
The Lone Vampire Making Trouble

Mr Bee in his bedroom just woke-up with Officer Swan:

<Mr Bee starts the conversation>

"Morning and Asalam O Alaikum!"

<Officer Swan rubbing his eye>

"Walaikum Asalam! Oh! What is it?"

Mr Bee snatching it from under him as he was sleeping on the down bed and Officer was on the upper bed. "It's a T.V remote! Oops!"

<Accidently turned on the T.V. The News Channel P.A.I Going On>

"Welcome to P.A.I Jack Brown here, we are informing you about the current situation of the city it's said that a vampire is stealing everyone's puppies! We have a victim....we will talk to him....So Mr can you tell us what happened to your dog."

<The Guy really frightened pupils dilated>

"It was a vampire like in a black and red cape wearing and cool hear style it just took my dog last night and he was real quick like SWARP! He just came in dark and my dog was no longer with me!"

<The Anchor calmly doing his job>