
Wastelanders: War of Iritheum

Under the rule of their God-King, the People of the Wastelands live an underprivileged life on the outskirts of a mysterious dark sphere known simply as the Black Ball. Theodore Gray, a sharp-witted teen, finds himself in the crossfire of a war-brewing between the God-King and an elusive rebel group that has emerged to challenge his rule. After a life-changing event and the discovery of an unfamiliar system, Theo and his friends must choose between their current life of oppression or one that could lead to the liberation of their people.

ADot91 · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Trouble on the Horizon

"Are you ready to get this over with?" David asked with a mischievous glint in his eye, startling Theo. 

The question caught Theo off guard, and he replied cautiously, "Ready for what?" 

Theo wasn't sure what David was getting at, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

David slung his arm around Theo and whispered, "You know what," with a smirk, adjusting his glasses as a twinkle shimmered in his eye. 

Theo's mind began to wander before snapping back to reality, distressed.

"Wait, isn't the exam next week?" Theo turned to Dawn, hoping for confirmation that his fears were unfounded. However, David chuckled evilly at his suffering.

"No, you just have a bad memory," Dawn politely corrected, and Theo fell behind, sulking.

"What's the point of even going to school if I'm just going to fail again?" Theo muttered to himself, dejected.

"Let's not go then," Dawn suggested, and a ray of sunlight coincidentally gleamed down as if the heavens had opened up just for her. Theo was so captivated by her expression that her words were inaudible.

"Huh?" Theo uttered, still lost in thought, as the trio walked down a dirt road surrounded by a magnificent field of flowers of all different shades and colors.

"You heard her! We're skipping school!" David announced, his voice brimming with excitement.

"But what about the exam?" Theo asked, his worries resurfacing. However, David and Dawn exchanged knowing looks before Dawn chuckled to herself.

"You don't pay attention in class, do you?" David doubted.

"Of course I do," Theo responded.

"Then what kind of exam is it?" David asked, leaving Theo expressionless as he frantically searched his memory for a response but came up empty-handed.

"Exactly. But it's a professional advancement test. It's supposed to tell us what crappy job we'll be good at after graduation, but more importantly, that means we can skip it!"

"Only because we can take it tomorrow as well. It's still a requirement to graduate. Don't forget that," Dawn reminded them, ensuring they knew the exam was non-negotiable regardless of their feelings.

"But it's your birthday," Dawn reminded Theo, who still looked anxious.

"Yeah, but I don't know," Theo replied, his voice betraying his worries to his friends.

Theo's sudden change of heart surprised David, who couldn't help but notice his friend's hesitation to skip school. "You've always been down to skip. What's with the sudden change?" he asked, curious about Theo's motives.

"Maybe we shouldn't skip so much," Theo replied earnestly, his voice filled with uncertainty. 

The conversation unfolded, and Dawn quickly picked up on the root of Theo's anxiety. 

"You had to sit through another one of your father's infamous lectures again," Dawn said, drawing a laugh from Theo. She was spot on, as usual.

"Yeah, but this one was weird. I can't explain it," Theo added, his tone serious.

"Come on! When was the last time you took one of those rants seriously?" David asked, quick to dismiss Theo's concerns as he was eager to convince him to join them in skipping school.

Despite David's reassurances, Theo's mind continued to wander. That's until Dawn brought him back to reality. "I wouldn't worry too much about it, Theo," she said, her voice soothing.

The trio eagerly trotted along the dusty path, and their excitement grew as they finally approached the end of the dirt road, arriving at Artimia's commercial plaza. 

As they drew closer, Dawn said, "If you think about it, he's always been that way," causing Theo to release a sigh of relief.

"You're right..." Theo replied, finally giving in to their decision to skip school. "So, where are we headed?"

David's face lit up with a sly grin, and he answered, "Where do you think?"

"It looks like you're it, birthday boy," Dawn added teasingly as she and David bolted towards the town's market center.

"Wait! Hold on! No fair!" Theo shouted as he broke into a sprint. Chasing after them, Theo slowly began catching up to Dawn before placing his hand on her shoulder. 

"Ha! You're it!" Theo yelled as he dashed ahead of Dawn, leaving her behind as she smiled, watching him. 

Upon entering the market center, the trio sprinted through the busy streets of Artimia's marketplace. Theo's heart pounded with excitement as he zoomed through the streets. 

Despite the small size of the marketplace, it was brimming with activity and a fast-paced rhythm. The vendors' stalls were embellished with colorful fabrics and vibrant trinkets, drawing in customers with exotic wares. The air buzzed with the merchants' bargaining with their clients while locals chatted about their daily routines.

Meanwhile, David was right on Theo's heels, but Theo was determined to maintain his lead. He managed to lose David by darting through a merchant's tent, but in his haste, he nearly collided with the owner. Theo expertly dodged around him, but in doing so, he accidentally knocked over a vase on display, shattering it into pieces.

"My vase!" the merchant wailed as he echoed through the bustling marketplace, piercing the air with disbelief and frustration. It was a beautiful vase, handcrafted and ornate, and now it lay shattered at his feet.

Theo turned, regret etched on his face. "I'm sorry! I'll pay for it later! Promise!"

But the merchant was already in hot pursuit, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he chased Theo out of the tent. Theo weaved through the crowd, dodging the throngs of people, his heart still pounding with excitement and fear.

"I'm going to win this time!" Theo yelled, feeling the adrenaline coursing through his veins. But his triumph was short-lived as a shadowy figure suddenly loomed above him.

Dawn had leaped from the ledge separating the two tents, her fingers gripping Theo's shoulder as she hurtled past him, leaving him in the dust. "You're it!" she shouted, the wind whipping her hair back from her face.

Theo was stumped, wondering how Dawn had managed to sneak up on him so effortlessly. But his puzzlement was short-lived as David overtook him from behind, his laughter ringing through the air.

"You should probably pick up the pace," David teased, his legs pumping as he left Theo in the dust.

"I don't wanna hear it, David!" Theo growled, his competitive spirit kicking into high gear. Theo surged forward as he tried to catch up.

"I'm just saying. I figured you wouldn't want to lose on your birthday." 

David laughed as he rushed forward, leaving Theo behind.

"Damn it! Get back here!" Theo roared, the frustration building inside him like a ticking time bomb. 

The game of tag had taken them outside the town and into the vast plains known as the Wastelands. Five distinct sectors collectively formed the Wastelands, and these five all had their unique characteristics and array of people. 

Each sector had an assigned Section Commander, who oversaw all operations and individuals within their designated area. In many ways, these Section Commanders were extensions of the God-King himself, enforcing his will and maintaining order in the land.

Sector Five, home to Artimia, had unparalleled beauty and grandeur. The landscape was lush and verdant, with towering trees that stretched as far as the eye could see. Green fields of grass swayed gently in the breeze, and the air was alive with the sound of birdsong.

David disappeared over the crest of a hill, leaving Theo in his wake. Theo was so intent on catching up that he didn't think twice before racing into the forest beyond.

David surveyed the landscape, taking in the peaceful scenery. He had expected to see Theo trailing behind him, but he was nowhere to be found. However, David had a mischievous grin, knowing he had outsmarted Theo again.

"I guess I was too quick for him this time," David chuckled. Suddenly, Theo appeared out of the bushes, attempting to launch a surprise attack on David. However, David effortlessly dodged the sluggish attack.

"Too predictable, Theo. Try something new for once," David teased, smirking at him.

"Don't worry, I am!" Theo retorted with a grin on his face.

Theo slapped David's leg before tumbling down the slope of the forest hill. After picking himself up, Theo stood with a triumphant look on his face.

"You're it!" Theo pointed at David, laughing before giving him the middle finger and running off into the undergrowth, leaving David speechless.

"You're going the wrong way...!" David shouted as he stood dumbfounded.

David finally made his way up to the top of the hill where Dawn was waiting for them.

"Where is Theo?" Dawn inquired as David approached her.

"No clue. After tagging me, our birthday boy ran off in the opposite direction," David responded as Dawn listened, amused by the situation as her face registered surprise.

"Someone seems to be losing their touch, huh?" Dawn teased, taking a playful jab at David.

David avoided answering her question, merely stroking his head in response. Suddenly, Theo emerged from the undergrowth, looking disheveled and exhausted.

"Finally... I made it..." 

Theo gasped for breath, clearly worn out from their little adventure. Dawn and David couldn't help but burst out laughing at the sight of their friend.

"Take a good look at yourself," David said, brushing the twigs and leaves off Theo's shirt.

"You realize that you're the one who lost, right?" Theo replied with a blank expression, but David shrugged it off, pretending not to care.

"What if I told you I let you win, birthday boy?" David joked.

"Excuses, excuses!" Theo replied, taking a swing at David and missing by a mile. David laughed as he distracted Theo, allowing Dawn to sneak up behind him and cover his eyes.

Theo felt a rush of excitement as Dawn's hand grazed his skin. He couldn't help but wonder what she was up to. Her touch ignited a fire within him that Theo couldn't resist. It was a moment of pure fantasy brought to life, and Theo was all in. Dawn eventually pulled away, leaving Theo to collect his thoughts. She made her way over to David, holding a stunning birthday cake in hand. Theo watched as they presented it to him. A wide smile plastered across his face.

Despite his gratitude, Theo tried to downplay the occasion. "Guys, you didn't have to do this," he said, but David quickly shut him down.

"We did, and that's that. Besides, Dawn outdid herself this time. Don't you think?" 

David nudged Dawn playfully, causing her cheeks to redden, but Dawn was too quick to dismiss his compliment, insisting that she had done nothing special. 

"Don't listen to him! I made it just like I would have any time before!" Dawn stated, her face a tad bit brighter than before.

But Theo couldn't help but marvel at the cake's beauty. He muttered under his breath, "You're beautiful," without even realizing it.

"What was that, Theo!? We couldn't hear you!" David called out, curious as to what he had muttered to himself.

Theo's slip of the tongue caught David's attention, but Theo quickly backtracked. "I was talking about the cake," he said, hoping to end the conversation, but unfortunately, there was no convincing David. 

"You sure about that, Theo?"

The tension between the two friends was tangible, and it almost resulted in disaster as David nearly dropped the cake. But Dawn's quick reflexes saved the day, catching the cake, and the trio dissolved into laughter.

Sitting on the edge of a cliff, the three indulged in the delicious cake while taking in the breathtaking views of the Wastelands. The distant landscape was a sight to behold, with the horizon's panoramic view perfectly complementing the captivating terrain of Sector Five. 

From their vantage point, they could see the entire town of Artimia. But something sinister loomed in the distance, casting a shadow over the beautiful scenery. A massive black sphere dominated the skyline, obscuring the terrain and almost impossible to ignore.

"The Black Ball is enormous, isn't it?" Dawn commented, taking another bite of the cake.

"Massive," David agreed, savoring his slice.

Theo couldn't help but wonder what was inside. "What do you think is in there?" he asked.

David's response was blunt. "If you're so curious, why don't you go and be the first dumbass to find out?"

David erupted into laughter that his slice of cake almost fell from his plate and off the cliff. But Theo couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the Black Ball than meets the eye.

"Shut up, David!" Theo snapped with frustration. "Unless someone does, we'll never know what's in there."

Dawn turned her head, gazing off into the distance towards the ominous Black Ball before chiming in. "I've heard you can't even get close to it. The surrounding area is said to have soldiers patrolling around the clock. It's nearly impossible to approach it." 

"Listen, Theo, all I'm saying is that I can't shake the feeling that whatever's inside it can't be any good for us," David interjected after devouring the last crumb of his cake.

Suddenly, Dawn interrupted with a sharp cry, pointing towards the town. "Guys, look over there!" she exclaimed.

The three friends gazed in horror at the billowing smoke and flames that engulfed Artimia in the distance.

"It's coming from the town!" David exclaimed.

"Let's go!" Theo declared as the group sprang to their feet and dashed toward the direction of Artimia.

With a mysterious black sphere, the town is set ablaze. What's going on here? We'll have to follow Theo, Dawn, and David to find out, huh? Also, the webcomic adaptation is available, free to read on Voyce.Me!

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