

Yuri_Moon · Fantasie
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1 Chs


I scream as I wake up from yet another nightmare.

I immediately know there was a new murder case for the late news. Each murder that's committed in my country, I have grotesque visions and dreams about, even before they get announced. Of course I wasn't always like this. Since I saw my mother die when I was ten, I've been very different…. Almost supernatural. The dreams make me distant, easily traumatised and a lot more strange than children my age. On the subject of my age- today is my birthday, so I quickly shake off my fear and go into the bathroom to wash my face. The light flickers and I flinch.

'Well, happy 18th…' I sigh. I never use my real name in front of myself or anyone. I haven't cut my hair in a year, so it's tumbling like a messy fountain down my shoulders. Perhaps I should cut it for my birthday? Just when I've got the scissors my trust issues kick in and I decide watching the rain is a much better gift for myself. Despite the miserable atmosphere this might just be my most peaceful birthday yet.


It takes a train load of courage to check the evening news….. and I was right. My ex bestie (from when I was about 9)'s cousin was murdered last night and the police found her body this morning. They don't know the cause of her death, but I remember clearly in the dream the girl had a heavily bleeding neck and had been attacked by some sort of creature. I fall asleep while still watching the news, and wake up to the doorbell about four hours later. It's 12:00am.

Damn it!

And who the f*ck is at my door at this time??

Groggily I get up and slouch over to the front door. I don't have a smart screen and the porch light is broken, but I can identify a figure in the gloom and rain. A very tall and well built guy, I'm guessing with a hood and a mask.


I open up the slightest crack and stare him down.

'Hey.' He murmurs.

'Hi, can I help you?' I almost stammer but force my voice straight.

'Er… yeah… could I step in a minute?'

I think about it a second.

'I'm…. I-I'm injured..' the guy says. 'Wont be long. Plea-'

'Well…' I move slightly aside because he sounds desperate. He walks in, bowing gratefully. The kid is SOAKED.

'D'you want something….. warm to drink perhaps?' I ask.

'Hmm, just cold water but thanks.'

I quickly go off to the kitchen and while I'm at getting the water, I carefully hide a knife in my nightgown just incase I might need it. Maybe the guy is the one committing murders??

I give him the water and he sets the glass down without drinking any.

'So,' he says quietly. 'Have you heard about the murders that have been around?'

'Well er…' I feel very uncomfortable. 'Well yes, I have.'

'Seems to be some sort of beast.' The guy continues. I slowly turn and look at him.

'Yes….how d'you know?'

'Oh, they said it on the news. Maybe a bear, or a dog…. Idk, they said fangs.' The guy says thoughtfully. 'Oh, by the way- I'm Kim Jiwoong.'

'Nice to meet you sir… I'm..' I freeze mid-sentence.


'Kim Yujun.' I decide to use my emergency name.

'Beautiful name.' Jiwoong says very distantly. 'And you're exceptionally beautiful, too.'

I decide to forgive him for his wrong-sayings because he's a stranger. He doesn't know that I attack anyone who tells me that, despite the fact I never even talk to people. I grit my teeth and force a smile. Jiwoong watches my every movement as if he's mesmerised but can tell I'm very pissed off.

My eyes then instinctively shift to his legs where there's a nasty gash through his trouser and what looks like blood.

'Do you do first aid?' He asks hopefully.

'Well, yes.' I say wishing I didn't. 'What's the injury?'

'Well just a small bite.' Jiwoong pulls up his trouser leg and looks at me again. 'See?'

Very slowly I crouch and observe the wound. It looks like a huge animal bit him, and there's so much blood that i don't know how he hasn't fainted yet.

'How did you get this?' I ask. 'I need to know if it needs to be cleaned out for animal bacteria or not.'

'Well.. er..I think it was a dog or something.' Jiwoong scratches his neck. 'It was dark, i don't know.'

Something's not adding up, but i just want him out as soon as possible so I quickly clean the wound without another word,

'Thanks.' He smiles when I'm done. 'That's better.'

'Good.' I sigh. 'Glad to be of service.'

Jiwoong is silent for a minute or two.

'Where's the bathroom?' He suddenly asks.

'Oh, it's the door to the left....you'll see it if you leave this room and take the corner down the corridor.' I force a smile.


While he's away I can't help wondering when this creep is leaving my house. I wait for about 10 minutes, hoping he'll leave soon- until I hear a sudden voice in my ear.

'Hey Yujun, tell me your dream from last night.'

I gasp and turn to see Jiwoong.. but not in his "lost traveller" form. He's wearing a "hanbok" (Traditional korean clothing) and has an extremely long sword in his hand, which he continues to press into the back of my neck.

'M-my dream..?' I ask, already beginning to shake.

'Yes, your dream.' Jiwoong urges.

'I-I don't know.. it was mixed..' I lie.

'No, it was about Lee Garam wasn't it? You dreamed her death, didn't you?'

I slyly reach into my nightgown and wrap my fingers around the knife handle. I can feel my heart throwing itself against my ribcage, and it's so fast and loud it's as if Jiwoong can hear it too.

'Just tell me, I have no intention of hurting you.' He whispers.

'Ok, yes I dreamed about Garam.' I pant, unsure whether I'm doing the right thing. 'What now.'

'Was there a boy in your dream?'

'No, why??'

'Think back clearly. Was there ANY boy at all? Maybe lurking somewhere..' Jiwoong ignores my question.

He suddenly uses his free hand to press the centre of my forehead. Immediately I feel a migrane-like pulse vibrate through my brain, and the pain is so strong that it's like there's a foggy barrier between now and any past memories.

I grit my teeth and then gasp as flashbacks from my ream start playing in my head.


The clearer the flashbacks are, the more pain it causes to my head.


'Agh...' I'm shaking so hard and starting to feel faint from the pain.


Hold on.. I never saw that last night...

In my minds eye I race after them but they've taken to the skies when I reach the door.

'UGHH!' I tear Jiwoong's hand away from my head and figure that I was sweating with eyes watering from the pain.

'Yes, there ...there was a b-boy...' I stammer.

'Good.' Jiwoong smiles. He hasn't taken his mask off yet, I realise.. but I need to see his face incase he's the murderer. I don't know how to go about it, because whatever just happened was in my version of supernatural category. I definitely don't want to end up dead.

As if he's heard my thoughts, Jiwoong pulls his face mask down and stares into my soul.

I've never seen a human of more unnatural beauty, or an Asian person with blue eyes. While he's undeniably stunning, I see people like this as life threatening and immediately look away.

'Seen now?'


'Hmm..' He stares at me thoughtfully. 'Why's your hand in your.....gown?'

I clear my throat and glance to ensure his mask is back on.

'None of your business..i-I helped you so y-you may as well b-be on your way...'


I muster all my courage to turn fully and face him.

'I'll see you o-' I stop dead mid-sentence because Jiwoong is ....gone.

I spin all around looking for him, but he's nowhere to be seen. A sudden hand grabs my arm and draws the knife from within my gown.

'OUCH!!' I scream. Turning fully I see Jiwoong again, with my arm in a tight grip and staring at the knife in triumph.

'Planning to KILL me, were you??' He grins.

'No,' I pant. I'm shaking again and my slit collarbone is drenching my pyjama top in scarlet. The knife cut me, not too deep but its so painful.

'oh...you're hurt....' Jiwoong looks at me and then at my blood. He abruptly lets my arm go and backs away, looking like he's experiencing something agonising.

'Th-thanks for the service...hope we meet again...' He dashes out of the room and I hear the front door slam.

There's something horrifyingly familiar about the swishing of his cape going round the door, how he reacted to seeing my blood and how he disappeared and re-appeared every 5 minutes.

A shiver runs through me as I remember my dream. Someone in a robe ran out of the kitchen... someone who can fly, who is supernatural and uses that to get away from police..

Is Jiwoong the murderer? Did I just escape death by an inch?

'F***!!' I curse loudly.

My collarbone stings badly and there's the knife on the floor, which i dropped in fright a minute ago. The first aid equipment is strewn across the floor, bandages and used wipes and all...

I curse again and throw myself on the sofa.

I'll clean up later since it's 2:00am and I need some sleep.

