
99. Guiltrip

Scene: Miss Bustier's classroom. Caline Bustier is teaching her class. Marinette stares dreamily at Adrien, who is talking to his best friend Nino. Alya writes a love note and hands it to Nino. Nathaniel is drawing on his tablet, and Mylène explains something to Alix. All is well until Rose gets a headache, worrying Juleka.

"Um, you ok there, Rose?" Alya asked curiously as well as everyone else after seeing the distressed look on Rose's face on-screen.

"Oh, yeah! I probably just have a small headache. Or as I like to call it: Miss Heady!" Rose said cheerfully, assuring everyone else that it's really not a big deal. While everyone else chuckled at the Miss Heady name and turned their attention back to the screen, Rose and Juleka however looked at each other with concern, knowing it might be more than that. But, Rose smiled at her best friend, quietly reminding her to be positive in which Juleka softly smiled back.

Rose: Ah! (puts hand on head) Miss Bustier, may I go to the nurse's office? Miss Heady is back.

Miss Bustier: Well we can't let Miss Heady unattended. Marinette, would you please accompany Rose to the nurse's office? (Marinette fails to pay attention as she is still staring at Adrien) Marinette?

Marinette: (snaps out of it) Wah! Yes, of course. (walks out of classroom with Rose)

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont courtyard. Marinette and Rose are walking to the nurse's office.

Marinette: So who's this Miss Heady? An imaginary friend like Unicorn Lilly you had in sixth grade?

Rose: (laughs) No, uh, Heady is just a nickname I have for my headache when she pays me a little visit. That'll teach me to leave the house without Mr. Brekkie. (Marinette looks confused) Wakie Wakie, I'm Mr. Brekkie, the big breakfast to keep you healthy!

Everyone in the audience softly chuckled at Rose's extreme cheerfulness on-screen in which Rose smiled and blushed in response. Meanwhile, one particular kwami looked at Rose with starstruck eyes.

She's so cute, upbeat, and positive! I hope she's my holder! Daizzi thought as he looked at Rose with a smile.

You'll be very happy, Daizzi. Angel thought towards the kwami with a smile after reading his mind.

Marinette: (laughs) I love how you see the world through rose-colored glasses. And come back as soon as you can. Say hi to Sissy for me!

Rose: Sissy?

Marinette: (shows Rose the nurse's office) Nurse Sissy's office!

Rose: (laughs) Don't worry Marinette. Sissy never keeps me long. (Rose enters the nurse's office and Marinette walks back to class)

Scene: Miss Bustier's classroom.

Marinette: (opens door and walks inside) Everything is okay, Rose just missed breakfast is all. (Juleka still seems concerned)

Scene: Cafeteria at Collège Françoise Dupont. Juleka is happily eating lunch alone. She gets a message from Rose on her phone, and is instantly distressed upon seeing it, and pushes away her food tray.

"You ok there, Jules?" Luka softly asked with concern towards his sister along with everyone else as soon as they saw Juleka's distressed look on-screen.

"Um…yeah," Juleka nervously stuttered as she probably had an idea on why she's feeling distressed on-screen as she looked at Rose who put her hand on hers in comfort. Everyone else however knows that Juleka is lying, but decided to stay quiet as soon as she's comfortable to talk about it.

Marinette: (walking by and seeing Juleka) Juleka, if you skip Mr. Mealy, your big, tasty energy packed lunch, Heady might pay you a visit too! (Juleka cries and runs away) Juleka! Uh, I was just trying to make a joke! Uh, no, Juleka!

Scene: Courtyard at Collège Françoise Dupont. Juleka runs into the boiler room as Marinette looks around for her.

Marinette: Juleka!

Scene: Boiler room. Juleka sits on the floor and continues to cry.

Scene: Shadow Moth's lair. Window opens.

Shadow Moth: Oh, how well I know that feeling of loneliness. The intense anxiety that no one else can share. And that only an akuma can ease. (creates akuma) Fly, and evilize that lonely heart! (An akuma flies out of the window and across the skies of Paris.)

Scene: Courtyard at Collège Françoise Dupont. Adrien is brought back to school as Marinette continues to look for Juleka.

Marinette: Juleka! (bumps into Adrien) Uh! Oh, excuse you Adrien, I didn't mean to crush on you- uh, crash into you! (to herself) Uh, Marinette, this is no time for nonsense! (back to Adrien) I'm looking for Juleka, she ran out of the cafeteria in tears, and...

Adrien: Maybe she's in there. (points to the door to the ominous boiler room)

Scene: Boiler room. Marinette and Adrien enter but Marinette suddenly trips on the stairs and falls onto Adrien.

Marinette: Aaah!

Adrien: Oh! (Adrien stares at Marinette, and then smiles)

Marinette: (backs away) Uh, sorry! I'm just so lovesick- I mean, uh- worried-sick for Juleka. That's why I'm so flustered and clumsy and... oh, I'm such a fool! I don't know if I said something to upset her earlier.

Adrien: The things you say don't always make a lot of sense, Marinette, but they're never mean. There's got to be another reason. Come on, let's find her. (Marinette and Adrien walk towards a corner and hear crying. They hide behind a wall. He says to Marinette) Stay back, and not a sound, okay? I'll handle it. (walks towards Juleka and kneels to her) Juleka? Is everything okay?

Juleka: (sobs) I just want to be alone.

Adrien: You want to be alone, I understand. (Marinette texts everyone)

Scene: Cafeteria at Collège Francois Dupaint. Everyone sees what Marinette texted.

Alya: It's okay.

Nino: They found Juleka.

Mylène: She's in the boiler room. (Everyone is shocked)

All: The boiler room?!

"Oops! Sorry, Juleka," Marinette apologized to her friend for letting everyone else know where she is on-screen, but Juleka smiled and nodded in forgiveness.

Scene: Back at the Boiler Room. Marinette walks over to Adrien and Juleka.

Marinette: I'm so sorry. I really am the worst class rep ever. But I don't get it, did I say something that upset you? (Juleka looks up)

Juleka: It's not you. It's Rose.

Marinette: What do you mean Rose?

Juleka: I'm worried about her.

Marinette: Uh, no. Don't worry, she's fine. She's just resting in the nurse's office. Juleka, you know you can tell us anything. We're your friends, I promise we won't tell anyone else. (Juleka displays her phone. It shows a photo of Rose in a bed at the hospital with cheerful emojis. She continues crying.)

"Is that a hospital bed?!" Sabrina asked loudly as she and everybody else stared at both Rose and Juleka with shock and worry. Meanwhile, Rose and Juleka looked at each other with nervousness, knowing full well what the problem was with the former.

"Rose, I should tell you that your secret is gonna come out in this episode, so you might as well tell them now," Angel softly advised Rose who looked reluctant, but then nodded in agreement while everyone else gave her their full attention.

"Well, everybody, when I was little, I…got really sick," Rose reluctantly admitted to everyone else who gasped as she held Juleka's hand to calm herself down. "And this sickness could come back anytime. Juleka's the only one I told about this."

"How come you didn't wanna tell us about this, Rose?" Mylene sadly asked on behalf of everyone else (except for Juleka).

"Because I didn't want you all to treat me differently, like I'm gonna break like glass. I just want you all to be happy because it makes me happy and it helps me to stay cheerful and positive as bad things like this happen to me. It's not the problem that matters, it's how you get through them that counts," Rose answered as everyone else murmured in understanding with soft smiles towards her. "Everyone, now that you know about my sickness, please promise me that you all will treat me as normal and don't let it get to you."

"We promise, Rose," Marinette said to her friend on behalf of everyone else who softly murmured in agreement with smiles and Rose smiled back in response.

Marinette: Rose... isn't in the nurse's office..? (Most of the other students in Miss Bustier's class appear)

Everyone: She's in the hospital?!

Juleka: (sobbing) Yes, she is… (Alya walks over to them)

Alya: Why is she in the hospital?

Juleka: She got sick when she was a little girl… (Everyone is shocked and gasps)

Mylène: She was sick when she was little?

Ivan: But it's over now, right?

Juleka: It can come back anytime...

Alix: It can come back anytime?

Nino: But she's always so cheerful! We would have never guessed...

Juleka: She made me promise not to tell you guys.

Marinette: Oh, she made you promise not to tell us.

Juleka: Please don't tell her I said anything about it..

Adrien: Don't worry Juleka, we're not going to treat her differently or anything like that.

Marinette: Rose will never know that you told us.

Markov: I'm reprogramming my conversational software as we speak in order to avoid any future reference to this unfortunate anecdote.

Kim: Even if I get bitten by a zombie-dolphin, who takes control of my brain, I won't say a thing. (zips his mouth) Never ever. (Adrien helps Juleka get up)

"Even with the weirdest of akuma attacks, I doubt that'll ever happen, meathead!" Alix snorted in disbelief to the nonsense her athletic rival just said on-screen with everyone else laughing hard in agreement as Kim blushed pink in embarrassment.

Adrien: Don't feel bad about telling us, Juleka. You hung on to that secret as long as you could, but it was just too heavy to bear alone.

Juleka: (smiling) Thank you.

Marinette: That's what friends are for.

Adrien: Rose trusts you and you can trust us. We won't say anything, but now we see what you're going through and we can help you if you need. (Everyone hugs Juleka as the akuma flies away from them)

"Well, at least you guys got the akuma to go away," Rose said with a smile, being positive as usual as everyone else smiled back at her.

Scene: Shadow Moth's lair.

Shadow Moth: Impossible! How could such an abyss of loneliness and despair simply vanish?!

Scene: Métro entrance. Juleka is waiting for Rose and she appears walking up the stairs. Juleka smiles.

Rose: (waves) Good morning! (Juleka sees Rose and hugs her.) I told you everything was alright.

"See, everyone? Even when I was in the hospital, I'm still ok," Rose said, glad that she's fine even after she was hospitalized with everyone else nodding in agreement.

Scene: Entrance of Collège Françoise Dupont. Rose and Juleka walk up the steps and Adrien hurriedly greets them.

Adrien: Hi Juleka! Hi Rose!

Juleka & Rose: Hi! (Marinette walks past)

Marinette: Hi there, girls!

Juleka & Rose: Hi! (Marinette suddenly stops)

Marinette: Oh! (hugs Rose) I love you, Rose! I don't say it enough.

Rose: I.. I love you too, Marinette. (Mylène walks past)

Mylène: Rose, you're our sunshine here at school. (The rest of her friends appear)

Markov: The student population's good mood rises 95 percent in your presence.

Max: (displaying his phone) Correct, Markov.

Nino: You're the soundtrack that puts the happy into our mixtape of life. (Juleka looks nervous)

Rose: You guys mean so much to me too. And you're right, we never say it to each other enough. Oh, what an awesome way to start the day. (Seeing Rose cheerful, Juleka feels relieved.)

"I think we're breaking our promise about not treating Rose any differently," Marinette quietly said, so only her boyfriend and best friends heard in which they all gave looks of concern in agreement.

Scene: Miss Bustier's classroom. Just as Rose enters, Kim grabs her briefcase.

Rose: Thank you, but it's not that heavy, you know.

Kim: Uhh.. carrying your bags helps me build my muscles. (Rose giggles and Juleka begins feeling guilty and irritated)'

Rose: (heading to her seat, Marinette places a pillow on her seat.) Thank you.

Marinette: These chairs are so uncomfortable. (taps the chair) But I decided to make one of these for everyone and lucky you, you just happen to be the first one to get one.

Rose: Uhm.. Thank you? (Markov grabs Rose's notebook)

Markov: Don't worry. I shall transcribe all the classes for you this year, so you no longer tire yourself.

Rose: Thank you, but I actually like writing my own notes for class. (Markov leaves and Rose looks at Juleka.)

"This is treating me normally?" Rose rhetorically asked her classmates with a slight frown about their sudden over-generosity on-screen.

"Sorry!" The teens recited as they nervously chuckled and blushed in embarrassment.

Scene: The cafeteria. As Marinette gets her next food, she lets Rose and Juleka pass through first.

Marinette: Oh, you guys can go ahead of me.

Kim: Let Rose through. Everyone out of the way and let Rose through. (Juleka becomes suspicious) Uh, because it would make me very happy? (While Juleka and Rose are eating, Marinette gives Rose an apple. Then Alya, Nino, Max & Markov, Kim and Ivan follow. Rose sees Juleka feeling quite uncomfortable.)

"OK, this is getting utterly ridiculous!" Chloe said to her classmates as she saw more of their generosity towards Rose on-screen. The class (except for Rose and Juleka) responded with nervous chuckles while the others shared murmurs in agreement.

"I am inclined to agree with Chloe. You all are acting like the servants Lila always wanted you to be," Kagami stated her opinion on the matter in which everyone else gave slow nods in agreement, though the class stayed embarrassed of their behavior on-screen.

"I know! I mean, how am I supposed to eat all those apples you all gave me?! You sillys!" Rose said with a giggle, trying to make a joke out of an embarrassing situation in which everyone else laughed hard in response.

Rose: I get the feeling you need to tell me something. Am I right?

Juleka: Um...

Rose: Come with me. (Rose lends Juleka to the girls' bathroom.)

Scene: The bathroom. Both Juleka and Rose are in a comfort room.

Juleka: (sadly confesses) I told them about you.

Rose: You told them? Oh no.. they'll never act normal around me ever again! (Juleka becomes more saddened and Rose lends her hands.)

Rose: No, Jule. This is all my fault. I should never have told you my secret. I make you worry about me all of the time. (Rose begins to smile) Hey. You know what? No big deal. I'm going to take care of this. I should have told them all about it a long time ago. I'll just explain everything and it'll all go back to the way it was. (Rose leaves the comfort room and Juleka smiles.)

Scene: Outside the bathroom. Most of Rose's classmates are leaning close towards the door. When Rose herself opens the door, everyone is pushed back.

Max: We were worried. You've been in there, 4 minutes and 47 seconds when people usually spend an average of 3 minutes and 24 seconds in the bathroom.

"EW, Kante! I don't wanna know how you calculated that," Chloe said in disgust towards Max's bathroom calculation on-screen in which most others murmured in agreement while the class genius blushed pink in embarrassment.

Ivan: Well, I was about to tear the door off its hinges.

Kim: I was ready to dive in and save you. (Rose breathes)

"Dive in where?! The toilet?!" Alix asked her athletic rival in exasperation along with everyone else.

Rose: I see how worried I've made you. Please forgive me, if I never told you about my illness before now, it's because it's not my problems that matter but the way I get through them that counts. And how do I get through them each day?

Marinette: By giving them all cute little nicknames. (Displays all emoji signs of themselves)

Alya: By always being supreme. (Displays a scene of her and Prince Ali giving donations)

Ivan: By always singing, just a bit too loud. (Displays a scene of her singing)

Rose: Exactly. And I always want to be that Rose, I don't want you to see me any differently. I want you to just be my friends who laugh and have a great time with me. Not ones who carry me book, bag or embroidered cushions or worry every time I go to the bathroom. (Rose holds Juleka) I don't want you to feel sorry for me because no one is happier than I am. Okay?

Marinette: No more embroidered cushions I promise.

Kim: No more book-bag muscle building.

Alix: And no more extraneous displays of affection.

Rose: Oh well, I kind of like the display of affection. (giggles. Everyone hugs Rose and she talks to Juleka) See, I told you everything would be all right. (Juleka smiles)

Scene: Ms. Mendeleiev's classroom.

Ms. Mendeleiev: Today, we're going to study viruses, germs, bacteria, and all the terrible illnesses that are caused by them. (Rose abruptly sneezes and everyone panics)

Marinette: (panicking) Quick! Call her parents, hurry up! (place a blanket on Rose) Put these on. (Mylène places the tissues)

Alya: (rings her phone) I can't get hold of her parents!

Marinette: Nino, call an ambulance! (pops up his phone)

Adrien: Marinette?

Marinette: Alix, call a fire department!

Nino: They're not answering! (Alya attempts to call Rose's parents)

"It's just one little sneeze! It's not like Rose is going to drop to the floor any second! Ridiculous!" Chloe exclaimed in exasperation towards the class' overreaction to Rose sneezing on-screen.

"Don't need to put it that way, Chloe, but she's right," Rose added in which her classmates blushed red in embarrassment while the others facepalmed in exasperation and agreement.

Rose: (screaming) STOP IT! (The entire class falls into a deafening silence while she's disappointed) You guys promised. (Juleka begins to feel upset and guilty)

Juleka: I'm sorry… (Juleka leaves the classroom and Rose follows her)

Rose: Oh no... Juleka, wait!

Scene: Shadow Moth's lair.

Shadow Moth: Even stronger than a painful secret and more painful than the anguish of solitude, is the guilt of the girl who betrayed her dearest friend. It digs a bottomless pit into her heart. Fly away my little akuma and take this amok with you! (releases an akuma and an amok)

Scene: Bathroom. Juleka runs into a stall, and closes it shut.

Rose: Juleka. (she knocks) Juleka, I'm sorry. This is all my fault. Open up. (Juleka turns on her phone and reads the mountains of tweets her classmates have started to send to her)

Marinette: (in a group conversation) This is all my fault. I'm so sorry.

Juleka: Everyone feels guilty because of me. (swipes her phone screen, which displays her friends conversation with countless emojis)

Rose: Oh no, Juleka. No one feels guilty because of you. (Rose sees an akuma and an amok)

Rose: Juleka! Juleka, talk to me! Juleka! (The amok enters her phone and the akuma enters her hand glove)

Shadow Moth: Reflekta, I am Shadow Moth. Why let yourself be eaten up by such intense feelings of guilt, when you can turn them against all of those who didn't keep their words?

Rose: Jule, please resist. Don't listen to him! (Juleka transforms into Relekta)

Rose: Hang on, I'll be right back! (leaves the bathroom. Guiltrip also summons in front of Reflekta on the stall door.)

Shadow Moth: Your sentimonster, Guiltrip, is perfect. All who have broken promises and are ruining your friend's life will take the guilt trip of a lifetime.

Reflekta: The first to plead guilty is me. (Reflekta throws the phone into the trash can and allows herself to get sucked into Guiltrip)

Shadow Moth: No! Wait!

"WHAT THE…?" Everyone in the audience loudly responded in shock towards Reflekta sacrificing herself to the sentimonster on-screen.

"Yeah, even though Juleka is re-akumatized back into Reflekta, she doesn't really do anything. It's the sentimonster Guiltrip that practically does all the villainous work in this episode," Angel explained and everyone else nodded in understanding, though still shocked.

Scene: Ms. Mendeleiev's classroom. Rose opens the door.

Rose: Juleka is about to be transformed into a villain. Somebody help!

Ms. Mendeleiev: I am a science teacher, not a superhero. Everyone just remain seated and... (All of the students, except for Chloé, Sabrina and Lila, leave the classroom. Ms. Mendeleiev is shocked.)

Scene: The changing rooms. Adrien goes into the male bathroom and Marinette goes inside a locker.

Adrien: Plagg, claws out! (Transforms into Cat Noir and comes out)

Marinette: Tikki, spots on! (Transforms into Ladybug and comes out)

Scene: The girls bathroom. Ivan shoves open the door and all the students see Guiltrip.

Alya: What on earth is that? (Everybody, except for Rose and Kim gets sucked into Guiltrip)

Kim: I'll save you! (dives into Guiltrip)

"Our hero," Alix sarcastically deadpanned towards her athletic rival resulting in giggles from some others.

Ms. Mendeleiev: Everybody back to class! (gets sucked into Guiltrip) Ahhhhhhh!

Rose: Don't worry Juleka! I'm going to save you! (Tries diving into the Guiltrip but Ladybug stops her with her yo-yo)

Ladybug: Hang on! We're gonna get you somewhere safe!

Rose: My friend, Juleka is in there and I'm not gonna leave her all alone! (untangles Ladybug's yo-yo and dives inside Guiltrip)

Ladybug: No! Looks like we're gonna do a little cave exploration, hang on tight. (Ladybug uses her yoyo as a grappling rope as they enter Guiltrip. Upon entering inside Guiltrip, they are losing their grip along with their weapons) The airflow is too strong. I can't hold back anymore. (The barrier cracks)

Ladybug & Cat Noir: Ahhhhhhhhh! (screaming as they fall)

Shadow Moth: Yes! Ladybug, Cat Noir, you just dove headfirst into my trap and you'll never escape from it! Your Miraculous are mine!

Scene:Inside of Guiltrip.

Ladybug & Cat Noir: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

Cat Noir: Wow, it's way cooler in here than on the outside.

"You sure have a weird definition of cool, kitty," Marinette said to her boyfriend and everyone else nodded in agreement while also staring at the inside of Guiltrip in shock and wonder.

Ladybug: I don't know. I have a strange feeling. (A bubble pops out)

Cat Noir: Look out! (Pops the bubble. Multiple bubbles pop out and Ladybug and Cat Noir destroy them) It's like being inside a giant pinball machine.

Ladybug: Yeah. But I think it's in multi-ball mode. (Ladybug and Cat Noir headed deeper as they saw Ivan.)

Ivan: (bubbles absorbing him) Everyone got captured because of me. Everyone got captured because of me.

"What's happening to Ivan there?" Mylene asked, worried for her boyfriend on-screen as well as everyone else.

"Those bubbles absorb people as they feed on feelings of guilt and negativity, and once the bubbles cover you up completely, you're turned into a Reflekta copy," Angel explained about Guiltrip's superpower and everyone responded with looks of shock.

Cat Noir: What's wrong with him?

Ivan: Everyone got captured because of me. (The bubbles absorb him and turn into a clone of Reflekta)

"See?" Angel pointed out to what happened with Ivan on-screen and everyone else murmured in understanding, though still shocked at what just happened.

Cat Noir: Is it me or did he just turn into Reflekta?

Ladybug: She must have been re-akumatized by Shadow Moth. And that thing?

Cat Noir: Is her sentimonster.

Ladybug: We've got to find out where Reflekta is hiding, she must be the one controlling it. Stay on your guard. (Ladybug and Cat Noir head deeper)

Ms. Mendeleiev: I never should have let them leave the classroom. I never should have let them leave the classroom. (The bubbles absorb her and turn into a clone of Reflekta)

Ladybug: The sentimonster is contaminating everyone with these purple balls.

Cat Noir: It's not gonna be easy finding the real Reflekta with everyone looking like her.

Kim: (as a clone of Reflekta) If only I had worn my competition swimsuit, I would have been faster.

Mylène: (as a clone of Reflekta) I never should have let go of Ivan's hand.

Ladybug: They all look the same, but they still have their own voices.

Nino: (as a clone of Reflekta) I can't even help my best bud face up to his old man…

"Oh, Nino. It's not your fault. My father's just a lost cause at this point," Adrien softly said, trying to reassure his best friend who nodded in understanding and everyone gave soft murmurs in agreement towards him.

Cat Noir: (saddened) Oh, Nino... (A bubble pops out) This is all our fault. (multiple bubbles absorb him) If we've been able to stop Shadow Moth, the students wouldn't be caught in this trap.

Ladybug: Oh no, this can't be happening! Not now!

Cat Noir: Cataclysm.

Ladybug: Cat Noir, no! We could turn into Reflekta and frozen like the rest of them, Shadow Moth will help himself to our Miraculous!

Cat Noir: We should just give him our Miraculous.

Ladybug: You're right, kitty cat. How could I ever believe that the two of us take on such a powerful Sentimonster by ourselves? (Rose comes out and finds Ladybug and Cat Noir within her sight.)

Rose: (gasps) Ladybug, Cat Noir, you guys are totally the best! I knew you'd come to save us! (She sees Ladybug and Cat Noir feeling sad) I'm sorry you had to come. It's all my fault, I'm not a good friend. I should have never told Juleka my secrets. (Bubbles approach Rose. She then says in her mind) No, they must not be like that. Yes, I'm glad they did. That's what made us closer and stronger! (She resists the bubbles)

"Whoa! What happened to Rose?!" Alya asked in shock along with everyone else on what just happened on-screen.

"She managed to resist those bubbles with her feelings of positivity. It's the only thing to get rid of those bubbles before you're turned back into a Reflekta copy," Angel explained and everyone else responded with excited murmurs and smiles.

Ladybug: (smiling) Of course, she's fighting her negative thoughts with positive thinking. That's what stops her from turning into Reflekta. We have to do the same. Cat Noir, you can do this, you have to think positive, you're the greatest partner anyone could have.

Cat Noir: Ladybug, do you really mean that?

Ladybug: Yes, I probably don't tell you this enough, but I couldn't do this without you. And it'd be a lot less fun too. (Cat Noir smiles)

Cat Noir: Wow, that's a meowvelous thing to say. And you're just about purrfect yourself, m'lady. (Ladybug laughs and playfully shoves him)

Ladybug: Nice to have you back, kitty cat.

Cat Noir: (Removes the bubble on his hand) You really think that we'll be able to get out of this one huh?

Ladybug: Of course don't forget that I still have my Lucky Charm! (Activates Lucky Charm and summons an ice ax) Oh yeah, an ice ax! Of course an ice ax to…? Uhh? (Ladybug struggles to come up with a plan to use it. Bubbles pop out)

Cat Noir: You don't know what to do with it? (Pops bubbles)

Ladybug: Of course I do. I'm just keeping you in suspense.

Cat Noir: I could try using my Cataclysm, but sending a sentimonster out of control when you're inside the sentimonster, probably isn't the best idea huh?

Ladybug: Nope, it's not. (stressed) Uh. All this negativity is messing with my brain. Ugh!

Rose: (cheering for Ladybug and Cat Noir) Go Ladybug! Go Cat Noir! You're the best! You're gonna save my friend Juleka, because I totally believe in you.

"Looks like I'm gonna give you a Miraculous, Rose. We can use your help with your positivity," Marinette said to her friend with a smile in which Rose responded with an excited squeal. Everyone else just shook with excitement of seeing a new Miraculous superhero.

Ladybug: Yes, but we need more positivity to do that. Ahh, I just know the person who can help us. (Ladybug opens her yo-yo and releases the Pig Miraculous) Rose Lavillant, here is the Miraculous of the Pig, which grants the power of jubilation. You will use it for the greater good.

"Yes! I hoped that you'd be my new holder!" Daizzi said excitedly as he flew over to Rose and the two cuddled in happy excitement.

"So, what does the Pig Miraculous do?" Alya asked, excited to know about the other Miraculouses and their respective superpowers as well as everyone else.

"The Pig Miraculous gives its holder the power to show the person they affect their heart's greatest desire," Master Fu answered in which everyone else gave looks of confusion on how that works.

"You'll see," Angel said and everyone else excitedly looked at the screen with anticipation.

Rose: Wow, it's so beautiful. (Daizzi is released)

Rose & Daizzi: Wow, you're so cute!

Rose: What's your name?

Daizzi: My name's Daizzi and I'm your kwami.

Ladybug: They'll give you your powers. You just have to recite these words: "Daizzi, Rejoice."

[Transformation Sequence]

Rose: Daizzi, Rejoice! (Rose transforms into Pigella)

"AWESOME!" Everyone in the audience exclaimed as they looked at Rose's transformation into Pigella with awe and excitement while the girl in question just squealed in excitement.

"Wow, Rose! You're more fashionable than usual," Chloe commented on Rose's appearance as Pigella.

"Thanks, Chloe! I think," Rose responded with a smile.

Ladybug: Cat Noir, may I introduce- um?

Pigella: Pigella!

Cat Noir: (smiles) Wow! Looks like you found a solution, m'lady.

Ladybug: I told you: think positive.

Cat Noir: I can't wait to see our new friend in action.

Ladybug: Come on, let's go. (Ladybug, Cat Noir and Pigella dive deeper into Guiltrip and they found the real Reflekta)

Reflekta: Because of me, everyone feels guilty. Rose, Marinette, Adrien, Ivan, Mylène. Because of me, everyone feels guilty. Rose, Marinette, Adrien, Ivan, Mylène. (Ladybug, Cat Noir and Pigella see Reflekta covered in bubbles) Because of me, everyone feels guilty.

Ladybug: Juleka!

Reflekta: Rose, Marinette, Adrien, Ivan, Mylène. (Pigella approaches Reflekta.) Because of me, everyone feels guilty. Rose, Marinette, Adrien, Ivan, Mylène. Because of me, everyone feels guilty. Rose, Marinette, Adrien, Ivan, Mylène.

Pigella: (uses her skill) Gift! (A gift is released)

Cat Noir: Uh... That's a superpower?

Ladybug: Pigella's power shows the person it affects their heart's greatest desire. (Pigella displays a photo of Juleka and Rose along with their classmates)

"Oh, we get it now!" Adrien said as he looked with understanding and excitement along with everyone else at Pigella using her superpower towards Reflekta on-screen.

"That is the perfect superpower for me!" Rose said as she continued to squeal in excitement of seeing herself as a superhero and everyone else murmured in agreement.

Pigella: A normal day in class where everyone just acts normal to Rose. That's it! That's Juleka's greatest wish! (Reflekta regains her happiness and all bubbles pop around her)

"IT WORKS!" Most of the audience exclaimed in excitement that Pigella's power worked against Reflekta being covered by her sentimonster's bubbles.

"I'm surprised that we don't use that Miraculous that often, m'lady. It's the perfect distraction for supervillains. After all, no one can resist what they wanna see," Adrien pointed out and after some thought, everyone else (especially Daizzi) murmured in agreement.

Cat Noir: Wow, impressive!

Pigella: The power of positivity.

Ladybug: We don't always need a spectacular fight to succeed. (Cat Noir executes Cataclysm on Reflekta's right hand and the akuma is released. Ladybug de-evilizes it.) Gotcha! (The butterfly is released and flies away) Bye bye, little butterfly. (Reflekta reverts back into Juleka)

Juleka: Uhh, what happened?

Pigella: Everything's all right now, Juleka. I'm Pigella, and Ladybug and Cat Noir and I have come to save you. Oh? (Ladybug, Cat Noir and Pigella are shocked as the bunch of furious, angry, and spiteful looking Reflekta clones appear)

Cat Noir: Uh, the sentimonster and its buddies don't seem very happy.

Ladybug: Reflekta isn't here anymore to control them. Quick, where's the object the amok went into? You know, Shadow Moth's feather?

Juleka: In the trash.

Cat Noir: You threw it in the trash?!

Ivan: You can tell yourself all the lies you want! (Shoots a beam)

Alya: You can never escape the bottomless pit of your guilt! (Shoots a beam)

Pigella: Yes you can! (She deflects it with her tambourine.) You just gotta change the music!

Cat Noir: Great job, Pigella!

Pigella: It's not the problems that matter but how you get through them that counts!

Ladybug: We've gotta get out of here fast! (Everyone ascends the sentimonster while being chased by the clones, but the wind picks up and they get stuck) The wind is too strong, we won't get out this way!

"And that's what my Lucky Charm ice ax is for, isn't it?" Marinette asked, finally guessing what she needed to do with her Lucky Charm along with everyone else and Angel confirmed it with a nod.

Cat Noir: I guess we're all out of luck!

Ladybug: Luck? Of course! That's what this is for! (She uses the ice ax to get out of Guiltrip.)

Scene: The girls bathroom. Ladybug gets out of Guiltrip; she finds Juleka's phone.

Ladybug: Got it! (She breaks the phone and the amok is released) Time to de-evilize! (She catches the amok with her yo-yo.) Gotcha! (Opens the yo-yo and the feather flies away) Bye, little feather. (Everyone else who got trapped are released from Guiltrip)

Scene: Shadow Moth's lair.

Shadow Moth: You may have won the day with your positivity this time, but you can count on me to fill the rest of your days with negativity, sooner than you know. (The window closes.)

Scene: The girls bathroom.

Ladybug, Cat Noir and Pigella: Pound it! (Pigella quietly leaves, Ladybug then gives Juleka a magical charm.)

"Pound it!" Marinette, Adrien, and Rose did a 3-way fist-bump before the main couple kissed in victory while everyone else cheered for Rose's debut as Pigella.

Ladybug: Juleka, this is a magical charm. It'll protect you from becoming a victim of Shadow Moth ever again. (Juleka smiles) Miraculous Ladybug! (The magical ladybugs turn everyone back to normal)

Rose: Juleka! (she hugs Juleka) Thank you, Ladybug! Thank you for saving Juleka!

"I should be thanking you, Rose," Juleka quietly said to Rose with a soft smile as the two best friends hugged each other and everyone else murmured in agreement.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont rooftop.

Cat Noir: Aren't you gonna go and hide with her to get your Miraculous back, m'lady?

Ladybug: She already did. (opens her hand revealing the Pig Miraculous)

Cat Noir: That girl is truly incredible! (The two look over at Rose from afar, surrounded by her classmates.)

Ladybug: She never needed a Miraculous to be a superhero.

Rose beamed in pride at what Ladybug just said on-screen as she and Daizzi cuddled.

Scene: Miss Bustier's classroom.

Marinette: I'm taking my present back, you'll just have to wait until your birthday like everyone else. (Everyone is shocked) Oh come on, guys, she's not made out of glass.

Rose: (laughs) Oh no, I'm gonna pass out from laughter so someone take me to the nurse's office! (Everyone laughing)

Chloé: Hey, how come you never laugh, when I say something mean?

Adrien: Because you actually mean it.

Chloé: (crosses her arms and looks away) Ha. True. (Everyone laughing)

Everyone in the audience laughed hard at that moment on-screen (including Chloe).

Rose: It feels great to have you back, guys. Please, don't ever change.

"I mean it, you guys. Even with my secret about my sickness being out," Rose said as she playfully scolded the class for their behavior before the sentimonster attack.

"Trust us, Rose. We learned our lesson on that," Marinette said and everyone else murmured in agreement.

"Anyway, the next episode is called Crocoduel which is two old supervillains re-akumatized. But instead of working together, they're dueling against each other," Angel announced to her audience who looked shocked.

"Which supervillains?" Marinette asked curiously as well as everyone else.

"Captain Hardrock and Guitar Villain," Angel answered, which got both the Couffaine siblings concerned.

"But, that's our mom and…" Luka started to say as he recognized both those akuma names while pointing to himself and Juleka.

"And Jagged Stone a.k.a. your father," Angel interrupted and the Couffaine siblings got even more concerned as well as everyone else. "Yes, Luka and Juleka, your parents are dueling against each other. It's a continuation of the whole "Jagged Stone is your father" revelation." While Angel started up the episode, everyone else looked at both the concerned Couffaine siblings with pitiful looks.