

When they arrived at the main building Shen Teng walked right into the main hall where all the teachers were gathered.

"You must all wonder why I've asked you to gather here." Shen Teng said.

"You are right teacher Shen. Will you please tell us why?" Li Yun said.

"Yes, some of you may know this boy." He waved Wang Wei over. When Wang Wei joined him he continued talking. "This is Wang Wei. He is a rank twenty-two chi fighter with the red snake soul form. Even though he has a weak soul form he has a lot of potential. He already created two individual techniques and he has obtained two holy soul jewels of at least the thousand-year-old level. He has helped his family rise to power." Shen Teng said.

"This boy certainly has potential." Principal Wen Xin said. "Everyone who has seen the soul expert tournament in duskshore city knows this. So why are you introducing him?"

"That is because today I am not introducing him as Wang Wei, a student at jade academy. I am introducing him as Wang Wei the first and last disciple of me, Shen Teng."

"What!" everyone said in shock.

"Teacher Shen you can't be serious right?" One of the teachers said. "We all know this boy has extraordinary talents but to go as far as to make him your disciple isn't that going too far? Wouldn't it be wiser to take someone with a stronger soul form and a brighter future as a disciple?"

"Are you questioning my decision?" Shen Teng said as a heavy pressure filled the room.

"Most certainly not." The teacher quickly said.

"Now that you all know that he is my disciple don't you dare poach him away from me." Shen Teng said.

"Don't you worry about that." Someone said while laughing.

"Is there something wrong? Division leader Shen Fei." Shen Teng asked.

"No it's just that I have taken Chen Li in as my disciple and with this, I will finally be able to take the place as vice-principal." Shen Fei said with an evil smile

"Don't you be so sure of that." Shen Teng then said.

"Why would I not be? My disciple has the blazing sun soul form he will crush your disciple if he had the chance." Shen Fei said.

"Oh really? Wang Wei, tell them what happened before we came here." Shen Teng said.

"Okay, teacher. I had a sparring session with Chen Li and I obtained an overwhelming victory." Wang Wei said.

"Didn't your parents ever teach you that lying to an elder is forbidden." Shen Fei said.

"He is not lying." Shen Teng said. "If you don't believe him why don't you go check up on your disciple."

When division leader Shen Fei saw the seriousness in the eyes of Shen Teng he rushed away.

'Little brother why must you go to this extend to defeat me.' Shen Teng thought to himself.

After everything was discussed all the teacher dispersed.

"Wang Wei I want you to come with me." Shen Teng said.

He then guided Wang Wei toward a big lake with an island in the middle.

"This is the blue jade lake. The soul energy here is much more intense. Cultivating here will be much more beneficial to you. It will also help you evolve your soul form. From now on you are to stay here under my watch. Until I say that you are allowed to leave." Shen Teng said.

"But teacher. isn't this unfair?" Wang Wei asked.

"Teachers are not allowed to give out favors but I am not your teacher. Our relationship is not as easy as teacher and student we have a much stronger connection. We have a master and disciple connection and every master will do anything for their disciple." Shen Teng said.

"Okay, master." Wang Wei then said. "Master I have something to ask you."

"Go ahead. I will try to answer any question you have." Shen Teng replied.

"Okay, I obtained my second soul jewel from a black emperor snake. But it is a holy soul jewel. Why is it not an unholy soul jewel?" Wang Wei asked.

"That is because it was probably a variant." Shen Teng said.

"Variant?" Wang Wei said.

"Yes, a variant. A variant is produced a holy soul beast that possesses more yin energy than yang energy which usually has. That way it will produce a holy soul jewel. And the other way around. If an unholy soul beast has more yang energy it will produce a holy soul jewel. You are very lucky because variant soul techniques are usually much more powerful than normal ones." Shen Teng then further explained.

"Thank you for teaching me." Wang Wei said.

While they talked further about the academy and blue jade lake they made their way to Shen Teng' house.

The house that they arrived at was a cozy house on the outside. It was not big but certainly not small.

"You can stay in the guest bedroom." Shen Teng said. "Get some rest. Tomorrow we will begin the evolution of your soul form."

"Okay." Wang Wei answered as he went up the stairs.

He then entered his room. It was big enough for two more people to fit in but this was his very own room! He was happy but disappointed at the same time. That is because he was very excited to be sharing a room with Long Yue and Lee Zheng together.

'Well, there is no use thinking about that now. Let's just start cultivating and get ready for tomorrow.' Wang Wei thought to himself.

The next morning he went downstairs and he greeted his teacher. They had breakfast and then ventured deep into the island.

"Wang Wei I have been informed that you have been practicing Jongh martial arts since you were six years old." Shen Teng said.

"That is correct." Wang Wei replied.

"Excellent!" Shen Teng said.

"Why is that excellent?" Wang Wei asked.

"You may not know this but the Jongh martial arts originate from a place far, far away. They were created by a heavenly god who exceeded the heavenly god level. They were created for the purpose of strengthening ones meridians while also training oneself in martial arts." Shen Teng said. "And to evolve your soul form you have to have strong meridians. And even though yours are still pretty strong you will still go through hell because of this. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, I am ready." Wang Wei said with a determined expression on his face.

"Very well then. Let us begin." Shen Teng said.