
Watch Out! My Boyfriend, the Human Weapon

Your typical boy meets girl love story...if the boy was a highly trained super soldier and the girl was a target he was hired to kill. Six knew there was something different about Claire Conway the moment he laid eyes on her but he never would have guessed how she would turn his entire world upside down! *Cover art by polkadottedscrunchie*

Mcllorycat · Urban
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We Don't Kill People, Alex

Once Alex and Claire had eaten, they headed outside to the garden to have a bit of privacy. They needed to talk without anyone overhearing and he had determined that it was a safe place before the conversation began.

"Did you find anything?" she asked somewhat desperately.

"No," he said with a frown. "The only things inside Bianca's safe were jewelry and identification documents. Nothing that would help us out. Sorry."

Claire sighed. She should have expected the woman wouldn't be stupid enough to keep proof of her crimes on hand. What they needed was access to her phone or email but it wasn't like Alex was a hacker.

"Do you happen to know how to break into people's phones or email accounts?"

"No. If a client requested it, we would destroy or steal electronic devices as part of the cover-up but that is outside my area of expertise. We may have to figure out another plan," he admitted.