
Way of the Cultivator

This story is about a prince without an empire, about the coming of age of a man who was predestined to rule the world and achieve immortality. However, fate denied him this, and so he rebelled against it. With the aid of cultivation, powerful techniques, and ancient secrets, he will crush anything that obstructs the path to his goals. After all, what could be more important than immortality? Everything else is mere dust in comparison. Author: Sergey Destito. You can find more chapters and support my novel at the same time on: https://boosty.to/wayofthecultivator

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59 Chs

Chapter 26. The End of the Game.

The words spoken by elder Royden were accompanied by a tangible physical and spiritual pressure. Those with low cultivation felt as if a heavy weight had been placed on their shoulders, and the circulation of Qi in their bodies involuntarily slowed down. Everyone could feel that elder Royden was definitely not in a good mood. Moreover, his eyes had transformed from human to dragon-like, and a strong wind blew around him.

It was especially hard for the novices at the early levels of Qi Condensation. It took them significant effort just to avoid falling to their knees. Even Eyron felt this invisible pressure through the protective formation and immediately released Lucius from his suffocating embrace. Lucius fell to the ground like a stone.

At that moment, elder Edard stood up from his seat, approached Royden, and placed a hand on his shoulder, saying, "Calm down, Royden. You're scaring the children."

The pressure instantly disappeared, the wind ceased, and Royden's eyes returned to their human form. Everyone around sighed in relief. Although it lasted only a few seconds, the sensation was unpleasant for most of those present.

"Forgive me, it happened on its own. I didn't expect it would be so hard to watch my son suffer," Royden said with the help of a spiritual sense to the other elders. Then, in a normal voice, he addressed everyone present, "I apologize to all who are here, especially to you, junior Eyron. Consider this a small lesson on the consequences of unchecked emotions and the importance of maintaining self-control."

Upon hearing these words, the deacons and disciples exchanged glances, as if to confirm they hadn't misheard. A new moon appears more often than any elder admitting they were wrong. And for one to apologize… Such an event is a rare occurrence, perhaps happening once a year.

After apologizing, the elder scanned the arena with a calm gaze, seeing that his son was generally alright, and then his eyes returned to Eyron. "Impressive victory and technique, young one. You have pleasantly surprised us."

"Thank you, elder," Eyron replied, bowing.

At that moment, Lucius, struggling to stand and breathing heavily, decided to speak, "Father…" His body had taken on a rather strange form. His arms and legs were unnaturally twisted at odd angles, and his chest seemed to have caved in. Judging by his appearance, a mortal with such injuries wouldn't just be unable to speak or move; he would likely be unable to breathe and probably already dead. Even for an ordinary Qi Condensation cultivator, such injuries would be dangerous. But thanks to the Mythic Blood cultivation method, which specializes in recovery at the early levels, these injuries were only moderately severe.

"You've disappointed me," Elder Royden interrupted his speech. "A worthy warrior knows that when there is no way to resist in a friendly duel, one must surrender rather than trying to dignify the defeat with senseless endurance of pain. Even if it's hard to accept."

"But…" Lucius tried to protest.

"We'll talk later," the elder cut him off and sat back down.

Seeing that this small incident had come to an end, Edard instructed a deacon, "Fargus, you may continue."

"Yes, Elder."

Eyron easily left the arena on his own, while Lucius, who collapsed after a few steps, had to be removed from the arena using the formation's power. The giant was given a few minutes to rest and recover his strength before Fargus called him again, along with Lin. Stepping onto the arena, Eyron sighed heavily and said, looking into Lin's blazing eyes.

"I could have avoided fighting you, and that might have been better for me, but I've been afraid of fire my entire life, and I don't want to run away again."

"I'm not quite sure why you're telling me this now," Lin replied, unable to keep up with his opponent's train of thought.

"As a child, I personally witnessed my mother burn alive in flames, and since then, any manifestation of fire has terrified me. I've spent my life fighting this fear, and today, I hope I can finally overcome it thanks to you."

This explanation shocked Lin with its frankness, leaving him speechless for a few seconds. But after some thought, he responded, "I'm sorry about your mother, and I somewhat understand. I was afraid of my own fire as a child. But I'm not sure that facing me in battle will help you conquer your fear. Quite the opposite, especially if you lose."

"Maybe so, but if I don't try now, it will be hard for me to respect myself in the future."

Lin simply shrugged at this response. "As you wish, but I don't intend to hold back."

A few seconds later, the announcement for the start of the battle sounded, and Eyron immediately transformed into a two-and-a-half-meter muscular giant. He had spent a long time thinking about a strategy that would give him even a slight chance of victory. There was little point in constantly dodging the flames in hopes of wearing Lin out, and with his impressive size, it would be even more futile. He couldn't attack from a distance, which left him with only one option. He covered his head with his arms and charged straight at Lin, who immediately responded to his opponent's attack by unleashing two waves of scorching blue flames from his eyes. But Eyron didn't stop or try to dodge. Instead, he fearlessly charged into the flames, enduring the searing heat to get close enough to Lin for a strike. In his giant form, with the strength granted by his gift, one blow to Lin, who had barely reached the first level of Qi Condensation, could be enough to knock him out and secure victory. That was his only chance to win, and he put everything on it.

Seeing the giant not stopping and pushing through the flames, Lin was momentarily shocked by such a display of fearlessness. This moment of hesitation allowed Eyron to get dangerously close. But Lin quickly regained his composure and understood what Eyron was counting on. In these circumstances, he made the only correct decision: he fled. For the first time in the competition, Lin neither stood his ground nor chased his opponent but ran away from him.

Eyron ran through the flames, enduring incredible pain every second, while Lin retreated, glancing back and releasing continuous waves of flames from his eyes. Just when it seemed that Eyron would not reach Lin and would simply burn, he made a superhuman leap-lunge and reached the fleeing Lin with his anvil-like fist.


Lin was literally blown away by the punch, sent flying with a scream, and landed at the edge of the arena. His figure on the ground resembled a broken doll.

But after delivering this blow, the still-burning Eyron did not pursue his opponent; or rather, he couldn't. He stood for a second, then immediately fell face-first to the ground.


Outside the arena, whispers arose:

"It can't be. Is it a draw?"

"No, I don't think so. Eyron was the last one standing. The deacon will likely declare him the winner. Why hasn't the fight been stopped yet?"

"Eyron 's willpower is incredible, to endure that. When the flame touched me, I couldn't last even a second."

"Look, he's getting up."

"That can't be. To stand after that..."

Slowly and with difficulty, Lin began to rise after Eyron's punch. There was a ten-centimeter dent in the shape of a fist on the right side of his spine. His insides were in a terrible state, functioning only by some miracle. First, he got to one knee and, breathing heavily, spat out a large amount of blood. Then, he gathered his strength and stood on both feet.

Opposite him, Eyron continued to lie on the ground. His body was still burning with blue flames, and beneath it was already black. In many places, his skin had peeled off, and on his arms, which had borne the brunt of the flames, there was no skin left at all. Even the muscles had mostly melted and dripped off like melted cheese, revealing bones everywhere. He resembled a burning corpse.

As soon as Lin stood straight on both feet, a silvery light from the formation enveloped Aaron and carried him off the arena. Deacon Fargus then announced, "The winner is Lin. The first phase of the competition has concluded. You have a few minutes to rest and prepare for the second phase."

Staggering, Lin approached the spot near the deacon where the burned — no, charred — Eyron lay, having just been given a healing pill. However, there was no visible improvement in his condition. His injuries were too severe for a single, even potent, pill to quickly restore him. Standing beside his recent opponent, Lin said, "If you, after doing that, are still afraid of fire, then there are no people in this world who aren't afraid of it. I think you've more than conquered your fear."

Eyron moved slightly and slightly nodding his head, which was completely hairless, indicating he had heard Lin. He had no strength to respond in any other way.

"I hope you've had enough time to recover," Fargus said after ten minutes. "We will now begin the second phase. Eyron, who took second place, do you wish to fight for first place again?"

Eyron, still lying on the floor, shook his head.

"Excellent. Oberin, you took third place since the one who fought the winner has an advantage over the one who fought the loser. Do you wish to fight for second or first place?"

"I do, senior. For first place."

"Then Lin and Oberin, step onto the arena."

Standing opposite each other on the arena, and hearing the deacon's signal to begin, Rand did not move for the first few seconds, merely staring at Lin as if expecting him to immediately surrender in his current state. Lin seemed to understand what Rand implied with his look but just shook his head and assumed a fighting stance. Seeing this, Rand wasted no more time and rushed at Lin.

As Rand closed in, Lin's eyes flared with fire again, but the difference between this fire and what he had used against Eyron was enormous. The mighty wave of fire had turned into a thin stream. Rand easily dodged it by simply stepping to the side, then fully closed the distance with Lin and lightly slapped him across the face. That was enough to knock Lin, who still not fully recovered from the previous battle, to the ground.

"Oberin is the victor. He takes first place, while Lin takes third, "Fargus announced. He then turned to Lucius, asking, "Do you wish to fight for any place?"

Lucius looked at Rand, who was full of strength and had not received a single scratch throughout the entire competition. Then he glanced at the still-charred Eyron and at Lin, who was as pale as snow. Finally, he looked at his father, who was watching him intently from the stands and waiting for his decision. Lastly, Lucius examined himself, battered from his fight with Eyron.

"No, I can't achieve first place, and the others don't matter. Besides, to fight those who have so selflessly battled and given everything for their places, just because they were momentarily weakened, I find it unworthy. If anyone else dares to take the second or third place through underhanded means, they will become my personal enemy," Lucius declared, glaring at the other novices standing nearby.

"An excellent speech, young Lucius. Too bad you don't have the authority to make the rules. Fifth is Gurundus. Do you wish to fight for any place? " Fargus asked the novices.

"I… uh… yes…" Gurundus began but quickly changed his mind under Lucius's nearly murderous glare. "No, deacon, I'm satisfied with my place."


The Stands

"A foolish but noble son. In that regard, he truly reminds me of my younger self," Royden remarked, watching his son's actions.

"You were greatly disappointed in him less than an hour ago, Royden," Edard pointed out.

"I'm often disappointed even in myself, too, but it doesn't change anything," Royden responded without a hint of embarrassment.

After these words, a brief silence hung among the elders, which was eventually broken by Melkor.

"These children, excluding the top four, are a disappointment. No, they're a disgrace. Most were scared by your son's threat, Royden, and chose not to fight for better positions that they could have simply taken. The one who did try to take third place managed to disgracefully lose to Lin, who was on his last breath. Are these spineless weaklings the future of our sect? Are we to send them on the expedition?"

"I think you're being too harsh, Melkor. Some indeed were afraid and didn't want to make a strong enemy out of Lucius and the others for a few hundred spirit stones. But I believe most, like Royden's son, were struck by the selflessness with which Eyron and Lin fought, and their willpower that allowed them to exceed their limits. Seeing this, the novices didn't want to trample on their efforts. I agree it's very foolish, but when can one be foolish if not in youth? Especially when it looks so noble," Byron expressed his opinion.

"I agree with Byron — a foolish, but beautiful, youthful gesture. And one of the two who decided not to succumb to this noble impulse was your disciple, Byron," Edard said.

"Here I have to agree. Oberin is one of the few who impressed me today. In terms of maturity of thought, he is practically the only truly bright spot in this darkness," Melkor commented positively about someone for the first time, surprising the other elders slightly.

"I knew from the first moment that I was fortunate to have this disciple, but today I realized that I hadn't fully grasped the extent of that fortune. He surprised me several times today, and I have a feeling he will continue to do so in the future," Byron concluded.