
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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145 Chs

Chapter 2: Relaxation

"Continue," Kelrian shouted loud enough. The men and women obeyed and went back to their training partners, practising the technique Kelrian had shown them. Kelrian walked from one side to the other, letting his gaze jump from couple to couple. Most of his students were doing great but there were also a few exceptions who had troubles with the execution of the techniques Kelrian showed them.

Kelrian stopped next to one of these problem cases. "You need to turn your upper body in more to put more power into your punch, Marci. You also need to pay attention to the position of your feet. You stand very unsteadily. One push will be enough to make you fall." Kelrian pushed the brunette a little, watching her losing her balance and fall onto the ground. "See."

Her training partner, a raven-haired male sin'dorei offered her a hand which she took. Marci's gaze fell on her master once she was back on her feet. "I will pay more attention to that from now on. Thank you."

Kelrian gave the human a small smile, saying nothing in return. He watched her turning her upper body more in as she executed a quick punch, hitting her opponent on the upper arm. "That was a good one," Kelrian complimented. His gaze fell on the sin'dorei. "Make sure she always stands correctly, Velion."

Kelrian moved away from them and came closer to the next pairing, watching them while they exchanged punches. Neither of them attacked with their full power because they were training the technique. They weren't duelling. He watched them for several minutes before he made his way to the next pairing. He regarded each pairing before he went back to the other instructors.

"Let them do some exercises to help to improve their stamina and then you can let them go. I think they trained enough for today, they deserve to relax once they are done," Kelrian said to Sally Whitemane who was not only the head instructor of the class but also Kelrian's personal student.

"Most of them showed great improvements today. Only some of them have difficulties," Sally replied.

"I have no doubt you will make great paladins and priests out of them."

Sally smiled. "I'm glad you have so much faith in me."

"You are one of the strongest servants of the Light I know, of course, I believe that you can do this."

"What are you going to do now, if I might ask?"

"I need to take a bath before Sylvanas arrives. I'm all sweaty from our sparring. I didn't expect you to keep up with me, you have gotten so much better over the past year."

Sally's smile became wider. "I had a good teacher, besides, you didn't even use all of your power. You held back."

"Was it that obvious?" Kelrian asked, rubbing the back of his head.

"I have seen you in battle, so I know what you are capable of."

"There is a huge difference between a war and a sparring."

"I know, I just wanted to point out that you are still so much stronger than me, even though we seemed to be almost even when we were sparring."

"Nevertheless, it doesn't change the fact that you have gotten so much better in the past year. I'm proud of you."

Sally smiled, a small blush could be seen on her cheeks. "I don't want to hold you up any longer, master."

Kelrian rolled his eyes. "Master," he repeated with a small amount of annoyance in his voice.

"Sorry, Kelrian."

Kelrian smiled. "Much better."

"Anyway, I will see you another day I assume."

"Probably tomorrow if nothing comes in between."

Sally nodded. "Alright, enjoy your time with Sylvanas."

"I will."

Kelrian looked at the apprentices one last time before he walked away from the training grounds and made his way to the Terrace of Light. He entered the huge temple, greeting everyone he met as he followed the long corridors until he came to his room. He unlocked the door with his magic and entered the room. He closed the door behind him and went to the door on the left side of the room, entering the bathroom. He stepped to the bathtub and turned the water on, removing his clothes one by one.

It was harder than expected because the fabric partly stuck on his sweaty skin but he still managed to get all pieces of clothing off his body after a few minutes. He put them in the linen basket that stood in the right corner of the room and went back to the tub, testing if the water had the right temperature. It had the perfect temperature, meaning he didn't have to increase it.

He waited until the water level was high enough and got in the tub, stretching out his legs and resting his head on the porcelain. He closed his eyes and allowed his body to relax. His mind drifted off quickly, making him forget about everything that bothered him. His missing daughter, his father, Arthas and the Scourge. Nothing of these matters crossed his mind. It was blank, meaning he thought of nothing.

Kelrian wasn't aware of his surroundings. He didn't hear the twittering of the birds through the ajar window. An assassin could sneak into the bathroom and he wouldn't notice it. Fortunately, it was not an assassin that stepped into the bathroom without making a sound. It was someone else but Kelrian didn't notice them either.

Only when he felt a hand on his throat, he noticed the presence of the person. His eyes shot open but before he could recognize the person, his body had already acted instinctively, grabbed the person by their throat and pulled them into the huge tub beneath the surface of the water. A few moments later, Kelrian's eyes had finally recognized the intruder. Kelrian let go of her immediately and allowed her to come up.

Sylvanas was now sitting in front of him, her hair was as wet as the rest of her body. A surprised expression could be seen on her face. "You got very fast reactions," she complimented, the tone of surprise was clearly hearable in her voice. "I didn't expect you to do that. I didn't see it coming."

"I didn't expect you to be able to come close to me without me hearing you."

"My footsteps were pretty quiet but you didn't even hear me calling your name when I reached the tub. You were mentally absent."

Kelrian chuckled. "Why did you even grab my throat? You could have also nudged me."

Sylvanas gave him a small smile. "I thought it would be funnier, I wanted to see your reaction. I thought you would be shocked to feel a hand around your throat."

"My reaction was not the reaction you wanted to see."

Sylvanas smirked. "You can say that. I didn't plan on taking a bath today, especially not with my clothes on."

Kelrian tilted his head a little, a wide smirk appeared on his lips. "But now that you are already in, you could remove your clothes and keep me company."

"You are aware that the water will smell bad after some time, right?" Sylvanas asked him, one of her brows was raised.

"Don't worry about that, I put something in the water that will prevent that."

"You did?" Sylvanas asked surprised.

Kelrian nodded. "I assumed that once you see my nude form, you wouldn't be able to resist me and do what I ask for."

"You are extraordinarily self-confident today, I like that," Sylvanas responded, running her tongue over her lips.

"And you look stunningly beautiful with your wet hair and wet clothes. I bet you were already wet before you fell in the water."

Sylvanas chuckled. "Fell. Yeah, that's what I did. It's not that someone pulled me into the water and attempted to drown me."

Kelrian shrugged. "I thought you were an assassin who was sent to kill me."

"An assassin wouldn't have permission to your room. Remember, the spell cast on this room only allows those who have been granted permission by you."

"You shouldn't have grabbed my throat then. It's your own fault that you are totally wet now," Kelrian said with a shit-eating grin on his lips.

Sylvanas crossed her arms in front of her chest, tilting her head much further. "You are on dangerously thin ice, my dear."

Kelrian grinned. "Oh, am I?" he asked playfully. "What are you going to do if I continue?"

Shadow bindings appear out of nowhere and tied Kelrian's hands to the porcelain. "I have a thing or two in mind."

"Nah, I don't think so," Kelrian said provokingly, destroying the bindings with his bare hands.

"Spoilsport," Sylvanas commented.

Kelrian said nothing as he leaned forward and gently shoved Sylvanas to the other end of the tub, regarding her from above with predatory eyes.

"You know we won't leave this tub for hours if you proceed," Sylvanas reminded him, the desire in her eyes was unmistakable.

"I know, I have nothing else to do today."

"Neither have I."

"Wonderful," Kelrian said as he began to remove Sylvanas' uniform and discard it on the floor.


"That was...something different," Sylvanas said when she had eventually recovered from the orgasm she had just experienced.

Kelrian's chest was rising and falling with each breath he made. His breathing was quick, supplying his body with the necessary amount of oxygen within a short time. "Something good I hope."

Sylvanas smiled. "Of course, it was good. Better than good to be exact. It's just... It's been a long time since we had wild sex in a bathtub, so I actually forgot how good sex in the water can be."

"The last time was when you were still alive. Years before the Third War."

"You might be right, my memory about this time is not as clear as it used to be. But I still remember the most important things, so basically, everything that involves you. The day we first met, all three entrance examinations, our first date, our first kiss, our first time and much more. I will never forget these memories just like I will never forget the births of Sylvera and Raesh, your proposal and our wedding day. And our wedding night of course. I would never forget it even if I would try to forget it."

Kelrian chuckled. "Yeah, that was a crazy night."

"I shouldn't have made out with Verena while you were watching, that's the only thing I regret. Ever since then she still believed I had feelings for her. I'm sure if I wouldn't have kissed her that day, she wouldn't be so jealous these days."

"We will never know that, it's also possible that the reason for her jealously is her undead nature. Death changes everyone," replied Kelrian.

"Nevertheless, I shouldn't have listened to you. I shouldn't have kissed her. That was stupid. A stupid mistake we made because we had been so drunk."

"It was not me who ordered so much alcohol to our room," Kelrian said laughingly, nudging Sylvanas with his elbow.

Sylvanas raised her hands in surrender. "Yeah, it was all my fault, I give up. I ordered the alcohol and I kissed Verena because you convinced me to even though I knew that she has zero interest in men. A threesome would have never worked. What were we thinking?"

Kelrian shrugged. "Nevertheless, we had an awesome night. You didn't even get pregnant, although we did nothing but drinking and having sex for almost thirty-six hours."

Sylvanas smiled when these memories came back into her mind. "The best night I ever had." She snuggled closer to Kelrian, closing her eyes when he wrapped her arm around her. She leaned her head on his shoulder, enjoying the warmth radiated by the water and Kelrian's body. They stayed like this for a while until they decided to get out of the water. They didn't want to spend the rest of the day in the tub.

Kelrian didn't feel ashamed as he touched Sylvanas while drying her body with a towel. Then he allowed her to do the same with him. They put the towels on the towel rack, leaving the bathroom wearing nothing but their birthday suits. They went to the wardrobes on the right side of the room, taking out clothes that were their taste and were comfortable at the same time.

Their eyes didn't leave the other as they got dressed, the smiles on their faces were wide. "Why are you grinning like that?" Sylvanas asked playfully, nudging Kelrian with her elbow.

"There is nothing that speaks against it, right?"

"Not really."

"Tell me why are you grinning like that," Kelrian demanded in return.

"I'm just happy to be here with you."

"You have never been in this place before, have you?"

Sylvanas shook her head. "No, I haven't."

"Shall I show you the city?"

Sylvanas nodded. "That would be great."

Kelrian took her hand and left the room with her, guiding her through the corridors and halls of the Terrace of Light. At last, they came to the largest hall in which not only one but three naaru were floating above the stone floor. It was the first time Sylvanas saw these three beings but not the first time she had seen a naaru. Nevertheless, she was impressed by their beauty.

"The one in the middle is A'dal, the leader of the naaru. To its left is Z'eru, the one who guided me since my rebirth. The one on the right is G'eras, it took M'uru's place after my father corrupted it and the sin'dorei used its remains to recreate the Sunwell."

Sylvanas lowered her head to express her respect. "It's an honour to meet you."

"We are pleased to finally meet the wife of the Chosen," A'dal's high-pitched voice said.

"Wife of the Chosen," repeated Sylvanas. "I've been called many things, but I've never been called that," she added with amusement.

"You should feel honoured to be his wife. Many women want to be with him but there is only one who can have him and that is you. You don't want to imagine what people would do to be in the position you are in."

"I should feel lucky I suppose."

"That has little to do with luck," responded Z'eru.

Sylvanas raised an eyebrow but said nothing in return.

"Destiny has chosen both of you. It brought you together for a reason."

"For a reason?" Sylvanas asked curiously.

"Nothing happens by pure chance, everything happens for a reason, for a greater purpose."

"And what is our purpose?" she asked.

The naaru didn't respond to her but Kelrian did. "They can't tell us what our purpose is, we need to find it out on our own."

"I suppose destiny wants us to stop Arthas and save Azeroth from his wrath."

"Probably. Maybe they want more from us."


Kelrian shrugged. "My task as the Chosen is not to protect just Azeroth. They naaru also want me to protect Outland and other planets. I need to protect the universe from every threat and there is not only one force that has evil plans with it."

"So, you need to fight the Scourge, the Burning Legion and whoever will come after."

Kelrian nodded.

"Did the naaru tell you anything about the future?" she asked him.

Kelrian hesitated for a short moment. "Nothing which helps us fighting the Scourge." It was not a lie but not the whole truth either. They had told him something about the future but no one except for him could know about that, otherwise, the outcome might change.

He had promised the naaru to not tell anyone, not even his wife, about the visions he had seen. The vision about a living Sylvanas with golden eyes holding a baby in her arms. He hated keeping secrets from Sylvanas but he had no other choice. No one must know about the vision if Kelrian wanted it to come true. He had to keep this secret for Sylvanas' sake.

"Too bad."

Kelrian wrapped his arm around Sylvanas' shoulder and pulled her with him to the room's exit. "Sometimes it's better not to know too much about the future."

"You might be right," Sylvanas responded, looking at the energy beings one last time before they walked through the exit. Kelrian guided her out of the Terrance of Light, Sylvanas immediately held her hand in front of her eyes to save herself from the bright sun. "Why must the sun be shining so brightly on this planet? It's the main reason why I rarely visit Outland."

"It's really surprising that every single Forsaken doesn't like sunlight."

"We have every reason to not like it. Not only is the heat unbearable, but the sunlight is also bad for our skin. Not to mention that most Forsaken do not smell so well when they are exposed to the Sun for too long. We prefer darker places," Sylvanas explained.

"Darker places like your bedroom?" The grin on Kelrian's lips couldn't be missed.

Sylvanas gently nudged him with her elbow. "That's indeed a good example. I cannot believe that we just made love and you still cannot stop thinking about it."

Kelrian ran his hand over her back, his voice became lower so that only she could hear him. "What shall I say? Your nude form just doesn't want to leave my mind."

"Pervert," Sylvanas whispered.

"If I'm being a pervert for just loving my wife, fine. In that case, I'm a pervert I suppose. It's not that sex is the most natural thing in the world."

Sylvanas grinned at him. "I'm just making fun of you honey, don't feel offended."

"I don't."


"Shall we continue our little tour or do you want to keep talking about sex?"

"As much as I would love to talk about sex, I think we should keep going before the Sun burns me alive."

Kelrian muttered a few words, creating an invisible barrier around her. "Are you feeling better now?"

Sylvanas realized in mere seconds that the sun was no longer hurting her. "I do indeed. Whatever you did, it is working. Thank you, my dear." She pressed a kiss on his cheek, making him smile.

"No need to thank me," Kelrian responded. He took one of her hands and intertwined their finger, guiding her through the road that led to the east. They met dozens of people, most of them were draenei and sin'dorei, on their way to the eastern area of the city.

Kelrian showed her every area of the city and told her interesting information. They also met a few familiar persons with who they chatted a little.

"Shattrath City is much more beautiful than I expected."

"It's a beautiful city indeed but only my third favourite city."

"Silvermoon and Undercity are your most favourites I suppose."

Kelrian nodded. "You are right about that. Nothing beats Silvermoon City in my opinion."

"Even though I live in Undercity for nine years, Silvermoon City still is and will always be my favourite. I might be a Forsaken now but I'm still a sin'dorei and I haven't lost my sense of taste. Otherwise, I would not still be so strongly attracted to you."

Kelrian wrapped his arms around Sylvanas' shoulders, pulling her closer to him. "You know what you have to say to flatter me," Kelrian whispered as he stared into her eyes. Sylvanas put a hand on his cheek and caressed it, leaning in to press her lips on his. Kelrian returned the kiss, allowing Sylvanas to insert her tongue into his mouth. The kiss started passionately but turned wildly within mere seconds, leaving Kelrian breathless when they pulled away.

Sylvanas' lips formed a satisfied smile as she ran her thumb over her bottom lip, wiping away the saliva. She regarded him for a few moments before she let her gaze wander. "At least we are standing in the shadows now. The cool is quite pleasant, it makes my stay bearable."

Kelrian took her hand and guided her to a bench in front of the huge tree they were standing under, sitting down on it. Sylvanas didn't hesitate to sit down as well but instead of sitting next to him, she chose to sit on his lap. Kelrian wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer, pressing his upper body against her back. Sylvanas leaned against him and closed her eyes, listening to the twittering of the birds.

Kelrian pulled her hood down slowly and carefully, making sure he didn't accidentally fold over one of her sensitive ears. He ran his fingers through her hair and gently massaged her scalp. He put kisses on her cheeks, close to her mouth, on her neck and even on her ears. Sylvanas did nothing but relaxing on her husband's lap and enjoying the caresses.

They stayed like this for several hours, saying nothing to each other. Sylvanas opened her eyes eventually, realising that the sky had become much darker. Night had not yet fallen, but it was only a matter of time until it would.

"I wish we had more time for ourselves," Sylvanas said eventually.

"You mean like some sort of a vacation?" Kelrian asked.

Sylvanas nodded. "Something like that. Just you and me for a few days. No burdens, no tasks, no people to rule. Just for a few days."

"Sounds nice but what would we do all day?"

Sylvanas' grin reached from one ear to the other. "I know exactly what we can do."

"So we make love all day and all night? Is that your concept of our vacation?"

"We also cuddle enjoy each other's presence but yeah, I wouldn't say no to seven whole days of making love."

Kelrian smiled. "The idea sounds great but we cannot do that. Not as long as the Scourge is still a threat."

A disappointed sigh escaped Sylvanas' lip. "You are right. The Scourge became more active in the Plaguelands, which means we have to be more careful and eventually do something about them. What we have to do depends on the reports of my spies."

"I'm curious about what they found out."

"So am I," Sylvanas responded and stretched her arms and back, groaning. "I really want that vacation. One week without stress and duties. One week I could spend only with you."

"Maybe when Arthas is defeated, we might get our vacation."

"Maybe," repeated Sylvanas and got up, waiting for her husband to get up as well. She took his hand and intertwined their fingers, running her thumb over the back. They made their way back to the Terrace of Light but before they could reach the building a portal appeared out of nowhere.

They stopped walking, their gazes fell on the blue vortex, surprise and curiosity could be seen in their eyes. A few seconds later Lyndia appeared through the portal. Her pale blonde hair was tousled, blood flowed out of a stabbing wound in her right hip. Fortunately, the wound was neither large nor deep.

Before Sylvanas and Kelrian could say anything, Lyndia had already approached them. "We have a big problem, aunt."

"What's going on?" Sylvanas asked, worry could be seen in her eyes.

"The Scourge found a way to get into Undercity."