
Warlock of Oceans: My Poseidon System

Check out my other novels - |Arpious of the Planes| |The Rise of Quetzalcoatl| |My Ares System| -- Same Universe - |Warlock of War: My Ares System| |Warlock of Wisdom: My Odin System| -- It was an enormous tsunami that completely covered the sky, and due to its dark water, the sun had been blocked out. A sense of despair ran through everybody as they looked towards the peaked wave quickly crashing down. But was I the only one who noticed the massive sea monster lurking towards the front of the wave? CRASH [Requirments Met] [System has been chosen] [Your god has been selected] [System Granted] [Poseidon System is being installed] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twitter - @equuipwebnovel Discord - equuip#6686 -- Cover Art was made by the wonderful sayerrri! twitter: sayeri_fe https://www.deviantart.com/sayerrri

equuip · Fantasie
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392 Chs

Middle School Testing (2)

"But... that was to test your battle IQ and how well you can interact with oth-... wait,"

Mari was smarter than I thought as she immediately caught on to what I was trying to say… and I could see her expressionless face slowly warp into a smile.

What a bunch of sickos I've made friends with.

"You're just a low-ranked noble, you son of a bitch. I bet your mom is a peasant whore that begged for her to be fucked by your family's head. Have her tell me if it was big enough for somebody as loose as her," Asger taunted the boy, and even I was a bit surprised.

"Asger bad mouth," Petra muttered, and I just chuckled a bit as I saw the arrogant kid go for a punch… but he missed.

Asger dodged all of the flurries of punches that were sent flying at him until he reached the door, where he let himself get hit in the face.

Blood immediately drew from his nose, and as his hand fell down the door, he slowly caught the handle and opened it for the inspector of this test.

He put on a fake crying expression that didn't have any tears, but I guess it was convincing enough for the inspector since he quickly expelled the boys.

"H-Huh?! He's the one that provoked us first!" The little boy shouted, but the man just stared at him.

"And? You're the one that hit him, so get the fuck out of my test. I don't care if you're some bigshot. Underneath the authority of the government, your family doesn't mean shit…." The man said before throwing the four boys out.

"Seal, was that good?" Asger asked as he quickly ran back over to me, but only after taking the pack of gum from Petra.

"*sigh*... I said I didn't want to draw any attention. You literally just became the target of everybody here… We might even get jumped after this test ends," I clicked my tongue, and those same puppy ears drooped from the top of his head.

"I'm sorry… Ugh… Whatever. Just don't do that again and follow the plan," I muttered as students slowly got called over for the physical test.

I could see Asger practically shaking in excitement as he waited for his name to be called while Petra just napped on Mari's shoulder.

"*sigh*... These kids…"

Exactly an hour later and I had been called up to the testing ground, which was an enclosed dirt arena with the only spectators being the headmasters of a few schools.

Some were prestigious, some were average, and some were just poor… but I knew one thing about them all… they all had absolute neutrality with an insane amount of power to back them up.

And I'm not just talking about familial power because they aren't lacking in that as well, but also fucking system power.

I grabbed what seemed to be an iron sword on the way through the entrance as well.

Their status must be through the roof to emit so much pressure…

No wonder only a few people make it past the fourth round. I mean, under this much pressure, anybody would fold.

"Hey, can't you tone down the pressure? I think my spine is going to snap in half with all of you watching so intently," I said to the glass box at the very top right of the square and small arena.

I saw a few of the headmasters smirk at my genuine comment, which they thought was a joke… but seriously! How do people fight under this much pressure!

But, my answer was immediately given as a monster soon came prowling out of the large and now open metal gate.

"Ah, so the first round is this easy," I muttered as it was literally just a blood rabbit, who are rabbits that have bloodlust.

That's right… we're just kids. I almost completely forgot we're just kids.

I decided not to end it very quickly and dragged it out for about thirty seconds before finally slashing the rabbit with a dirty strike to the back.

The rabbit limply folded in on itself before dying.

"Second round will commence," A voice echoed through the arena, and now a… regular animal had appeared.

It was a polar bear that ferociously charged at me, drools and fluids hanging from its mouth as it only saw the piece of meat in front of me.

I don't even think it noticed my sword slashing through its cheek due to its insane appetite.

After feeling confident from the first strike, I went in for another one, but the polar bear suddenly swiped towards me, knocking away my sword at the cost of its right palm.

It then lunged toward me. Its jaws opened wide enough for the beastly thing to swallow me whole.

"*sigh*... Geez,"


I sidestepped and then kneed it in the nose, stunning it long enough for me to stab the end of my sword directly into its forehead.

"Heh… I guess some animals are stronger than some monsters," I chuckled before eyeing my next opponent, a dire wolf.

Probably one of the most common and well-known D-rank monsters as they're literally just enhanced versions of the regular animal… there's also that horn on their head, but it can't do much with that.

"Foooooo… Okay. I have to focus up for this one," I muttered, but I was a bit confused because I felt like it was a bit of a step up from the previous ones.

Is the power growing exponentially, or is it linear…? I can't tell.

The dire wolf began to charge toward me, but I soon noticed that it was a bit slower than usual, and its horn had been torn off.

I was a bit disappointed that they nerfed the monster, but I made sure to end its suffering quickly as I could tell it was completely done with life.

The way it charged in towards me, creating an opening for me to slice its neck… I almost felt a bit bad…

"Just kidding," I muttered before slashing its eyes and then slitting its throat with a quick sidestep.


I changed a bit of the last part of the last chapter. I'd say its decently important so its up to you whether you want to read it or not.

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