
Way of Kings

The Way of Kings is a mystical existence that contains the remains of great kings and emperors who have led the continent of Aurora throughout history. The 13th Prince of the Kingdom of Arcania, Zephyr Juna la Arcania, is the target of a suicide attack by the assassin as a result of his mistake and finds himself in the ruins of the Auroran Empire.

DonPablos · Fantasie
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8 Chs

The Book of Changes of Incomprehensible Sublime

"Master, how am I going to continue? I feel like I've reached my limit. To increase my value in the eyes of the people, to train the soldiers... I have no knowledge of them."

These words were uttered as Zephyr looked at the platform that floated in front of him. If he had taken his lessons beautifully while he was in the palace, he would be able to do something now, but he did not attend the classes and behaved according to his head.

His mind was full of plans. But he had no power, no advantage, no love from the people. He started the battle with his brothers 10-0 behind.

Alaca's portrait began to fade slightly. Although Zephyr frowned, he decided to watch what happened before reacting.

The portrait faded and left behind the following lines.

Fame or person,

Which one is closer to you?

Your life or your people,

Which is more valuable?

Winning or losing,

Which is the bigger problem?

Excess of weakness certainly brings death,

Excess power will surely bring great destruction.

That's why:

If you know what to do and when,

You don't lose.

If you know where to stop,

You are not in danger.

And so you can be permanent.

Everyone finds me sublime but incomprehensible.

My incomprehensible state comes from my greatness.

If I hadn't seemed incomprehensible, I would have crumbled to a loss by now.

Zephyr found these sentences incomprehensible. His gaze stagnated and he memorized the slowly fading sentences before disappearing.

Shaken up!


The star, which received little attention from the very beginning, slowly grew and suddenly disappeared. Immediately afterwards, the carvings on the platform glowed and the Dragons roared around. After a round of orbiting the Zephyr, they soared into the sky and perished.

Zephyr watched all this with admiration and amazement.

To be honest, he didn't understand anything. Aside from understanding what you meant, what you meant and implied, he was surprised that the portrait disappeared.

"I think I'll have to figure it out on my own."

The Great Old Alaca was one of the most innovative leaders history had ever seen. Even if he wasn't a king or an emperor, no one would question him. In the Technocracy of Grace, everyone trusted him, respected him, and revered him more than they would respect a king.

This man was a statesman.

He was also a philosopher.

Zephyr closed his eyes and waited to return to the real world.


While all this was happening, hundreds of miles away, a young man was foaming with anger as he read the report he received. The man in the black suit, trembling with fear in front of him, breathed a sigh of cold when he saw the clouds of storms gathering over the young man.

The young man took a deep breath. The storm clouds that had gathered around his head dissipated and were replaced by tranquility.

"We weren't expected to have our shitty bag so cunning. In just a few days, he did a quality cleaning in the city."

Others may not have known Zephyr, but he had been by his side since childhood. His little stupid brother couldn't be so cunning.

"And we didn't know about it, huh?"

He looked at the man in front of him.

His eyes were like ice.

A chill enveloped the body of the man in front of him. As the youth spoke, the man's face turned white. Because he was in charge of the intelligence. It was entirely his fault that the young man had not heard anything.

Also, the most talented man on his team was found dead after a brutal torture, and this young man had done nothing.

"There has to be someone behind it. Let my teacher know, we are going to visit Zephyr."

But he had a family to take care of and go back to, so he swallowed what he had to say. He shook his head slightly and looked into the teen's eyes.

He said confidently, "Yes, Your Majesty!"


Zephyr opened his eyes again in the bedroom. He pulled the air of the room, filled with sweet floral scents, until it filled his lungs and looked around. What the Great Old Alaca said was constantly repeated in your mind.

There was a great deal of meaning behind the words, but he couldn't understand them.

I'd better ask 'Uncle Alan'. He is much more knowledgeable and intelligent than me, and if I take his help I can grasp the meaning behind the master's words."

As soon as he got up from his seat, he dropped something.

'The Book of Changes of Incomprehensible Sublime'

It was a burgundy book, about twenty-five centimeters long, the thickness of a brick. The inscriptions were eroded and teal, as if to prove that they came from ancient times. The writing on it was in the Arkana language.

"What's this?"

He looked around to see if there was anyone, but he couldn't see anyone. In fact, it could be said that he was sure that no one could enter. Because the room was protected in every way. Two guards stood guard outside and three guards under the window.

Although he worried, he eventually succumbed to his curiosity.

He opened the book and studied it a little.

The first page reads: I am writing this book before I retire as a guide to my successors and successors.

After looking at the contents of the book a little more, everything suddenly came to light. The information inside was so enchanting that Zephyr forgot to breathe.

Book; The Circle of Water was divided into five different sections: the Circle of Fire, the Circle of Earth, the Circle of Wind, and the Circle of Emptiness. They were all about a different topic. For example, the Water Circle was concerned with state administration and the economy, while the ring of fire was concerned with the Art of War and Army matters.

But it was definitely the Circle of Voidness that attracted the most attention among them.

Because this circle was only about technology.

"Ball production, mechanism art, training methods, wall construction and many more... Huh... Just what I need!"

He had received information on exactly the issues he was worried about. He could have continued on his way like this. He could have used this book to become king, and he could have developed the city with this knowledge.

The only thing that could not change in the 'Auroran Empire' was the superiority of magic. They destroyed them because they wanted to destroy this technology, which had the power to threaten magic. Now I understand.'

The Technocracy of Elegance had technology far beyond its time. That's why Auroran destroyed them. Otherwise, a new force that could be a threat to them would sprout on the continent and become a huge sycamore.

They had eradicated the problem without waiting for it to grow. The Auroran emperor of the time was quite intelligent and cunning enough to put all his enemies on his fingers. Even the Great Old Pied, one of the most intelligent and incomprehensible men history has ever seen, had succumbed to the emperor's mind games.

History has witnessed many clever and stupid leaders. However, even among them there were people who stood out from the others and set an example for the next generation. One of them was to be the Great Old Pied, but he was not someone to be informed about except for the royal families.

The reason is the censorship practiced by the church. Just as the kingdoms concealed as much as possible the deeds of the Auroran Empire and declared it a 'tyrant' in the name of exalting themselves, so did the church.

Zephyr came to the Ring of Fire and looked at what the Great Elder had written. His mindset was completely in line with Zephyr. After reading a little, the plans in his mind were gradually completed and he began to be sure of what he was going to do.

"If I leave my job halfway, it will pave the way for my extinction. I have already purged spies that would not be of use to me, and I have intimidated both the duke and my brothers. I also threatened Cardinal Retz."

He was in a position where he couldn't go back right now. Unfortunately, he had no power other than his mind. Otherwise, he would be able to take care of his own affairs or not worry about being assassinated.

Zephyr put the book in a magical bowl and put it in a bag. After finishing his work today, he would memorize this book. Each page consisted of four hundred words and had close to a thousand pages. It would take him months to memorize four hundred thousand words, but he didn't care.

After securing the book, Zephyr left the room and went down to the entrance of the mansion accompanied by guards. The situation in the mansion had improved. The servants no longer treated him with respect and fear, and did not doubt him. In addition, the guards, who were afraid of the ability to cope with problems and management, did not hesitate to carry out his orders.

This was a big improvement.

"Where is Count Santis?"

The older of the four guards accompanying him replied, "Count Santis asked us to convey that he had important work to do, and that he would return with him in a week with gifts."

Zephyr's eyebrows raised slightly but did not say anything.

"I understand."

Alan was planning something and hadn't told Zephyr. Zephyr understood that this was an important hidden matter.

"If anyone asks the count, tell him that I have assigned him to look around."

"You order."

Zephyr said nothing more. Alan and Roguelin were going to go to the garrison alone, as they were busy with different tasks.

"Bring the car."

Accompanied by clicking and the sounds of coriander, the armored carriage arrived. After the guards checked the inside of the car, Zephyr got into the wagon and rested his head against the palm of his hand.

He had a lot of plans, but he didn't have enough strength and men to implement them. If he could properly train his garrison, he would have a large number of sturdy men in the medium and long term. This was a matter of vital importance.

In the world ruled by power, the most absolute thing was power. If he didn't have enough power, he could suddenly disappear one morning, and as long as he died, he couldn't do politics.

After fifteen minutes of tormenting the uneven road, they arrived at the garrison's camp. The camp was large enough to accommodate and train a thousand soldiers.

The camp seemed empty at first, but when the car entered the camp, it began to see soldiers rushing out of the barracks. Many were carrying clothes they couldn't wear and still trying to wear them as they lined up.

Zephyr wrinkled his eyebrows when he saw this version of them.

The sun was already at the top, and these soldiers were just getting up, let alone training. There were about a thousand adult men here.

"I hope there are a few useful men among them."