
Warlord of the Crooked Mouth

Ye Chen is the son-in-law that everyone looks down on, but no one knows his true identity is the big master of the top family, those who look down on him, after all, they have to kneel in front of him, and call him a voice!

LY_WQ · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 14 I Met the Young Master

Seeing such a big show, Wang Yan was also shocked and thought that it was really the person called by the poor, right?

But on the other kind, how is it possible?

It's impossible for a poor man to know such a powerful person.

Tang Sihai got down from the third Rolls-Royce and stepped into Cuigexuan. Wang Yan quickly got up to greet him.

But Tang Sihai didn't look at her at all and went straight to Ye Chen.

"Young master, I'm here. It's these things that don't know whether to live or die. Do you dare to say anything to you?"

Tang Sihai said, bowing to Ye Chen.

The dozens of bodyguards in the rear also bowed one after another.

"I've seen the young master!"

All the people around were scared to take a breath of air!

Damn it!

This stinky loser... Oh no! What this person said is actually true!

Is he really the young master of a rich family?

Isn't it true that the Citibank black card with a face value of 10 billion is also true!

Oh my God, what kind of big shot is this?

Many people took out their mobile phones to shoot videos. They don't want to miss such a shocking scene.

However, Tang Sihai's bodyguards immediately cleared them all out, and they could only take a picture of the back of Ye Chen's head.

Ye Chen pointed to Wang Yan and said, "Do you believe that I am a rich family now?"

Wang Yan's scared soul was scattered, and she nodded submissively: "I believe it, I believe it..."

Ye Chen sneered and said to Tang Sihai, "I want to see the manager of this store."

Tang Sihai nodded, took out his mobile phone, looked for it for a while and dialed the phone.

As soon as the phone call was made, he scolded directly on the phone, "Son of a bitch, I'm Tang Sihai. I'm in Cuigexuan now. Give you a minute and get out of here immediately!" Otherwise, I would have let people burn Cuigexuan! Then let someone break your dog's leg! Break your dog's leg!"

Wang Yan's face turned pale, and she looked at Tang Sihai's eyes, full of fear.

Is this man really so powerful?

His own boss is a big shot in Jinling, and he is very open on the road.

Give him some face? How dare anyone talk to him like that?

In less than a minute, a middle-aged fat man rolled and crawled out of the back office. As soon as he saw Tang Sihai, he rushed forward and said, "Mr. Tang, you come to my shop without saying in advance, so that I can meet you."

Tang Sihai directly slapped him in the face and said angrily, "You are arrogant enough. Your clerk even dares to neglect our young master. Are you tired of living?

Tang Sihai knew that the young master had suffered a lot of grievances in the past ten years. At this time, he was also annoyed to see a clerk who was also angry with him.

The middle-aged fat man was slapped. He was still a little wronged, but when he heard this, he was immediately scared out of his mind.

The young master of Tang Sihai? Oh, my God, Tang Sihai is already like a real dragon. Isn't his young master like a fairy in the sky?

His legs kept trembling with fear. He turned his head and saw Ye Chen next to Tang Sihai. Although he looked ordinary,

This man is the young master of Tang Sihai's family!

Thinking of this, the middle-aged fat man was even more panicked and quickly said, "Young master, I'm really sorry. I apologize to you."

Then he turned his head, his face was full of anger, and he cursed, "Which unsighted thing has offended the young master?" Stand up!"

The eyes of other shopping guides focused on Wang Yan in an instant.

Wang Yan hurriedly wanted to shrink back.

But the middle-aged fat man rushed up in an instant, grabbed Wang Yan's collar, slapped her in the face, and scolded, "Are you blind? Even the young master dares to offend. It's really blind to your dog!"

Wang Yan was knocked to the ground and cried, "Boss, I'm sorry, I'm blind. Please forgive me this time!"

"Forgive me?" The middle-aged fat man grabbed her hair, pulled her face up, and smashed her in the face with his big fist.

One punch, one punch, hit her eyes with stars: "I have to waste you today. You want to kill me, don't you? If you want to kill me, I'll kill you first!"

Wang Yan's full mouth was broken several teeth, and the bridge of her nose that she had just spent money on was also broken.

She broke down and broke away from the middle-aged fat man. She knelt down and climbed to Ye Chen, grabbed his leg, and cried, "Young master, I really know it's wrong. I will never look down on people again. Please forgive me."

Ye Chen said coldly, "It's your own."

When the middle-aged fat man saw that she actually grabbed Ye Chen's leg, he was so scared that he ran over and stepped on her head and scolded angrily, "Funk and mud horse, can you also touch the young master's leg? I'll fucking kill you!"

With this foot, Wang Yan was immediately kicked to the ground.

The middle-aged fat man said to the security guard beside him, "Damn it, throw this dog into the garbage dump in the back!"

"Good boss!" Several security guards did not dare to delay, so they immediately picked up Wang Yan with a bloody face and took her out.

Ye Chen said to the middle-aged fat man with a blank face, "My wife likes that jade. Wrap it up for me."

The middle-aged fat man quickly nodded and agreed and said, "Okay, I'll wrap it up for you!"

Ye Chen took out the black card and said, "Swipe this card."

After saying that, he said to Tang Sihai, "You take the cash back."

The middle-aged fat man hurriedly said, "Young master, you like this jade, and the little one will be given to you!"

Ye Chen said, "I don't need you to send it."

The middle-aged fat man said obediently, "Young master, just take it as a small heart. Please accept it!"

Tang Sihai said to Ye Chen, "Young master, since he has the intention to send you as an apology, please accept it, otherwise he won't even be able to sleep at night."

Ye Chen hesitated for a moment and nodded gently: "Okay, then I'll thank you."

Seeing Ye Chen accept the jade necklace, the fat man was relieved.

If Ye Chen didn't accept this necklace, he was really afraid that Tang Sihai would not let him go. With his strength, hooking his fingers could also make himself disappear.

At this time, Tang Sihai asked Ye Chen, "Young master, do you want me to see you off?"

"No." Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "Where is the back door? I'll go by myself."

The onlookers really opened their eyes today!

A loser dressed in a street stall turned into a young man of a rich family.

And the purpose is just to buy an emerald necklace.

As a result, Cui Gexuan's boss didn't dare to collect money!

What is the reason for that young man who looks very inconspicuous?

Many people uploaded this video to the Internet, and it suddenly became popular on the Internet.

Netizens have called this mysterious person "super rich second generation", "domineering president" and "god-level rich", and even launched a "search for god-level rich" activity, with the active participation of countless people.

Fortunately, when these people took the video, they had been cleared by the bodyguards outside the store, so Ye Chen in their video was very vague and could not be used as a reference for finding someone at all.