

Redakteur: Wuxia Dog

After dinner, Sunier went back to take care of Miss Keeley. When her figure disappeared into the woods, Moxinke suddenly stared at Cessacioun and reproached him, "You are such a fool!"


"We were discussing our plans to make a fortune. Why did you interrupt us?"

"Wasn't it just a joke?" Cessacioun forced a helpless smile.

"You really are a fool..." Moxinke sneered. "We all know that Sunier is not that simple. She has a mysterious background.Besides that, we know nothing about her. Did you really think that I was just kidding? I am trying to get information out of her!"

"Getting information?"

"What else do you think I was doing?" Moxinke heavily nodded his head and said, "At least now we know she has a brother, and her brother has a Gothic Bow, a unique weapon of the elves! If you had not interrupted us, maybe I would already know the names of her parents and her brother."

"That's easy for you to say, Moxinke," Han Jin interrupted him lazily. "Don't think that you're that clever, and take others as fools. If you had asked any further, Sunier would have surely perceived your intentions. Isn't it better to ask her directly?"

"Ask her directly? Do you think she would reply?" Moxinke was unwilling to submit.

"It's her decision to tell us or not. We shall respect her." Han Jin shook his head. "If it were you, would you feel happy if I tried to find out about your past which you are striving to hide?"

Moxinke scratched his head for a long time and laughed in embarrassment.

"I never thought of you as a tactful guy," Cessacioun looked at Moxinke up and down and mocked.

"His cleverness is never used in the right way." Han Jin stood up. "Steelberg, pass me a magic crystal."

Steelberg was sitting there in a trance and listening to them. When he heard Han Jin call his name, he immediately turned around and passed Han Jin the bag that was behind him.

Han Jin opened the bag, carefully picked up a piece of magic crystal which contained the least energy, then gave the bag back to Steelberg before turning away and walking into the woods."Young Master, where are you going?" Steelberg asked loudly.

"I have something to do. Don't disturb me." Han Jin waved his hand.

Han Jin looked around for a few seconds, and then climbed upward by holding onto the trunk in front of him. About ten feet above the ground, there was a small hole in the tree which could only accommodate one person. It was a perfect place for him to practice cultivation. He had spent a lot of time yesterday to find this place.

The jungle under him was near the edge of the Tarasha mountains. Even in the daytime, there were lots of holy animals roaming around. The dozens of human-faced eagles were a warning. Thus, it was much safer to stay in the tree than under the tree.

Han Jin gazed for a while at the magic crystal in his hand that was the size of a nail. Then, he put it into his mouth in a very slow manner.

He was a calm man, but no man could keep absolute calm all the time. 

Though he had some rough experiences, he was still too young. The lessons he had learned from his experiences were quite limited. In fact, he had never gone through any unforgettable painful lessons. As for the explosion that had sent him to this world, it had been caused by his irresolution. He could be the good guy and reject the case of Zhou Chengyi directly, or he could be a sheer bad guy and kill Zhou Chengyi without hesitation. In either case, the explosion wouldn't have occured.

The strike he had suffered this morning had made him a little obstinate. If he could have eaten some more human-faced eagles today and then absorbed the energy from the magic crystals of the black ravens, he would have more than four Jia's energy. Judging by the criterion of this world, he would have been a third-grade professional. Though still inferior to Moxinke, his speed of improvement in such a short period of time was already unparalleled by anyone else!

But now, his hope had been dashed to pieces. All the remaining bodies of human-faced eagles had been burnt by Moxinke. If he were to continue to practice cultivation according to his original plan, he would have to wait at least another month to absorb the energy from those black ravens' magic crystals. Of course, if he were fortunate enough and Moxinke were to bring back some fifth-grade holy animals again, he could shorten the time. But now, Han Jin didn't want to wait anymore, nor did he want to put his hope on others.

He swallowed the magic crystal in a slow speed. He was quite clear that his body had almost seven thousand Yuan's energy. The energy that this magic crystal contained was around eighty yuan, exceeding the limit by one percent. But it was not that pure. The unknown elements contained in it may not have so much energy. However, Han Jin was also clear that the real safety margin was zero point one percent - the so called 'limit' was just a warning of danger.

When he felt the energy from the magic crystal dissolving, Han Jin slowly closed his eyes. He cleaned his mind and threw away all his distractions. Soon, he understood why Cessacioun had said that the elements from magic crystals were unstable. In the beginning, the energy was introduced by him consciously, but in a flash, it flooded out like pouring water. The magic crystal inside his stomach disappeared in the blink of an eye and turned into a turbulent flow of energy, pounding crazily at his limbs. If he had not strengthened his body yet, he would have already suffered great internal injuries.

I was too irrational! This thought flashed in his head, but now he had no time to regret it.

He took a deep breath and started running through the energy in his body. After each rotation of heavenly circuit, he was able to absorb parts of the impulsion.

The energy contained in the magic crystals were different from the grain essence contained in food. The latter was gentle, meek, and its absorbing speed could be controlled from time to time. On the other hand, the energy in a magic crystal was wild, rampaging, and uncontrollable. Its speed of release was too fast to be absorbed.

After several heavenly circuits, Han Jin's mental state had suddenly turned violent. The negative emotions, such as brutality, bloodthirstiness, and hostility, contained in the dark elements all welled up into his mind. The veins in his forehead popped out suddenly and violently. His hands that were clenched in a special shape in front of his chest started to tremble.

Pictures of his imagination flashed through his head, one after another, all filled with darkness, bringing him ineffable comfort.

In one of the scenes, Han Jin saw himself wielding an iron bar and beating up Moxinke. He hated Moxinke because he had burnt all the human-faced eagles!

Then, in another scene, Han Jin had pinned Miss Keeley to the grass and ripped off all her clothes. Her crying, her breath, and her begging voice all brought extreme contentment to him.

Cessacioun and Sunier became his slaves in his mind!

In the system of cultivation, these negative emotions are referred to as inner demons. Han Jin was a mature friar, and he was not afraid of his inner demons, but this time, he was unprepared. Before he could warn himself, they had controlled his mind.

He had to let out a long howling with his last soul intelligence, trying to vent out all the devils inside. But his howling turned into a long roar which was full of brutality.