
meeting for the first time.

My name is Taylor Madison Brown, I'm 17years old and I have an annoying twin brother,we recently just moved from another state because my mom got a transfer she's a doctor meaning she doesn't spend time with us fully dure to her job but she's a great mom.

Well today is my first day as a senior at St Riverside and I'm already late cause school starts at 09:00 and now it's 08:15. My brother woke me up with a bucket of ice water,I'm glad he woke me up but I'm also ready to murder him "Tyler James Brown you better hope I don't find you cause when I do God knows what I'll do to you fucker".

I did the morning routine and went down stairs for breakfast and there was my idiot brother grinning while eating, I just gave him a middle finger and sat down.You probably wondering about school well it won't hurt being a little late on the first day besides I have to ride with my brother on his MercedesBenz G-wagon63 he got as a gift from my father.

"my dear little sister if you want to get to school you better move your ass and get to the car or you'll walk 30minutes to school" he said and I just ignored him.

We arrived late and went to get our schedule and locker numbers at the reception and I thank the secretary and walked to class.I walked on a wall or someone I think,"watch where you going newbie" he said.

I looked up and saw green eyes,for a moment I was mesmerized by him, I think he's a Greek God then I saw a hand waving infront of me,I stood there dumb foded realising what he said.

"Excuse me who do you think you are....huh why don't you watch where you're going".

"mhm feisty aren't we,why don't you run your pretty ass to class cause only 25min left for it to finish".I was about to respond only to be interrupted by a teacher."Mr O'Connor I see you are late again and you miss who are you and why are you late?"I just stared at him saying nothing and walked past them getting in class which was AP History and all eyes were on me then I went to sit next to some girl without acknowledging her.

Mr coray called me up to introduce myself,I stared at my class mates and I started introducing myself"hi I'm Taylor Brown and I have a twin brother Tyler.we just moved in this town with our mother and we are from UK London" then I sat down the girl next to me introduced herself and she's a cool person.The period was finished now and Amanda told me I could sit with her at lunch and I agreed cause I didn't want to sit alone.

And now it was lunch time then my brother walked besides me"what do you want"I asked him,"am I not allowed to check on my baby Sister" I just ignored him and I spotted Amanda with the guy I bumped into earlier,I kept my gaze on him.

"You" we both said at the same time,then Amanda spoke"well looks like you both already met".

"yea unfortunately but I didn't catch his name"I said.

Then green eyes pulled my hand and said" I'm mason O'Connor and you are?"then butterflies flew in my stomach and electric sparks.

I gasped,to say I was shocked was understanding then my brother decided to jump and say"wow sis it looks like you gon be whipped by this dude"he joked and I'm sure I'm was pink of shade and there was an expression on Mason's face I couldn't read but I just shrugged it off.

School went by pretty fast and now it was time to go home.I went to wait for my brother in his car, I may or may not have took his Keys without him noticing I waited for 10min,so lady's and gents my jeck of a brother decided to show up and ohh he was furious.

"The fuck is wrong with you Tay, I thought lost my keys.i literally had to look everywhere for them", i was now laughing my ass out and he was mumbling incorrect words I couldn't make of, then we went home.