


This was Fang Ming's first thought upon waking up. There was a significant cut in the back of his head; it hurt so badly as if his skull was about to crack in two like a coconut.

As his consciousness cleared bit by bit, he realized that he was riding on what seemed like a horse carriage; a very spacious one. Its dimensions were comparable to a small bus and it also possessed seat rows in the same fashion. Nonetheless, the noises of hooves against rock and dirt were the main giveaway that this was not a modern vehicle.

Fang Ming's body bounced along to the rhythm of the moving carriage, sending shockwaves through his open wound. The pain was so great that he had to suck in several sharp breaths just to keep himself from screaming in anguish.

'My head hurts so much...!'

Fang Ming opened his eyes once more, and he observed his surroundings while trying to get a grip on his body. What filled his vision were walls made of hollowed planks covered by thin layers of metal. They had windows that revealed it was nighttime.

Riding the carriage together with him was a number of European-looking youths of both genders. They were all seemingly asleep.

Fang Ming was hunkered down on the farthest corner seat of the carriage, and nobody else was on his row. Although his seat was not that uncomfortable, his body rested against the cold hard carriage walls. He didn't have the strength to sit straight.

Feeling the biting chill from the metal and his tensed rear muscles, Fang Ming understood that his body would not bear leaning on the wall much longer. To avoid worsening his bodily state even further, he struggled to get into a normal position. This simple action was enough to bring himself to grit his teeth and curse internally.

At that moment, he felt a sharp pain lancing through his head. The pain was too sudden, and yet it differed from the physical pain from the wound. But most importantly, it brought with it a flood of strange memories into Fang Ming's mind.

'Is this... a second life? Transmigration? Or maybe Hell...?'

He still clearly remembered the blinding light from the energy reactor's explosion; one that was impossible to survive unless one was Doctor Manhattan. On top of that, in his world, a carriage made of wood was considered a relic that belonged to a museum; not the road. He also perceived how his body was not truly his own. This one felt thinner and weaker, besides the injury.

After conscientiously organizing the new memories in his mind, Fang Ming gained some insight into his body and this new, strange world.

This dimension was comparable to the European Middle Ages in technological advancements and governments, albeit with a more 'unrestrained' type of society. But there was something far more interesting to this world than that: the presence of a great and unfathomable force.

The presence of real magic.

As for the original owner of his current body, he was called Leylin Farlier. He was the son of a minor noble, and he had also been discovered to have arcane potential after taking an expensive test. Soon after, his father Viscount John Farlier had done everything in his hands to allow him to become a magician-in-training. Namely, an acolyte.

The horse carriage he was currently on had a magic academy as its destination, where his career as a Magus would begin.


Time went on as Fang Ming gradually dozed off. Despite that, he kept trying to put everything in his mind in order.

'So, let me get this straight... My soul transmigrated into the body of a young noble who is likely to become a sorcerer? For all I know, this might as well be Hell and this is my time of reckoning. But I wouldn't have gone out the way I did if I hadn't been ready to face some kind of holy punishment for my sins... I don't care if it's some god, spirit, ancestor, or the goddamn universe who brought me here... I won't be cornered down like I was in my previous life! I shall prevail!'

"Leylin...? Leylin...! Wake up already!" -Fang Ming heard a voice call out to him, breaking him out of his dreams. A ghost of a smile disappeared from his face before it even formed.

The one who had woken him up was a big, male teenager. His green eyes were topped by thick eyebrows which complemented his sparkling gold hair. Although his face was somewhat tender showing his youth, he had a sturdy body that made him look fairly virile.

Seeing that Fang Ming had awoken, the teenager chuckled happily: "Hahaha Leylin, you're finally awake! If you had taken even a little longer, you probably wouldn't have made it to dinner! And you don't want to starve, do you?"

'So noisy... Ughh, guess I'll have to get used to dealing with youngsters since I am one now...'

Fang Ming lowered his eyes. In an instant, he figured out this person's identity: "George... Can't say that I intend to, no."

Naturally, all the youths of the carriage had been tested to be gifted with magic. George was a Count's son and a favored one at that. When his gift was revealed, the Count spent a lot of resources and pulled many strings to get him to enter a magic academy.

Fang Ming's memories then went to Leylin's father: Viscount John Farlier. His lands were about as large as a city from Fang Ming's previous life, and he had over seven thousand soldiers under his command.

In this world, noble rankings were inexorably tied to personal and family strength. George's father being a Count meant that his holdings were the size of at least several cities, and his annual income rounded the hundreds of thousands in coin.

But even with such finances and power at his disposal, it had taken a lot of effort for him to get George on this carriage. Fang Ming couldn't help but wonder how Leylin's father managed to do the same for him.

Just as he began to ponder the question, another sharp pain jolted through his head, and a scene of the past appeared in his mind's eye...


He was in an old-looking room, with various old shelves lining the sides. Each was filled with a sense of antiquity, and the surroundings were chock full of dust.

Under the dim light of the early morning plodding into the solar, John Farlier solemnly passed him a black ring, saying: "Leylin, my dear son. This is our Farlier Family's heirloom... Your great grandfather had once saved the life of an injured Magus, and in return, he gifted him this ring..."

"This ring is a promise. Should any of your great grandfather's descendants have the gift of magic, they could use this ring to enter a magic academy for free! I give this to you, my heir, in hopes that you become the new champion of House Farlier and uphold our legacy...!"


'The ring!' -Fang Ming's eyes narrowed, and his right hand subconsciously moved to his chest.

As his hand touched his clothing, he could feel something underneath; the black ring was still there.

Heaving a sigh of relief in his heart, he thought to himself: 'Either those guys that beat Leylin to death couldn't recognize this as a treasure, or they didn't even notice it. Either way, lucky me that this wasn't snatched away!'

Fang Ming was a 30-odd years old scientist in his former life, and the very mention of magic filled him with a desire to investigate. To explore the laws of this new universe... He wanted to become a Magus no matter what, and the ring was his key into the academy. No ring equaled no Magus career in the foreseeable future.

Fang Ming had taken over this body and even its memories, yet he was very different from the original Leylin. The boy's family members, who had spent years with him, would easily be able to tell the difference. If they mistook him as being possessed by a demon and perhaps begged one of those mysterious Magi to investigate, it was extremely likely that he would be found out. He could even die a second time.

'However, if I can enter a magic academy, I probably won't return for at least several years. By that time, any changes in Leylin's behavior will be written off as par for the course. The strange thing would be if he hadn't changed at all...'

Just as he was in deep thought, a pair of strong hands suddenly assisted him to his feet. The pain in his head had subsided greatly, but now the rest of his body was aching.

"What are you thinking about?" -George asked, mildly curious.

"Nothing... I just realized how wrongly I have lived my life until now... Maybe this is my wake-up call, ah friend?" -Fang Ming quickly drew out his silver tongue.

Then he suddenly spun his head around and looked at George, causing the lad's heart to stop in its tracks.

Fang Ming narrowed his eyes and asked: "By the way, dearest George... Why didn't you help me earlier when those bullies ganged up on me, almost killing me?"

Under Fang Ming's piercing glare, George raised his hands in surrender: "Who asked you to offend my goddess in the first place?! Offending her is still fine; as your friend, I am not such a petty person... Alas, the entire caravan is now treating you like an enemy, and I don't want to be attacked as well for something like that! I may be strong, but not enough to try and fight so many angry suitors!"

'Offend? Goddess...?' -Fang Ming scratched his head, but then he suddenly remembered why he was beaten up.

It was because of a girl named Bessita. Although she was only 15 years of age, her body was already well-developed and voluptuous. In addition to her big crimson eyes, it was enough to attract the undivided attention of the lecherous Leylin.

The original Leylin was no gentleman. He had lost his virginity at the age of twelve, and after that, he had either seduced or forced his way with many others. He had by now slept with over a hundred females, and some were not even ripe.

Leylin Farlier was known as the plague of his father's holdings. The only qualification to be named as his successor was that he was his eldest son. Until his magic potential was found out, at least.

As Fang Ming finished exploring the memories, he mentally clicked his tongue in disdain. No wonder this body was so weak and frail. It wasn't just because of the injuries; Leylin was a worthless debauchee!

It was clear that Leylin had been too used to getting away with causing trouble in Farlier territory, and hadn't been able to control himself when he saw the gorgeous Bessita.

The first few times Leylin had approached her, it was still rather harmless. Just casual flirting and making passes at her. Near the end though, he had begun resorting to forceful means. Nevertheless, he had never gone beyond ripping the sleeve of Bessita's dress.

When Fang Ming saw these memories, he couldn't help but label the original as an idiot. He was the type of kid he would use as a lab rat in one of his genetic experiments... Not because he saw himself as some kind of vigilante or justice-dealer, but simply because Leylin was the type of person that wouldn't be missed...

That Bessita, on her part, was the princess of a small country. And Leylin still wanted to ra** her. What happened after the sleeve incident went without saying: Leylin was taught a savage lesson by a bunch of 'Flower Guardians', as Bessita's suitors and admirers called themselves.

Be that as it may, this had eventually benefitted Fang Ming. Therefore, he wouldn't condemn Leylin for making way for him. If anything, he was pleased that he had thrown away his chance at life.

'Heh, I bet this princess isn't as simple as she appears. She probably played her simps and let them loose against the rascal...' -Fang Ming mused coldly.

'Fine. No matter what, I have taken over your body. If it doesn't hinder my plans, I'll avenge you, brat. After all, I am Leylin Farlier now...' -Fang Ming swore in his heart.

The new Leylin looked around to find that there was nobody else inside the spacious carriage. It was no wonder that George had come to call him over.

"Is that why you stood by idly, then? Guess I can't be so shameless as to blame you for that... In any case, would you happen to know where I can get any medicine for my injuries?" -Leylin replied to George, as he stood up and stretched his body.

Although it still hurt in a few places, it did not impede his movements, and the wound at the back of his head had already become a scab.

"Heh heh heh, I knew that you'd need this!" -George laughed as he tossed a small bottle over. "This is my family's secret product. It's very popular among Knights, and extremely effective against bodily injuries. Consider this my apology."

As George spoke, he looked around furtively: "Alright, dinner is about to start. I'm going to head there first; you should use the medicine quickly and hurry over too. Do remember not to tell anyone about our friendship, please! People still hate you after all..."

After he finished speaking, he had run off like a gust of wind.

Looking at George's figure disappearing into the distance, Leylin couldn't help but massage his forehead. It looked like his predecessor had truly stirred up a hornet's nest. Was it even such a big deal to assault a girl? His memories told him that the people here were rather forgiving about sexual crimes. Just a good bribe, an apology and you were all set... Unless the woman in question had a higher status than you, of course.

At this point, Leylin couldn't do anything to remedy the situation. Not that he cared that much anyway.

Swiftly taking off his clothes, Leylin carefully rubbed the medicine all over the injuries on his body. He drew several sharp cold breaths as he applied it.

Fortunately, it was as effective as George made it out to be. As soon as he applied it, there was a cooling sensation and the pain vanished.


After he had dealt with the wounds on his body, Leylin put on his clothes and opened the carriage door.

A gentle breeze blew over. The sun was setting on the horizon, painting the wooded landscape a golden red. A beautiful sight to behold.

Leylin's lips curled into a devilish grin as he muttered: "Let's see what this world has to offer me..."

Inconspicuously looking at the surroundings as he walked, he noticed several large carriages forming a circle to make a crude temporary campsite. There was a large bonfire in the middle.

Many youths were gathered around the fire, relaxing on cloth mats laid on the ground. They were laughing and fooling around; all the while they were eating.

Leylin walked towards a big table that had some bread loaves and purple juice bottles placed on top of it. This was obviously where the food was being distributed.

When he approached the area, he saw that a few people were queuing up. As they spotted Leylin, their gazes turned to ones of derision. Some even spat at his feet.

Even though Leylin couldn't be bothered with trivial matters such as the opinions of others, he adhered to his perfected technique of masking his true self. Instead of the detachment and coldness of his true being, his mask displayed a visibly uncomfortable expression with a tinge of regret.

'Perfect for the occasion. That should do the trick.' -He concluded.

"Hurry up, will ya!" -A hoarse voice rang out from behind the food table. It was directed towards the person whose turn was up.

"S-sorry, Lord Angelo!" -A freckled boy quickly apologized and took his bread piece and juice, before running away to the carriages.

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