
Chapter 124


  "What?" Su Mo was surprised.

  Jiang Jinyang was calling me, and I, Ying Ning, opened my eyes.

  "Honey, have you finished talking?"

  "Well, let's go home."

  "Where's Sir Nine?"

  "She's already asleep."


  He helped me get up from the bed.

  When I went out, I saw Sir Nine lying on a rocking chair, covered with a thin blanket.

  "Let's go."


  We gently walked out of the small yard.

  When I got back to the car, I found that it was already past one o'clock in the middle of the night.

  "Honey, what did you talk about with Ninth Grandfather?"

  I yawned and leaned against the car seat.

  "We've talked a lot. Also, let's move here tomorrow."

  "Huh? What?"

  He was just an old man who met by chance. How could we live here for such a short time?

  "Sir Nine told me to teach me."

  "Teach you what?"

  I'm no longer sleepy. I stared at him wide-eyed.