
11. The Pharaoh

Scene: Dupain-Cheng House. A video of Alya Césaire in Paris is being viewed.

Alya: Don't blink now, 'cause we are live from Paris. Yo peeps, Alya here, bringing you the one and only Ladyblog. (Helicopter noises) Huh? What is that? (Ladybug flies by, hanging on to her yo-yo, tied to a helicopter. She drops a book.) Ladybug in action. Hang on 'cause we're going for a ride. (Alya runs over and picks up the book.) Freak out! What you got here is no ordinary book, it's a tenth grade history book. And I should know, 'cause I've got this very same book. Could our very own Ladybug be a high school student, (zoom out to reveal the Ladyblog website, which Marinette Dupain-Cheng is watching the video from) in real life? Whoa!

"I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!" Alya shouted in excitement.

"Imagine if you found out back then that Ladybug was your BFF this entire time!" Alix snorted.

"She would burst into flames!" Marinette joked and everybody burst into laughter, including Alya.

"You got that right!" Alya said back.

Marinette: I told you from day one Tikki, I'm a total klutz!

Tikki: What's done is done; we can't change what happened. We can only move forward. Alya must not find out who you are. You know how persistent she can be with her blog totally dedicated to Ladybug.

"Yeah! Maybe a little too persistent and dedicated…" Nino said about his girlfriend who looked at him with a frown while everybody else chuckled in agreement.

Marinette: But how? Maybe I'm not cut out for this whole Ladybug thing.

Tikki: You are the chosen one, Marinette. It will all work out, trust me. Everyone has a past they can learn from. (Tikki types on the computer, bringing up a page on Egyptian pharaohs.) This will show you why.

Marinette: An exhibition at the Louvre? On the pharaoh Tutankhamun? What does that have to do with my book and Alya?

Tikki: You must persuade Alya to go there with you, and make sure she brings the book. You'll tell her you found out something about Ladybug.

"So, it was YOUR idea for Marinette to take me to that boring museum exhibit!" Alya playfully accused Tikki by pointing at her.

"Well, as you found out, it did have something to do with Ladybug," Tikki said giggling while the audience is intrigued.

Marinette: At the museum?

Tikki: You'll see!

Marinette: Well, I don't know how I'm gonna convince Alya to go to an Egyptian exhibit, much less convince her that I'm not Ladybug!

Tikki: She will be interested, and so will you. Promise.

"Tikki, next time something like this happens, please tell me beforehand. I got a headache from looking at that papyrus for a whole hour," Marinette said.

"I thought you were smart enough to figure it out!" Tikki answered still giggling. While Marinette frowned, the audience was caught between laughing and being intrigued about what's going to happen.

Scene: Louvre. Alya and Marinette are going into the Louvre museum.

Alya: Can you believe it? All I gotta do is find to do who this history book belongs to and BAM, I figure out Ladybug's true identity! I'm so on this one!

"And yet, she was right there next to me all along!" Alya said both amused and exasperated.

Marinette: You really think you could figure out who Ladybug is from a textbook that every high school student owns?

Alya: Yep. 'Cause our school is the only school that uses that book! HA! So, all I gotta do is find out which girl in tenth grade lost her history book last week. There are forty-three girls, not counting myself--

Marinette: Forty-two! Not count you... or me.

"Really, Marinette?! That's how you throw off suspicion?!" Chloe asked exasperated.

"I'm afraid I'm inclined to agree with Chloe on that question," Kagami said and most others also agreed.

"I had to try something!" Marinette excused herself and the others laughed in amusement.

Alya: (elbows Marinette) Hmm, yesterday somebody didn't have their textbook in class.

Marinette: (worried) Uh-- I left it at home. You know how I always forget my stuff.

"Why didn't I notice that nervousness?!" Alya said, facepalming herself.

Alya: Hmm... (chuckles) Just messing with you, Marinette. Of course I'll only drop you from my investigation when you bring your history book back to class. (Jalil Kubdel runs between Alya and Marinette carrying a folder full of papers. He pushes past them and trips, papers flying everywhere. His medallion falls, and he picks it up.)

"Ladies and gentlemen, here's my rude and pushy brother!" Alix jokingly announced. "Sorry about him." Marinette and Alya brushed it off saying that no harm done.

Jalil: It's not broken!

Alya: (annoyed) Uh, I'm okay too, thanks for asking.

Jalil: I'm sorry. Hey, you're in the same grade as Alix, right? I'm her older brother, Jalil Kubdel. So you're into Tutankhamun too? (looks up) Dad!

Alya: Weird. So again girl, why are we here? This exhibit's got something to do with Ladybug? For reals?

"Like I said, Tikki. Tell me beforehand!" Marinette said with a frown while both Tikki and Alya giggle.

Marinette: Well, uh... (She looks at Tikki in her purse. Tikki points at an Egyptian papyrus.) Yeah, it's over there. (She takes Alya over to it. They look at it, Marinette trying to see the significance, Alya looking bored.)

Scene: Adrien's room. Adrien Agreste is watching the same video from the Ladyblog shown earlier.

Alya: Hang on, 'cause we're going for a ride. Freak out! What you got here is no ordinary book, it's a tenth grade history book. And I should know, 'cause I've got this very same book. Could our very own Ladybug be a high school student, in real life?

Adrien: That's crazy! What are the odds that we have the same textbook? Maybe we even go to the same school!

"Yeah, dude! What are the chances?!" Nino sarcastically asked his best friend.

"Maybe she's the other girl you've been crushing on! You know, the one who stumbles her words around you!" Alya joined in on the mockery.

"Ha Ha! Very funny," Adrien said with a glare. "But realistically, what are the chances of that happening?" Everybody didn't have an answer to that, therefore seeing his point, so they didn't say anything.

Plagg: Don't you think you know her then? (eats his cheese) Why bother yourself with ladies when you could be enjoying this?

Adrien: For one, ladies smell about a thousand times better than that cheese. And they're much better-looking.

"True that!" All the men said in agreement of Adrien's statement while the women blushed and giggled.

Plagg: Suit yourself. Your loss.

Adrien: My only loss is my appetite.

"Ugh! Me too!" Chloe said in disgust of Plagg's eating habits while Plagg frowned at her statement.

Scene: Louvre. Marinette and Alya are still at the exhibition.

Alya: Come on, tell me what it is already!

Marinette: No, no, cause... it wouldn't be a surprise then... (under her breath) for you or me. (Marinette and Tikki look at an ancient Egyptian papyrus)

Jalil: I'm telling you, father, it's right there in the hieroglyphics. (He pushes Marinette aside.) Excuse me. There, as you know, the one with the scepter is Tutankhamun, the first. And there, opposite is Nefertiti, his princess. There are exactly one hundred mummies beside them. She died several years before him, and the sun god Ra took her as his goddess.

"Is your brother trying to act smart?" Juleka asked, bored with what Jalil was saying.

"Yeah, he does that a lot," Alix answered. "That's probably the biggest thing my dad and I have in common: being bored and annoyed by my brother's theories."

Mr. Kubdel: Yes, I know all that. I'm the director of this exhibition, remember?

Jalil: Then you also know that Tutankhamun wanted to bring his princess back to life, by offering the sun god a new wife. This seemed to illustrate the ritual he devised. Nobody has ever fully deciphered the hieroglyphics, but I have! It's a magic chant that needs to be recited in order to complete the ritual! I'm sure of it!

Marinette: He kinda reminds me of someone else with crazy ideas... you!

Alya: You might think my theories about Ladybug are crazy, but you watch, girl, I'll prove you wrong.

"Sorry, Alya! Even though you were right all along, I have to agree with Marinette. You and my brother were pretty much acting the same that day: insane!" Alix pointed out to the screen.

"What can I say? I was desperate to unmask Ladybug!" Alya said, defending herself.

Mr. Kubdel: Jalil, these types of frescoes are almost always the illustration for a legend. They called it a legend for a reason...

Jalil: That's what everyone thinks. But I know it's real. I can prove it!

Mr. Kubdel: Really? Exactly how are you going to prove it?

Jalil: I just need to get my hands on Tutankhamun's scepter and recite the spell!

Mr. Kubdel: Are you serious? Don't even think of touching that scepter. I'd lose my job on the spot. It's a priceless historical object! Not a toy!

"Wow! My brother is more immature than I thought," Alix commented, trying to hide herself in embarrassment.

"I know! I mean, who'd want to fool around with an old scepter?!" Chloe asked rhetorically, sounding like her old self. Though reluctant, everyone else was inclined to agree.

Jalil: Come on, dad! We have to try out the spell! What if Tutankhamun had found out how to bring people back to life?

"OK, that sounds…insane," Luka reluctantly commented cringing on Jalil's plan with the scepter. Everyone else murmured in agreement while Alix just facepalmed in embarrassment of her brother.

Mr. Kubdel: Listen, Jalil! That's enough! Get your head out of those papyrus scrolls and focus on the real world! This one! (He leaves. Jalil drops his papers, looking sad.)

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair.

Hawk Moth: There's nothing wrong with living out a fantasy. Especially when I can make it a reality. (turns a butterfly into an akuma) Fly away, my evil akuma, and transform that young man!

Scene: Louvre. Marinette and Alya are still at the exhibition. Marinette tries to figure out the significance of the symbols.

Marinette: Uhhh... ahhh... (Alya yawns and takes the history book out of her bag.) Gah! Put that down! I'm gonna show you the secret I found out about Ladybug!

Alya: 'Bout time. This better be blog-worthy.

"You know, Alya. I'm surprised you didn't figure out my identity before we came there," Marinette suddenly said, leaving everyone else confused.

"What do you mean, girl?" Alya asked in confusion.

"Because my name is inside the book," Marinette answered giggling. "Remember? We were supposed to put our names in our books in case they got lost. Why do you think I tried to keep you from opening the book?" Alya then widened her eyes and then facepalmed herself with both hands.

"Why?! Why am I so stupid?!" Alya said with her face still buried in her hands while everyone else burst into laughter.

Beats me! I mean, you filmed me on your blog saying I'm Ladybug's close friend though I hate her with every fiber of my being! Lila thought about Alya with an amused and malicious smirk on her face.

Scene: Outside the Louvre. Jalil is upset, and an akuma flies into his amulet.

Hawk Moth: Pharaoh, I am Hawk Moth. I have endowed you with the magical power of the ancient gods. You must do me a favor in return for this gift.

Jalil: My precious Nefertiti will come back to life! (Jalil turns into the Pharaoh)

Scene: Louvre. Marinette and Alya are still looking at the papyrus.

Marinette: Uhhh.. ahhh...

Alya: This thing's making my eyes hurt. (She starts to get her book out again, but Marinette stops her.)

Marinette: Look closely! It is in there. (sees the Pharaoh) Huh?

"I never thought I say this, but thank you, Hawk Moth!" Marinette jokingly said while Alya frowned and everybody else chuckled.

Museum employee: (blows a whistle) Hey, you!

The Pharaoh: Thoth, give me time! (His face changes. He traps the employee and the civilians in golden bubbles. Marinette and Alya avoid one. Alya grins and gets out her smartphone.)

Marinette: Alya, hide!

"You should've listened to Marinette, babe," Nino said to Alya who brushed it off, not regretting anything.

The Pharaoh: Get out of here, faster! (The bubbles fly out of the room. Marinette hides from the Pharaoh)

Marinette: Time to transform!

[Transformation Sequence]

Marinette: Tikki, spots on! Ha! (Marinette transforms into Ladybug.)

Alya: (whispering, recording a video on her phone) OMG. Coming to you live, Ladyblog viewers, I'm at the scene even before Ladybug or Cat Noir! This is insane! (The scene shifts to Adrien's room. Adrien and Plagg are watching Alya's video. Adrien is shocked.)

Plagg: Wow! I love the face changes! You could use that one!

"I like your face the way it is, kitty," Marinette said to Adrien with a smile and he smiled back.

Adrien: Time to transform!

[Transformation Sequence]

Adrien: Plagg, claws out! (Adrien transforms into Cat Noir.)

Scene: Louvre. The Pharaoh steals the scepter and the papyrus. Ladybug slides under a gate just as it closes.

"Nice move, Marinette!" Kim said excitedly with his hand balled into a fist, so caught up in the akuma battles.

Ladybug: You know that's considered stealing.

The Pharaoh: Actually, I'm taking back what rightfully belongs to me.

Ladybug: Maybe if you were the real Pharaoh, which you're not!

Alya: Look at Ladybug go! If I'm dreaming, don't wake me up! (Ladybug shoos her.) Ladybug waved at me! No way! (Ladybug uses her yo-yo to attack the Pharaoh, but he grabs the yo-yo and swings Ladybug away, making her crash into a wall.)

"Ugh! She's clearly telling you to go away and hide!" Chloe said in frustration in which Alya frowned at her.

"Even though Chloe could put it in a nicer way, she's right," Marinette said reluctantly to her best friend.

"Yeah, I see it now," Alya said embarrassed then changed her expression into amazed. "Speaking of which, did it hurt when you crashed into that wall?"

"Not that much," Marinette answered. "But I think that's the power of the Miraculous. If it were just my normal self, it would hurt like hell." Everyone nodded in understanding and agreement.

The Pharaoh: Sekhmet, give me your strength! (His face changes. He uses his strength to bend the bars, but Cat Noir appears.)

Cat Noir: How nice of you to hold the door open for me! (He attacks the Pharaoh, but the Pharaoh grabs him and throws him into a coffin.)

"Should've seen that one coming with that joke, dude!" Nino laughed at his best friend's misfortune along with everybody else while Adrien just frowned.

The Pharaoh: Enjoy your coffin! (laughs)

Alya: (recording Ladybug as she tries to open the coffin) This is hecka crazy! Keep your eyes peeled! (sees the Pharaoh standing over her) Hiya!

The Pharaoh: (Places his hands on Alya's face) Your face. Fate has placed you on my path. Come with me! (He slings her over his shoulder and walks out.)

"And that's why you should've listened to me, ran away, and hid," Marinette deadpanned.

"I regret nothing!" Alya exclaimed, making everybody else facepalm.

Alya: Hey! Hands off the threads. I can walk myself!

"Then, why didn't you just walk out of there?" Sabrina asked rhetorically. "A sane person would!"

Ladybug: (sighs) Seriously?! (throws opens the coffin and runs after the Pharaoh) Let her go!

Cat Noir: Hiding behind an innocent bystander! You're weak, Pharaoh!

The Pharaoh: I'm way more powerful than you are. (He uses his strength to close the bars and walks away)

Alya: (slightly nervous) And don't forget! All the latest behind-the-scenes are on my blog!

Cat Noir: That Alya is one brave chick.

Ladybug: If by brave, you mean bossy, feisty, and bold? Yup, that's her! Come on, get us out of here, Cat Noir!

"Adrien, you should've known that Ladybug was Marinette by that statement," Mylene pointed out. "I mean, who else knows Alya that well?" Everybody else except for the two heroes chuckled in agreement.

"Well, there are more important things to think about as you all can clearly see," Adrien retorted and Marinette nodded.

Cat Noir: Cataclysm! (uses his Cataclysm to break the bars) How are we gonna find them?

Ladybug: Alya's got a livestream on her blog! (Plays the video from the screen of her yo-yo)

"Well, there's one thing useful thing about Alya's abduction!" Alix snorted and everybody else agreed while Alya still looked proud.

Alya: (from video) Hi, everyone! Alya here, live-blogging from the shoulder of the terrifying villain! Huge scoop to come, stay tuned!

Cat Noir: (his Miraculous blinks) Uhh, you go ahead. I'll join you as soon as my Miraculous is charged up again.

Ladybug: Hurry up. It's gonna take both of us to defeat him. (They run separate ways. Outside the Louvre, the Pharaoh throws Alya to the ground.)

Alya: Hey!

The Pharaoh: On to the next phase. Anubis, bring me mummies! (His face morphs again. Beams of light shoot from his eyes, transforming civilians into mummies.) Soon, we'll be together again, my Nefertiti! My long-lost love!

Alya: This is gonna be one major scoop! (She taps the Pharaoh on the shoulder.) Uh, excuse me, Pharaoh, but, uh, what exactly is going on?

"Seriously?! You're making conversation with the supervillain?!" Luka asked and everyone facepalmed in agreement.

"Excuse me for doing my job as a journalist!" Alya retorted back with a frown.

The Pharaoh: I'm going to carry out the secret spell, to bring Nefertiti back!

Alya: Ahh, hmmm. Gotcha! You're talking about the spell on the papyrus, right?

The Pharaoh: Correct! The one hundred mummies and the offering!

Alya: Offering. What offering?

The Pharaoh: To persuade the sun god Ra to give me my sweet princess, I must give him something in return. A pure soul!

Alya: Dude, that's hard to come by.

The Pharaoh: But I've already found her! You look so much like her!

"Oh, boy!" Kim said in response to Alya's predicament.

Alya: Say what?!

The Pharaoh: (He laughs. Zoom out to Ladybug watching the video on her yo-yo.)

Ladybug: Hold on, Alya! (Ladybug runs into a time bubble, which traps her.) Whoa! Oh, no, I ran right into one of those time bubbles! (Outside view; her voice is in slow motion) "I've got to get out of this!"

Everyone laughed at Marinette talking in slow motion on-screen.

Alya: (from video) Ladybug, this is Alya! I just found out I'm the sacrificial offering to the sun god! Please hurry!

Ladybug: Hold on, Alya. (Outside view as she starts running inside the bubble; slow motion) "I'm nearly there!" (Cut to Adrien checking his cellphone and Plagg is eating camembert at the Louvre.)

"When?! In a couple of hours?!" Alya jokingly asked as everyone still laughed at Marinette in slow motion on-screen.

Plagg: Oh, do you seriously think this mumbo-jumbo with the sun and mummy stuff is gonna work? (Adrien is mad at Plagg)

"I have to agree with Plagg. There's a 5% chance that the spell will work," Max states his calculated opinion.

"Well, Hawk Moth's power sure helped beat those odds!" Adrien said back.

Adrien: You have no respect. Your batteries are charged up enough!

[Transformation Sequence]

Adrien: Plagg, claws out! (Adrien transforms into Cat Noir. Cat Noir arrives and bursts the time bubble Ladybug is trapped in.)

Ladybug: Whoa! (Cat Noir catches her)

"Good thing I have a partner! Otherwise I wouldn't be able to save Alya!" Marinette said about Adrien and everyone else agreed.

Cat Noir: Thanks for waiting around for me!

Ladybug: No problem! We've gotta find the hidden akuma and free it before he sacrifices that poor girl! (They arrive at the front door, and see rows of mummies.) I don't see her or Pharaoh. (They reach the roof.)

"Poor girl? What am I? A little kid in distress?!" Alya asked in annoyance.

"You kind of were like one! I mean a mature adult would listen to me to go run and hide!" Marinette retorted back and everyone, especially the adults, agreed.

Cat Noir: Over there!

Scene: Outside the Louvre. The ritual is about to begin.

Alya: (sees a figure in the papyrus) Whoa, back up! Who's that goddess chick with the black spots! There, on your papyrus!

The Pharaoh: Ladybug, my sworn enemy! My nemesis may have kept me from carrying out my ritual 5000 years ago, but she will not stop Nefertiti from coming back to me this time!

Alya: Did you say... Ladybug 5000 years ago?! (Ladybug and Cat Noir are shown watching the video, surprised.)

Everyone turned to look at Marinette, who raised her hands in defense. "Don't look at me! I'm only 15!"

"She's right. That's another Ladybug in that papyrus," Tikki answered, amazing everyone.

"So, Ladybug has existed for 5000 years?!" Luka asked in amazement.

"Longer than that! I'll explain later," Tikki said.

Ladybug: Everyone does have a past they can learn from.

Cat Noir: Well, you don't look a day over 3000.

Ladybug: Now you know why I'm so much wiser than you. Hm!

"Nice, girl!" Alya exclaimed, laughing and hi-fiving her best friend. Everyone else also laughed at Marinette's roast towards Adrien while he blushed.

The Pharaoh: (starting the ritual) Oh, sacred Ra, god of the sun, I Pharaoh, offer to thee a pure soul! The sacrifice for the return of Nefertiti! (The Louvre pyramid lights up, and as he speaks, it shoots a beam into the sky that starts spreading darkness.) I bow to you, and present this gift with my mummies! In company, we pray to you the safe return of princess Nefertiti! Awaken, Nefertiti! Awaken! Awaken, Nefertiti! Awaken!

Mummies: Awaken, Nefertiti... Awaken...

Alya: (as the mummies carry her toward the pyramid) Ladybug!

Ladybug: We've gotta save her before he completes the ritual, or Alya will be gone, forever!

"Gee, you think?!" Alya asked the two heroes jokingly.

"Oh, relax! We did save you, didn't we?!" Marinette retorted and both Adrien and Alya nodded.

Cat Noir: What should we do?

Ladybug: Hold back the mummies while I take on the Pharaoh.

Cat Noir: Why do I have to deal with these freaks while you get to slip calmly round back?

Ladybug: Because I'm the only one who can capture his akuma, and because you are the bravest one out of both of us! (winks)

"Sure you do, Bugaboo!" Adrien said sarcastically, laughing along with his girlfriend.

Cat Noir: Sure. (Ladybug swings away.) I know you don't really think that, but I'll pretend you do.

Mummies: Awaken, Nefertiti, Awaken... Awaken, Nefertiti, Awaken...

Cat Noir: Hey there, you bunch of bandages! What do you say we wrap this up!

Alya: Cat Noir!

The Pharaoh: Seize him! (The mummies run after him.)

Cat Noir: Is that really as fast as you can go? (He jumps between lamps.)

The Pharaoh: Wait, this looks... like a trap! (Ladybug swings down and grabs Alya.)

"You think, you freak?!" The teens asked rhetorically.

Ladybug: Gotcha!

The Pharaoh: Horus, give me your wings!

Alya: (recording) Peeps, you just witnessed another insane feat from Ladybug! Thanks for saving my butt!

Ladybug: Oh, uh, you're welcome. But it's not over yet. Not until--

Alya: Not until Ladybug destroys the pendant containing the akuma, and turns everything back to normal! I pay attention.

Ladybug: The pendant! Good eye!

"Thanks, Alya! You really helped," Marinette pointed out to her best friend.

"No problem, girl! Thanks again for saving my butt!" Alya said, hugging Marinette.

Alya: (sees the Pharaoh flying in behind Ladybug) Ahhh! (The Pharaoh knocks Ladybug off the roof, but she uses her yo-yo to land safely.) Way to go, Ladybug! (The Pharaoh lands behind her and throws her phone away.) No! (Ladybug catches the phone.)

The Pharaoh: You're not going to win this time, Ladybug!

Alya: Help me, Ladybug!

The Pharaoh: Crush that insect! (Ladybug is surrounded by mummies. She witnesses Alya being thrown onto the beam of light and carried upward.)

Yes! Crush that insect! Lila cheered for the akuma in her head.

Cat Noir: What the? (He sees three mummies about to throw a car at him, but Ladybug wraps her yo-yo around his ankle and pulls him to safety.)

Ladybug: Cat Noir! This way! (Ladybug runs onto a bus. The mummies follow her on, and she exits. Cat Noir turns the bus on its side.) We have to save Alya before she reaches the circle of darkness!

The Pharaoh: You will not stop me from bringing Nefertiti back! I'll finish you off! Anubis, bring me mummies! (He shoots beams at Ladybug and Cat Noir, but they dodge them. Ladybug uses his yo-yo to grab the Pharaoh, while Cat Noir tries to rescue Alya.) Horus, give me your wings! (He lifts himself and Ladybug into the air. While airborne, Ladybug grabs the Pharaoh's pendant and drops it.)

Ladybug: Cat Noir! The pendant! That's where the akuma is! (They run for the pendant, but the Pharaoh lands on it.)

The Pharaoh: Sekhmet, give me your strength! (He uses his strength to make a sonic wave that knocks Ladybug and Cat Noir off. The mummies surround them. The Pharaoh grabs the pendant) It's over.

Alya: (coming closer and closer to the circle of darkness) Ladybug, save me!

The Pharaoh: Oh, Ra, god of the sun, accept this humble offering and return the princess to me!

Ladybug: Lucky Charm! (a Ladybug costume appears.) A Ladybug outfit?

"Really?! A Ladybug costume is your last hope in saving Alya?!" Kim asked in disbelief and confusion along with everyone else except for the two heroes.

"That's exactly what I said, Kim," Adrien said. "But, you'll see."

Cat Noir: That's our last hope? (Ladybug uses her thinking vision, and the earrings in the costume appear)

Ladybug: This offering isn't good enough for Nefertiti!

Alya: Hey! Thanks a lot!

"She's trying to save you, babe!" Nino shouted at his girlfriend as he and everyone laughed in both amusement and disbelief while Alya turned red.

The Pharaoh: Too late, Ladybug! The ritual has begun!

Ladybug: Set Alya free and sacrifice me instead! Wouldn't that be the sweetest revenge? 5000 years later! After all, I'm the one who kept Nefertiti from you all these years!

The Pharaoh: It's true that you make a much more precious offering than this mortal. (He takes Ladybug's hand.) Horus, give me wings! (He flies with Ladybug up to Alya.)

Alya: Seriously? (The Pharaoh throws her off the beam. She falls, slides down the pyramid, and lands safely on the ground.) Excuse you, but I make excellent sacrificing material!

"Did I seriously just say that?!" Alya asked, exasperated and embarrassed at herself on-screen while everybody else still bursted into laughter.

Hawk Moth: Take her Miraculous! The earring!

Ladybug: You win, Pharaoh... (She pretends to take off her earring, then tricks the Pharaoh and grabs his pendant.) You want my Miraculous? Go get it! (throws the fake earrings)

Hawk Moth: Get it! (The Pharaoh grabs them, but he sees they're fake.)

"Wouldn't you have detransformed if you took off your earrings?" Mylene asked curiously.

"Exactly! I don't know why Hawk Moth fell for that! Doesn't he have a Miraculous himself?!" Marinette asked in amusement and disbelief.

"Because he's an idiot," Adrien answered as if it were obvious. "I mean, a grown man who keeps losing battles to two teenagers? And he keeps going with his akumas!" After some thought, everyone else (except for Lila) chuckled, agreeing with that statement.

"I agree with that statement. I think if there's anyone more idiotic than Hawk Moth, it's the people who are willing to associate with him. I mean, without an akuma," Kagami stated her opinion with a chuckle.

"AMEN!" Everyone (except for Lila) shouted as they laughed louder.

Idiotic, you all say?! Well, just you all wait! Hawk Moth and I will win! Lila fumed in her head.

The Pharaoh: A toy? You tricked me!

Ladybug: (She punches the pendant and breaks it, releasing the akuma, then slides down the pyramid and lands on the ground.) No more evil doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize! (catches the akuma) Gotcha! (turns the akuma into a normal butterfly) Bye bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug! (She throws the Lucky Charm into the air. It explodes into a blast of energy that turns everything back to normal. The Pharaoh turns back into Jalil.)

Jalil: What happened? (Ladybug gives Alya her phone back.)

Alya: Thanks, Ladybug! But, uh, I still gotta ask: how old are you, really?

Ladybug: Um, much older than a high school student, that's for sure! (swings away)

"Yeah. About 5000 years old!" Marinette jokingly answered, making everybody else laugh.

Cat Noir: Don't you wanna know how old I am?

Alya: In a sec, looks like I'll be able to tell for myself. (Cat Noir sees that he is about to turn back, and runs away. Alya laughs)

"Serves you right. Show-off!" Marinette said, teasing her boyfriend who blushed in embarrassment.

Scene: Inside the Louvre. Alya walks back in and sees Marinette.

Alya: Where have you been?

Marinette: You won't believe this! I got mummified!

"I have to say, under those circumstances, that is a plausible excuse," Kagami noted and everyone agreed.

Alya: Hope you weren't one of the ones trying to swap me for Nefertiti! Creepy!

Marinette: What?! You were almost... sacrificed?

Alya: If it hadn't been for you I'd never have found out that Ladybug is at least 5000 years old!

Marinette: Hey! What are friends for? (Alya grabs her bag, and they head out.)

Alya: I still don't get it though, what was she doing with that tenth grade history textbook?

Marinette: Uh, she... she probably had to find out what's been going on for the past 50 centuries!

Alya: You're probably right. It's tough staying in the loop. Hey, Ladybug's textbook! It's gone! (Marinette giggles to herself.)

"You stole your book back from me?! You savage!" Alya jokingly said to her best friend making everyone else giggle.

Hawk Moth: (from his lair) You might have gotten away this time, but I assure you, Ladybug, some day, wherever you are, I will have your Miraculous, and you'll be nothing! Nothing at all!

Scene: Marinette's room. Marinette is talking with Tikki.

Marinette: I don't get it. I know I'm not 5000 years old, so... who exactly was that Ladybug in the papyrus?

Tikki: Kwamis like me and superheroes like you have always existed!

Marinette: So...that wasn't you in the papyrus either?

Tikki: What do you think?

Marinette: You don't look 5000 years old.

Tikki: Well, I'm not! I'm older than that! I'm the kwami who's watched over every single Ladybug since the very beginning!

"SERIOUSLY?!" Everyone loudly asked the two kwamis, amazed.

"How old are you kwamis?" Rose asked curiously.

"Let's just day old enough to actually see dinosaurs with our very own eyes," Tikki answered as everyone else is even more shocked.

"You actually saw dinosaurs?!" Kim asked in which the kwamis nodded.

"How did they become extinct?!" Max asked curiously.

"We don't wanna go into detail as it's not a pretty story. Let's just say it was Plagg's fault," Tikki said as she frowned at her fellow kwami while everyone gasped and stared at Plagg.

"I was young, sugarcube!" Plagg shouted in defense.

"Well, they sure don't teach that in our history lessons," Miss Bustier said in amazement.

"I know! Fascinating," Mr. Damocles said also in amazement.

Marinette: You must have known much less klutzy Ladybugs than me, right?

Tikki: Every Ladybug is different.

Marinette: That's what I thought.

Tikki: Marinette, you are different. But different as in surprising, unpredictable and endearing. And very talented. You learn fast.

"TRUE THAT!" Everyone in the audience (except for Lila) agreed with Tikki's assessment.

Marinette: Really?

Tikki: Yes. (Marinette kisses Tikki on her forehead) You better get to sleep. Remember, you have that history test tomorrow!

Marinette: Oh yeah! Good thing it's on Ancient Egypt.

"Well, that was a fortunate coincidence," Miss Bustier said with a chuckle.

"So, what's next? This show is getting more and more interesting and awesome!" Alya asked excitedly and everyone else agreed including Lila, but only for the "interesting" part.

"The next episode is your episode, Alya," Angel answered as she started playing the next episode. "Presenting…Lady WiFi!"