
Wars of the Damned

The scent of blood looms over the dreary sky. 'The Mourning' shall begin. After 500 peaceful years, the Demon King will appear once more, and with him, the Legions of the Dead will rise. To what extent will the kingdoms go to defend their rule?

APOPHIS · Fantasie
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4 Chs

The Summoning

A hooded figure from the Pantheon, brought a message before the King of the Kinsha Kingdom.

"So the Gods have blessed us with the privilege of a summoning! And to what do we owe this honor?", the brash, deep voice of King Leon, the 3rd, echoed through the halls of the palace. The words were meant to intimidate, and the hooded figure understood this well. The people of the court gasped at hearing such a tone, for they knew the gods' wrath well.

In a clear, elegant voice, the hooded man spoke, "A hero must be brought, to end the wars of the kingdoms. An other-worldly soul will bring peace to your reign, to your people, so that we may face the Demon King united."

Chatters and murmurs filled the halls on hearing the utterance of the Demon King. However, the King was not a man that was concerned with such far-fetched myths. It had only been prophesied by the gods that such an event would occur. And of all beings, the King trusted the gods the least.

The King laughed, "Hahaha! And who told you this event would occur?! The gods? THE GODS LIE, THEY JEST! It would be better for you not to believe in them either, boy. They play games of the mind."

Just as the King finished his statement, the black hood began to burn, revealing a silver-haired elf. A well-fitted grey tunic with embroidery of silver adorned the top of his body, while the clean shaved pointy face of the handsome elf screamed modishness. In the blip of a second, the elf disappeared, and appeared right in front of the King.

The guards on the sides were alarmed, but did not dare offend the likes of an elf. As things came back to normal, the King noticed that his right hand was missing.

King Leon screamed as he held what was left of his hand, "Arghhhhh!" Blood spurted onto his face and his fine blue tunic. "Y- You can't do th- this! The gods-" Before he could utter another word, his teeth erupted out of his mouth and his jaw hung wide below to his neck by the strings of the muscles below his temple. The insides of his broken mouth were visible.

The elf sighed, "Huff... Drakin told me to go easy on you, but there's a limit to the yapping I can tolerate. I'm the God of War, not the God of Talking."

The people stood in fear at the appearance of the King; more so, in the appearance of a god. Whenever a message was to be passed to the people, it was generally done so by servants of the Pantheon, who were only slightly stronger and knowledgeable than the people of the kingdoms. However, for a god to appear in the flesh to deliver a message... The people interpreted this action to indicate that the message was of importance.

The calm face of the elf changed into that of anger and repugnance. "Yap, yap, yap, yap! You humans just don't know your place, do you!" As these words echoed through the palace, the King's tears rolled down to his shattered mouth and mixed with the blood that dripped.

Realizing that he had gone too far, the elf sighed again, and held his neutral expression as he walked down the stairs of the throne. "The summoning will begin in 12 hours. Until then, bring me some ale."

Looking back at the King's pitiful state, the elf snapped his fingers and continued, "If you agitate me once more, I will not be lenient as I was now; KNOW THIS." The King's wounds were healed by the snap, however, the trauma had caused the King to shiver and his eyes to widen in horror.

He had never witnessed the presence of a god, and hence thought of them to be like humans, but just more manipulative; but the sheer difference in power had shown him what it meant to be a man of the Pantheon.

The guards next to the King dropped their weapons and ran to fetch all the ale they could bring. The King's orders did not matter at this moment, they simply feared for their lives and the lives of the citizens if the God was to be displeased.

An hour passed, and the stench of ale loomed the palace halls. Not a soul other the King was to be seen. King Leon the 3rd, currently seated on the throne, had now become a simple puppet; lifeless, yet somehow still alive. Meanwhile, in his very chambers, the so-called God of War was swimming across in the ale and making love to the King's wives. The screams of the women echoed the halls as they begged the god to stop.

Exactly 11 hours later, the time for the summoning had arrived. Walking in a red robe, the silver-haired God walked to the King and ordered him to bring the people of Kinsha to witness the coming of their hero. And so, the King ran, door to door, with no aide to help him, to spread the message.

As the people gathered around the palace halls once again, the God of War began speaking, "Hear me now, people of Kinsha! Hundreds of years ago, your King, King Leon the first, served the Pantheon as the first man to bring unity and order to the kingdoms! Now, with his passing, another being must take his place! A being of a new world, that will bring you peace, harmony and preserve what is rightfully yours!"

The crowd was divided into two batches; one on the left of the hall, and one on the right. The people were held back, away from the throne and the center by the military guards of the palace; not that there was much resistance. The crowd cheered and cried, as a huge magic circle appeared in the center of palace of marble.

The elf amplified his voice, "AND SO, I SUMMON THEE; HERO!"