

Two people who hate each other, and fight with each other like kids, has to get marry because of their families. what will happen if two opposite people has to live together in same roof? will they fall in love with each other? or just keep do silly fights? to know, read Cavalier and Chipmunk's funny yet love story

Sara51 · Urban
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7 Chs

Meeting - Episode 1

It was a fine morning, the sun had already started to shine, and the birds were chirping outside while flying in the endless sky.

The alarm on the nightstand started to ring as it was eight in the morning. A girl woke up and turned off the alarm.

She rubbed her eyes and yawned, covering her wide-opened mouth. She is Yin, Guem Yin, the only daughter of the Guem family.

"Good morning, everyone," Yin said while coming downstairs and adjusting her wristwatch.

"Good morning, Yin," her mom and dad responded. Yin sat down at the dining table with her family and started to have their breakfast.

"Yin, have you thought about what we talked about?" Yin's dad asked Yin, who was chewing her food peacefully. But she stopped eating as soon as she heard her dad's question.

"Dad, I told you I don't have a boyfriend and I don't want one. Neither do I want to get married," Yin whined like a kid.

"Guem Yin, how long are you going to be single?! You are already 25! Stop acting like a 15-year-old teenager! Even teenagers have lovers, but look at my daughter," Mrs. Guem said, more like she was taunting Yin.

Yin was just listening to her mom as it was one of her daily routines. "Look at what kind of child you gave me," Mrs. Guem said while looking at Mr. Guem. He looked around, as if he was the one who got trapped.

"Was it only me?" Mr. Guem asked with his doe eyes, pointing at himself. Yin was annoyed by this couple thing.

"Guys, I am going. I am getting late," Yin said and quickly got up and ran from there. "We are going to arrange a marriage for you! Don't tell me I didn't warn you!" Mrs. Guem shouted at Yin as she ran, waving her hand.

It was the daily family drama in Yin's house. Her parents wanted her to get married as soon as possible, so they could have a grandchild.

But here is Guem Yin, who has no interest in marriage, and having a child is far from her thoughts.

It's not like she doesn't want to be in a relationship or something, but she has never found someone who can understand her.

The guys who want to be with her are either interested in her money or her beauty, which Yin doesn't like at all.

Yin owns a coffee shop, as it was her decision to open one, even though they are rich.

"Hey bro, where are you now?" Mingyu asked his friend who was on the other end of the call.

"I am already here," the guy said, and a black Mercedes-Benz GT63S stopped right in front of Mingyu.

Mingyu ended the call and smiled, knowing who it was.

A guy in his twenties, wearing black tight jeans and a black t-shirt with a black blazer, got out of the driver's seat.

He has a perfect body with a perfect look, brown eyes, and pink thin lips. Everything about him was perfect.

"Finally, you are here, Jungkook," Mingyu went to the guy and said, "wow, he is so handsome." "Yes, he is," girls whispered, looking at Jungkook, and he was used to this.

"Jungkook, don't you really have a girlfriend?" Cha Eunwoo asked, putting his hand around Jungkook's shoulder.

"Well, I never found someone my type, and plus, single life is better than that silly love," Jungkook said, unbothered.

Eunwoo and Mingyu looked at each other and smiled, seeing how confident their friend Jungkook is.

On one hand, there is Guem Yin, who doesn't want to get married, and on the other hand, there is Jeon Jungkook, who doesn't want to be involved in relationship stuff.

Yin was in her coffee shop, working with other staff as if it's not her own coffee shop. She is also working under a boss.

She was taking orders, talking to every customer politely, treating the staff like friends. She is humble and cheerful. No one can tell she belongs to a rich family.

As usual, she was taking an order from a customer. "Can I have your order, please, ma'am?" she asked politely. "I would like to have a large iced latte with low-fat milk," the lady in her thirties said and smiled.

"Sure ma'am, you will get your order in a few minutes," Yin said and smiled as she bowed and left for the kitchen to deliver the order.

Meanwhile, Jungkook, Mingyu, and Eunwoo entered the coffee shop. They found an empty table and sat down. "Why are we here today? Are you tired of that girl in the coffee shop where we usually go?" Eunwoo asked Mingyu, teasing him with a smile. Jungkook smiled from the corner of his lips.

"Oh dude, she is so annoying, always trying to get my number," Mingyu said in an irritated voice, while Eunwoo laughed at his friend.

"Okay guys, let's order something," Mingyu said, calling a waiter. "Yes sir, what would you like to order?" the waiter asked politely.

"I'll have a small cappuccino with caramel syrup," Mingyu said. "One medium mocha without cream to go, for me," Eunwoo said. "I will have a medium iced Americano," Jungkook said. The waiter bowed and left.

After some time, Yin said, "You go and take that order. I will deliver this order to table number 9," as she took the tray from the waiter's hand.

"Here is your order, sir," Yin said as she placed the cappuccino and the mocha on the table. She was about to place the iced Americano on the table, but Jungkook's hand accidentally hit the cup, causing it to fall on his t-shirt as he was reaching for it, thinking it was already on the table.

Jungkook became furious, and Yin, Eunwoo, and Mingyu were shocked. Jungkook stood up from his seat, filled with rage, and shouted, "What the heck are you doing?!" Eunwoo and Mingyu also stood up from their seats.

"I am sorry, sir. It was an accident," Yin immediately apologized, even though it wasn't her fault. "Sorry?! You ruined my clothes!" Jungkook shouted again, wiping his t-shirt with a tissue.

"Sir, please calm down. I apologize," Yin said again. "Huh! I know girls like you, who try these types of cheap tricks to get the attention of rich guys like us," Jungkook stated with an attitude.

Yin apologized again, even though it wasn't her fault, simply because he was her customer. However, Yin couldn't bear how insulting he was being towards her character.

"Sir, you are going too far. I already said it was an accident, and I apologized too. You can't say anything about anyone just like that," Yin said, her voice filled with anger.

"Don't teach me how to talk to people," Jungkook said, glaring at Yin. "And I don't even want to teach someone like you," Yin said, glaring back at him.

Jungkook got really furious, while Eunwoo and Mingyu just looked at each other, knowing they couldn't stop Jungkook.

"What do you mean by someone like me?!" Jungkook asked, coming a little closer to Yin. "Someone whose mind is full of ego and who doesn't know how to respect others," Yin stated.

"You! How dare you?! I will make sure you regret messing with me. Be ready to say goodbye to this job," Jungkook said, still glaring at her. "Then try," Yin stated in anger.

They kept glaring at each other for a few minutes, both of their eyes filled with anger towards each other. After the staring contest, Jungkook left, and Eunwoo and Mingyu followed him.

What an interesting first meeting. Didn't Jungkook just think Yin was poor and even threaten to kick her out of her own coffee shop?

After such a big argument, Yin went to the rooftop of the coffee shop, ignoring all the stares from customers.

She was really frustrated and furious because of Jungkook. If she had the chance, she would have definitely punched his face. But fortunately, she couldn't, otherwise Jungkook's face wouldn't be left like that.

"How dare that girl say something like that to me?! She messed with the wrong guy," Jungkook said, smashing the steering wheel.

"Let it go, Jungkook," Eunwoo said, putting his hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "How can I let it go? She raised her voice at me! Jeon Jungkook!" Jungkook groaned again.

"So, you did the same. It wasn't her mistake that the Americano fell on you. It was you, who didn't pay enough attention," Mingyu said from the back seat.

Jungkook glared at him. "Are you taking her side now?!" Jungkook asked. "I am just stating the fact, Jk," Mingyu said. "Whatever, she insulted me, and I hate that. I hate her attitude," Jungkook said again, and both Eunwoo and Mingyu sighed in defeat.

Jungkook cursed her all day, while on the other side, Yin did the same. The day went on like that, and at night, Yin went back home.

"Guys, I am home~" Yin said in a tired voice while entering the house. She closed the door behind her and went to the living room.

"You are back, dinner is ready. Get fresh and come and have dinner," Mrs Guem said while watching television, sitting on the sofa.

Yin nodded and headed to her room. She got fresh and wore baby pink shorts and a white t-shirt. She went to the dining table, smelling the great smell of supper.

"Woah~ I am starving," Yin said smilingly and took a big inhale. Mr. and Mrs. Guem smiled at their daughter. "Let's eat," Mr. Guem said, and they started to eat.

Yin was eating peacefully, but the scene that happened in the coffee shop kept bothering her, and Mr. Guem noticed it.

"What happened, Yin? Why are you looking restless?" he asked, making Yin look at her dad.

"Nothing, Dad. I just had a bad day today," Yin told them what happened today. "I told you, Yin, you don't have to work," Mr. Guem said.

"No, Dad. I feel happy when I work there with others. It's just that cavalier ruined my mood," Yin said, and her parents chuckled at their daughter.

"Well, who knows if he's the one for you," Mrs. Guem said, and Yin looked at her in disbelief. "No way, Mom! Even if he was the only man in this world, I wouldn't marry him!" Yin said, and her parents laughed.

On the other hand, Jungkook tried to find the owner of the coffee shop where Yin works, but he couldn't find anything.

"Such a famous coffee shop, but nobody knows the owner!" Jungkook said in frustration.

"Ok, no problem. I will go there again and find the owner," Jungkook said to himself and threw the phone on the bed.