
We Agreed to Brag Together, But You Secretly Dominated the World

Su Chen transmigrated into a fantasy world and awakened the divine-level boasting system. As long as someone boasted, he could receive rewards! Fellow apprentices said, "Although we are all at the same level, my senior brother Su Chen can kill ten people like you with one sword!" Su Chen instantly entered the forbidden realm and became the strongest person at the same level in history! Elders of the sect said, "I see the aura of the great emperor in Su Chen!" Su Chen's body instantly entered the realm of perfection, and his talent reached the ultimate level. Supreme Immortal Emperor said, "The sword in Su Chen's hand is simple and unadorned, but it is glowing with divine light. It must be a supreme divine weapon!" In an instant, the sword in Su Chen's hand shone with divine light and turned into a supreme divine weapon. Peers asked, "Are you really as strong as the legend says?" Su Chen replied, "No, no, it's just because of everyone's exaggerating and boasting."

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Breakthrough to the Quasi-Saint Realm

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Redakteur: Dragon Boat Translation


A Quasi-Saint Realm expert punched out. The ground collapsed in a large area, with terrifying cracks covering the surface. The entire world seemed to have fallen into doomsday. These attacking Quasi-Saint Realm experts were all ruthless and indifferent.

Their goal was very clear, to seize the Black Tortoise's Egg!

The bone-chilling killing intent caused the void to collapse.

Dozens of Quasi-Saint Realm experts attacked together. Their murderous aura surged like a sea, making people feel as if they had fallen into an ice cavern.

"You cannot defend the Black Tortoise's egg! If you hand it over to us now, we can spare your lives!" a middle-stage Quasi-Saint Realm expert spoke. His voice was filled with icy coldness.

"Humph! Such an arrogant tone! In today's world, no one has ever dared to speak to me in this manner!" the Dasui Emperor sneered.
