
We have Dragons

The journal of a young man, traveling the world to document what he sees (Dragons and other mighty beasts included).

Nothol · Fantasie
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42 Chs

What is Magic?

Man I am exited. That's the first time in a while that I write something down by hand. After we had finished our banter I had asked the others what they meant with things like "aura" and "body-style".

So apparently there are different kinda of magic. From what I understood every being is made of three parts.

The body, the mind and the soul.

Those three aren't distinct things however they are more like three people constantly copying off off each other. The body shapes the mind. If the body is ill, hurt or something like that the mind will suffer. If the body is in peak condition on the other hand, the mind can thrive. The mind forms the soul with its perception of reality and oneself.

For example if I think of myself as a weak person with time the shape of my soul will change to match that view of myself. If I think that I am strong on the other hand my soul will strengthen. This also happens after one overcomes great struggle or bad times. Everything that puts one to the test can increase the strength of the soul and give it shape.

The soul is were magic comes from. She produces magic constantly, like the sun does light. This energy one can invest into things. If someone invests it into ones body over time the body will strengthen, and get more durable.

Body-Style: One invests magic into the body, resulting in greater speed, reflexes strength and vitality. There are even people that can tank fireballs after investing long enought.

Enhancment-Style: This style is closest to the former. Instead of ones body the magic is invested into an object, giving it special properties or even abilites. There is a hunter for example that invested his magic into different spears and can control them with his mind now.

Pakt-Style: User of this art use their magic to form a bond with another being. If two people take in each others magic, a bond can be formed that can be given certain conditions. Some people can even change the abilities and appearances of their partners.

Creation-Style: User of this art shape their magic into a creature or object that they have to constantly sustain with their magic energy. Venosa is a creation-style user apparently.

Kinetic-style: This style doesn't invest their magic right away but store them either inside them or an object. If needed they take a certain amount of energy to produce an effect (like a fireball).

Aura-style: The people of this style invest their magic into their own magic, whatever that means. Doing that they have less magic but have a great control over it and give it special properties.

Soul-style: Users of this style don't use magic at all but manipulate their own soul. The monarch that mastered this style was able to split her soul into multiple parts and posses other people. This style is forbidden, but many other style use little tricks of it in order to strengthen their own techniques.

Apparently there Is black magic and 'sorcery' but no one wanted to explain me what those can do so I will leave it at that until I find someone that is willing to tell me what they do.