance the effectiveness of his workouts.

For strength training, Rio planned to focus on compound exercises that engaged multiple muscle groups simultaneously. He incorporated exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, pull-ups, and overhead presses into his routine. Gradually increasing the weight and intensity over time, he aimed to build strength, increase muscle mass, and develop a more defined physique.

To complement his strength training, Rio also included cardiovascular exercises in his daily routine. Whether it was running on the treadmill, cycling, or jump rope sessions, he aimed to elevate his heart rate and improve his endurance. He knew that cardiovascular workouts would not only help him burn calories but also enhance his overall fitness and contribute to a leaner body.

After an intense workout session, Rio made it a point to cool down and stretch his muscles. This would help prevent stiffness and promote faster muscle recovery. Incorporating static stretches and yoga poses, he aimed to increase his flexibility and maintain optimal joint mobility.

Post-workout, Rio would take another refreshing shower to cleanse away the sweat and invigorate his body. He would then dress in comfortable and stylish attire, ready to tackle the rest of his day's activities.

With his exercise routine established and his determination ignited, Rio felt a renewed sense of purpose. He understood that transforming his body would require commitment, consistency, and patience. However, he was eager to embark on this journey and make progress towards his ideal fit and lean build.

After getting ready, Rio left his villa and made his way to the shop lot he had recently acquired.


[Name: Rio Esgrus

Level: 1

Level Benefit: $2,500,000, Business Skill (Intermediate), Random F&B Recipe (LV1)

Experience: 0/10,000 (Host must earn money to accumulate experience)

Shop: Open

Balance: $2,351,018

Accumulated Profits: $0

Assets Value: $5,200,000]