

Two people who hate each other, and fight with each other like kids, has to get marry because of their families. what will happen if two opposite people has to live together in same roof? will they fall in love with each other? or just keep do silly fights? to know, read Cavalier and Chipmunk's funny yet love story

Sara51 · Urban
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7 Chs

It's an Arranged Marriage - Episode 6

Yin was about to say something, but before she could, Jungkook came there and asked, "Who is that, Yin?" as both girls looked at him.

Jungkook saw the girl who had just arrived and, for some reason, he became shocked as he kept staring at her.

"Hi Kookie!" the girl said in excitement as she hugged Jungkook tightly.

Yin widened her eyes but didn't say anything. Meanwhile, Jungkook's smile widened as he hugged her back.

"I missed you, Minji," Jungkook said, breaking the hug. The wide smile never left his face.

"I missed you too, Kookie," Minji replied with the same tone as Jungkook. Yin was just looking at them without having any clue about their relationship.

That's when Jungkook noticed Yin's confused look. "Yin, meet Minji, my childhood best friend," Jungkook said with excitement.

Yin looked at the girl named Minji and smiled, extending her hand for a handshake. "Hi, Minji. I am Jeon Yin," Yin said with a smile.

Jungkook looked at Yin, surprised that she introduced herself as Jeon Yin for the first time. However, Minji didn't seem pleased to meet her.

The three of them went to the living area. Jungkook and Minji sat on the sofa, getting ready to have a long chat, while Yin went to the kitchen to bring something for the guest.

"When did you come?" Jungkook asked, resting his back on the sofa with a never-disappearing smile on his face.

"Just yesterday, and I found out that you got married, so I came to see you," Minji said with the same expression on her face. But when she mentioned the marriage, her tone changed a little, as if she never expected something like this.

"Yeah, it all happened so suddenly," Jungkook said, letting out a small chuckle. At the same time, Yin came to them, holding a tray with cool drinks and some snacks on it.

"Here, Minji, have a cool drink," Yin said with a smile on her face as she placed the tray on the glass table.

Both Jungkook and Minji kept chatting with each other while laughing. Meanwhile, Yin was sitting there like she was invisible.

But somehow, Yin wasn't that happy about the way Minji was talking with Jungkook. She didn't like the way Minji was being clingy towards him.

But she didn't like it even more when Jungkook didn't even try to avoid Minji's touch.

"When is this girl going to leave?!" Yin thought, glaring at her own hands.

A smile appeared on her face as Minji said, "Okay, Kookie, I have to go now." Yin immediately looked at Minji, controlling her wide smile.

But she immediately shifted her gaze towards Jungkook when he said, "Why don't you stay here for tonight, Minji? You can go tomorrow morning."

"Why can't this man keep his mouth shut?!" Yin cursed Jungkook in her mind while looking away.

Minji stayed there as Jungkook asked her to, while Yin wasn't happy about it, she couldn't just kick her out either.

At night, they decided to watch a movie, but Yin wasn't in the mood to stay with those two any longer, as she knew she wouldn't be able to control her anger.

So Yin was in their shared room while Jungkook and Minji were in the living area.

After a few hours, Yin came out of the room to get some water, but she stopped in her tracks as she was too shocked to react to what she was seeing.

Minji and Jungkook were sleeping on the couch in each other's arms. Yin was just looking at them without knowing how to react.

But then Jungkook opened his eyes and saw Yin standing in front of him with a mixed emotions face.

Then he realized what made Yin have that look on her face. Jungkook quickly got up, trying to explain that it's not what it looks like.

But before he could say anything, Yin went back to the room. Jungkook followed her and closed the door.

"Yin..." Jungkook called Yin, but she just ignored him and lay on the bed. "Yin, listen to me," Jungkook called again.

"Why do I have to listen? Just go to your best friend," Yin said, holding back her anger. But Jungkook got angry as he said, "It's not that big of a deal that you are overreacting, Yin."

Jungkook's words hit Yin's heart straight on, as she felt a strong pain. But she didn't say anything.

Jungkook lay on the other side of the bed and turned off the light. "It's not that big of a deal? Jungkook, how can you say that to your wife? Don't I have any right to you? Is it not a big deal for you if your wife sees you with another woman?" Yin thought.

Tears fell from her eyes. She covered her mouth to not make any sound. "But why am I feeling so hurt? Wasn't this marriage forced? Am I falling for you? Why did I have to fall for you? I don't want to love you, not when you don't have any feelings for me," Yin thought.

She had already fallen in love with Jungkook, but what if he doesn't feel the same for her? What if, for him, she is just his wife in name?

Meanwhile, "Why does she have to act like that? We just fell asleep, nothing to react like that. And besides, there is nothing between us, right?" Jungkook was questioning his own statements.

He was so unsure about their relationship, unsure about what they were to each other in reality. Were they just a couple in name? Or was it just a phrase they were using to build a boundary between them?

It was already morning. Yin woke up and found herself alone in the room. Then she remembered what happened last night.

She felt her heart twisting when she remembered what Jungkook said to her, "it's not that big of a deal that you are overreacting, Yin."

"I will control my heart, my feelings for you. It will be hard, but I will try," Yin thought and got up from bed.

Yin went to the kitchen to make breakfast, but she found Jungkook and Minji already having breakfast while chitchatting.

"Oh Yin, you are awake. Come have breakfast, Jungkook made it," Minji said smiling, but her smile wasn't genuine at all.

Yin just nodded with a slight smile on her face and sat with them. Jungkook looked at Yin, who didn't even give him a single stare.

Days passed like that, Jungkook and Yin didn't have as much time as they used to.

Jungkook was always with Minji, hanging out, while Yin was just bearing all of this because she can't do anything.

Yin again started to go to her coffee shop. Yin had surely decided to ignore her feelings, but they were only growing more and more.

She wanted her Jungkook back, the one who used to annoy her with his nicknames for her.

The one who never let a chance go by to annoy her, his childish antics, their childish fights.

But things were completely different now. Meanwhile, Minji was forcing Jungkook to have coffee with her.

But now Jungkook was getting annoyed by Minji's behavior. He somehow understood that Minji was trying to make Yin jealous.

Even though he believed that Yin didn't have any feelings for him, he believed that she was his wife and no one should come between them.

Without him realizing, Jungkook fell in love with Yin. But because of the situation, their marriage happened and the relationship they had, Jungkook is afraid to confess.

"Kookie, let's go," Minji grabbed Jungkook's hand, but it was the end of his patience.

Jungkook yanked her hand and shouted at her, "I told you, I can't go, Minji!" Minji flinched at his sudden shout.

"But why?" Minji asked, making a sad face. "Because Yin is waiting for me," Jungkook replied with a little anger.