
Watchful Eyes

In an abandoned mansion, seven malevolent mascot dolls, possessed by vengeful spirits, seek justice for their past murders. The story unfolds seven years later when the Bendeta Family purchases the mansion, still unaware of its dark secrets. As the new owners prepare to move in, they hire a team of 32 security guards to protect the valuable mysteries hidden within. Meanwhile, a group of five thieves embarks on their own quest inside the mansion. The protagonist, a private security guard monitoring the cameras, becomes entangled in unexpected alliances and encounters with the unknown. "Watchful Eyes" is more than just a story , it's an immersive experience that will awaken your senses and challenge your perceptions. Dare to peer into the abyss and see the truth that lies behind those watchful eyes. Are you ready to unlock the secrets within?

ChocoBibi99999 · Horror
Zu wenig Bewertungen
52 Chs


I opened my eyes, gradually waking from my slumber. The room around me was adorned with opulence, filled with expensive artifacts and grandeur. As I observed my surroundings, I couldn't help but wonder how I ended up in such a place. A hospital bed stood against the glass wall, a stark contrast to the lavishness that enveloped the room.

Curiosity piqued, I inspected myself for any signs of injury. My gaze fell upon my left eye, the same eye that had been blinded during our harrowing encounter at the Bendeta mansion. To my surprise, it was intact, as if nothing had ever happened. The realization hit me—I must have undergone a successful eye transplant. But who orchestrated this? Could it be Don Kisame ?

A sense of strength coursed through my veins as I stretched my arms and tested my movements. I felt whole, as if the battles I had fought were but a distant memory. A surge of gratitude washed over me, directed toward the unknown forces that had orchestrated my recovery.

Glancing at the clock, I noted the early hour—3:00 am on May 1, 2017. Confusion clouded my mind as I attempted to piece together the timeline. Eight months had passed while I lay in a coma, completely unaware of the passing time. It was as if I had awakened in a different world, one detached from the reality I knew.

I detached the dextrose from my hand, symbolically severing the ties that bound me to my unconscious state. A determination fueled my steps as I opened the door and stepped into the hallway. Two guards, still groggy from sleep, stood in surprise at the sight of me dressed in white.

"Good morning, sir. How may I help you?" Guard 1's voice carried a mix of awe and confusion.

Guard 2 wasted no time and reached for his radio, urgently calling for Don Kisame.

It seemed my return to consciousness had caught them off guard.

I continued down the hallway, navigating through my own confusions. Each step carried me closer to clarity, unraveling the mysteries that had plagued me during my slumber. The world around me felt both familiar and foreign, as if I had emerged from a deep, forgotten dream.

As the guards scrambled to inform Don Kisame of my awakening, I took a moment to center myself. I had been given a second chance, a chance to continue the unfinished journey that lay before me. The memories of the Bendeta mansion, the Seven Missing Children, and the hidden secrets still burned brightly within me.

With newfound purpose, I pushed forward, determined to reconnect the fragmented pieces of my reality. The challenges that awaited me would require strength, resilience, and unwavering resolve. But I knew that I was not alone—Oriana, the elite guards, Gunner, Cow, Robin and the enigmatic figures from my dreams would guide me along the way.

As the world awakened around me, I embraced the uncertainty, knowing that each step would lead me closer to the answers I sought. The path ahead was illuminated with possibilities, and I vowed to uncover the truths that had remained elusive for far too long.

To be continued...

Watchful Eyes will soon reach its end,Thank you for the 3K views. Hapi Hapi Hapi!!!

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