
New students of jade academy

There were approximately thirty children all around twelve years of age. They all stood together on a large open space chatting in groups.

"Alright. Everyone listen up! My name is Li Yun, I will be your head teacher this year." Li Yun said.

As soon as Wang Wei saw Li Yun his eyes lit up. This was the woman who helped him in his previous academy. She gave him such a big opportunity. She was a huge help for his cultivation if one would look at it in hindsight.

"Some of you may already know me and others may not. That does not matter. I don't give anyone any extra's. I only give you something when you deserve it. Jade academy does not tolerate any crimes or behavior that is without norms and values. If you get caught doing something that is not tolerated by the academy you will be expelled." Li Yun said.

"Thank you little Yun." Could be heard the next moment.

A figure in a white robe walked out. Nobody could recognize him with his robe on except for Wang Wei because he met this man a few times while he wore his robe.

"My name is Shen Teng. I am the vice-principal of this academy. What teacher Li Yun said is true. Any intolerable behavior will result in expulsion. Fighting outside the academy is not something we approve of but if you are unable to resolve something with words and there is no other option it is okay. Fighting inside the arena is approved. Our students are allowed to fight for glory and riches. Fighting inside the academy is highly encouraged." Shen Teng said.

"Allow me to explain." Li Yun said. "You can practice martial arts and fighting techniques as much as you want on your own but if you never apply them in a fight you will fail when the moment comes. Combat experience is extremely important in the world of soul experts. You are all here because you exceed the norm and are true geniuses. Our academy is not that well known to common people but all big powerhouses know of our academy since we produce a large number of monsters here. That is why most of you are probably from families with a big powerhouse."

"That is it for now." Shen Teng said. "Now everyone has time to get to know each other."

After that, the kids all started to talk to each other. They all started to brag about their families.

"I am from the holy sun family. My grandfather has the blazing sun soul form. I inherited that soul form. I am probably the strongest here since I also am a rank twenty-four chi fighter." Some kid said.

"You really think you are the strongest?" Was heard from within the crowd.

"Who said that?" The kid said.

"I did." Wang Wei said as he walked out from the crowd.

"Hmpf, what rank are you then? If you think that you are the strongest you would have no problem telling us your soul energy level and soul form."

"I am Wang Wei from the red fire-dragon family. I am a rank twenty-two chi fighter. I have the red snake soul form." Wang Wei calmly said.

"Pfu hahaha. A red snake soul form? What are you doing here?" The boy said. "Isn't trash like you supposed to stay home?" the boy said.

"You shouldn't call him trash you know." Long Yue said as he stepped up.

"Oh, and why should I take your advice?" The boy said.

"I am Long Yue I come from the holy leopard family. I am a rank twenty-four chi fighter with the holy leopard soul form." Long Yue said.

"What?! Rank twenty-four?!" the boy said.

"Yeah, and I have never been able to defeat Wang Wei. He comes from one of the strongest families in victory village. He is also an expert in Jongh martial arts. He also developed two individual techniques. He is a true genius." Long Yue said.

"What?! Two individual techniques? N-no you're bluffing there is no way. To produce an individual technique is hard enough on its own. Let alone produce two." The boy said. "You! Wang Wei!"

"Yeah?" Wang Wei said.

"I challenge you to a fight the loser will have to pay for the other person' dinner expenses for a whole week. Okay?"

"You really shouldn't do that." Lee Zheng interrupted.

"Another one?" The boy said annoyed. "I am Chen Li I am destined to become the next patriarch of the holy sun family. I have the blazing sun soul form and I am a rank twenty-four chi fighter. I will not lose to a puny little red snake. Who are you to stop me?"

"I am Lee Zheng. Rank twenty-three chi fighter, snow-white eagle soul form. I am from the snow-white eagle family in victory city. In the entire city, he is the strongest genius in the entire city. Even the entire west division…." Lee Zheng said.

"It's okay. If he wants to fight with Wang Wei we should let him." Li Yun interrupted him. "If you follow me I will guide you to the sparring arena." Li Yun said.

When they arrived Shen Teng was as the entrance Wang Wei would take.

"Vice-principle. What are you doing here?" Wang Wei said.

"I have something to tell you. If you win this fight I will help you evolve your soul form. I will also take you in as my disciple if you can complete the evolution of your soul form. If you become my disciple I can teach you some cultivation techniques or I can give you cultivation resources. I can even grant you entrance to the most secret and best places inside the academy." Shen Teng said.

"Thank you, vice-principle." Wang Wei said while he made a deep bow. "I will definitely do my best and when the time comes I will complete the evolution of my soul form."

He then entered the sparring arena. There was a crowd of all the new first years. There were also a few upperclassmen but most of them weren't interested in a little fight between kids. Those that did come. Have heard of victory city and Wang Wei or they heard about Chen Li and his family. The crowd was split.