
Chapter 132 Let's talk

Ding Junhao's words made Fu Meiling's heart warm. Fu Meiling's patients were even more envious when they heard it. When Yingying and Ding Junhao went out, they immediately asked Fu Meiling if her son-in-law was a wealthy family.

"Forget it, there are some real estate and properties in the family, which can't be compared with the wealthy family like Li Ka-shing..."

"My God, who can compare with the richest man in Asia! Your daughter is so beautiful, it's no wonder that you are married to a wealthy family. Then your eldest daughter married well, right?"

"When to cross di-di-da..."

Fu Meiling raised her hand to indicate that she had a phone, and when she put on a new phone, she immediately downloaded the most suitable ringtone. If it is an unfamiliar phone number, she will not cut it off immediately, listening to her favorite song is a kind of enjoyment.

The call was from the eldest daughter, Feifei. Shen He came back, and Fu Meiling just wanted to say that it was good for Shen He to come back for the Mid-Autumn Festival today. Unexpectedly, Feifei's voice turned into a crying voice, and she did not speak for a long time on and off.

Fu Meiling owed her body, the pain in her waist made her frown deeply.

"If you have something to say, hurry up, my back hurts so badly. What's up with the Mid-Autumn Festival today!"

After Fu Meiling finished speaking in a bad mood, she suddenly realized that another patient was watching her, and immediately turned to a soft tone.

"Is it uncomfortable to be pregnant? How can you still think about comfort in the early stages of pregnancy, when I was pregnant with your two sisters, I almost lost half my life..."

"Mom, Shen He brought his parents back!"

"Oh, I see..."

At this moment, Fu Meiling doesn't have any good advice to give Feifei, she can't let Feifei drive her mother-in-law out. What's more, Shen He is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Last time, because of Feifei's disagreement with her in-laws, Shen He was about to get a divorce.

"Mom, Shen He has changed this time when he comes back, and he treats his parents better than before. He clearly knows that the old man is not his own parents, so why is he being so kind to them! I just said something, why did he come back again? , he just turned pale at me. If it wasn't for my pregnancy, I feel like he could beat me..."

Feifei cried and cried. As soon as she saw Shen He entering the door, she rushed over excitedly, hugged Shen He and wanted to kiss his lips. She thought that Shen He's sudden return was to spend the first Mid-Autumn Festival with her after the wedding. Because she had told Shen He before that her favorite festival was the Mid-Autumn Festival. But before her lips touched Shen He's, Shen He gently pulled her hand away. Only then did she see Shen He standing behind Shen He, who was standing and beaten to death Shen's father and Shen's mother who she didn't want to see again...

"You might as well go out for a walk, the air outside is good, don't stay at home all the time."

Afraid that the patient would hear that the eldest daughter's marriage was not going well, Fu Meiling spoke to him.

"Then I'll find Weiwei."

Feifei also knew that her mother shouldn't be able to help her much at this meeting, and her mother was already burning high incense without her taking care of her.

The front and back yards of the Crock Pot House have been surrounded by green wire mesh and partitions, and only a path in the middle that is shoulder-to-shoulder wide can lead directly to the hotel house. When Feifei first came in, she thought that Crock Pot was closed, but Wei Wei clearly stated on the phone that she was at Crock House.

Can't work here anymore? Feifei carefully stepped up the steps holding her stomach and looked into the store.

"Eldest sister." Weiwei walked out from behind the stove to meet Feifei, and helped her to sit down on the inner chair.

"No wonder you are looking for a new job. It turns out that you can't work here anymore."

Feifei licked her lips and looked around, then turned around, Weiwei was pouring tea for her.

"Is it quitting here? Our mother sold the shop. What kind of person is the new owner?"

Feifei cared about other people's affairs, but she forgot the purpose of her sadness.

"It's been renovated here, and it's still open for business. I'll cook what you want to eat."

It will be three o'clock in the afternoon, and there will be no customers in the store. Because the decoration of the courtyard will affect the business to some extent. There were not many customers arriving at the store at noon, and all the customers were gone before 2:30. Jiang Chao and Ali Aqi all went to take a nap in the shade. Only Uncle Kong was sitting on the small bench under the tree in the backyard smoking.

"I can't eat anything." Feifei sighed and began to count on Shen's father and Shen's mother making a comeback. This time, it was like giving Shen He an ecstasy. Shen He was obedient to them and didn't take her wife seriously at all.

"Then why don't you have a good talk with Shen He?"

"What is there to talk about, I have nothing to say to him!"

Feifei bit her lip, feeling even more sad. These days Shen He was gone, she missed him every day, but when Shen He finally came back, she even gave her a slap when they met.

"Then you don't plan to live with Shen He?"

Weiwei picked up the tea bowl in front of her and looked into Feifei's eyes while drinking. Feifei's eyes were flustered, obviously she was not mentally prepared for Weiwei's question. She just likes to be angry with Shen He, hoping that Shen He can take her seriously and care about her.

"If you want to continue living with Shen He, have a good talk with him. No matter what his attitude is towards his parents, as his wife, you should be polite and considerate to his parents. Filial piety is a virtue since ancient times, you should not Let Shen He be embarrassed between you and his parents. Besides, Shen's father and Shen's mother are reasonable old people, they don't embarrass you, and they don't burden you, why can't you tolerate them? "

"Actually, it's not that I can't tolerate them. I just hate them when they say go, they come when they say it, and they never think about my thoughts..."

Feifei hesitated, thinking that what Weiwei said was reasonable. She really never thought of divorcing Shen He, and she needed Shen He even more after she became pregnant. She felt that Shen He was her lifelong support, and what Shen He could give her was even more than what her parents gave her. After all, we have to go through decades of years together, and at the end of life, we have to make an appointment to be together in the next life.

"You have to have a good talk with Shen He. Your willfulness will only make things worse. It will make Shen He feel that you are unreasonable, and your relationship will eventually go unresolved..."

After Weiwei finished speaking, she suddenly realized that what she said to Feifei was exactly what she had been thinking about for a long time. She had to have a good talk with Ke Nansheng. Their relationship was not as simple as he thought, nor was she afraid to fall in love with him or accept his love because of her inferiority. She has her pride...

Feifei finally agreed to go home and have a good talk with Shen He. Weiwei didn't want Feifei to call a car back, she was going to drive her home. Feifei got into the Ford car, looking surprised and happy. Just as she was about to ask, Weiwei said first:

"This is the company's car, and I happened to drive it back today."

"Let me just say, you are too skilled to afford such an expensive car. Shen He's second-hand Land Rover is about the same price as your company's new car."

Weiwei really can't help this eldest sister. Feifei's character is sometimes cloudy and sometimes sunny. She looks like she has a hot personality, but she is actually as sentimental as her mother, Fu Meiling. It is often windy and rainy for the sake of little things, and in the blink of an eye it rains again and again, and it never lasts for a long time.