
Warlock Crimson Of The Abyss

With his memories erased, with a power that only the most ancient Gods can comprehend and with a desire to become more powerful, Kamael is determined to seek to regain his memories while becoming more powerful to face his obstacles. With the odds stacked against him, this is the story of the Legendary Crimson Warlock of the Abyss, a being who after years will be remembered by mortals and divine beings alike, bringing Chaos and Disaster in his wake. This is the story of the Successor of Chaos. _________ The cover does not belong to me, all credit to the bearer.

KingCrimSoon · Fantasie
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56 Chs

Test Rewards (II)

"Tsk, well, let's move on to the next reward" Lord Chaos spoke, to again snap his fingers or at least that's what it sounded like to me n the bucket.


The snap of his fingers gendered the darkness itself to move around me, creating a circle.

"An enhancement of your body is the reward you will receive now" He declared in a loud voice and as if it was a command, the darkness began to enter my body little by little.

I let out a gasp in pain, yes, I couldn't be very sensitive to pain, but now the darkness was circulating through my veins, bones and muscle tissues.

The tissues, veins and bones were disappearing to be rebuilt again and so on so that, the darkness searched for the best way to make every part completely well in my body and in perfect condition.

Although they also rebuilt my veins and tissues, their work was much greater in my bones, deforming them hundreds of times.

It took minutes that felt like an eternity for the pain to go away.

"You... You can create worlds, dimensions and even I think destroy universes, so.... Why the fuck didn't you make my sense of pain go away!" I roared angrily, scowling, staring into nothingness.... That was the worst, he couldn't even look him in the eye.

The primordial was momentarily silent, only breaking it minutes later:

"Pain is part of life, the more pain you feel the less sensitive you will be to it, thanks to this you can endure more pain, so don't thank me" He spoke with a voice full of wisdom and teaching, as if he was teaching life to a five year old child.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, I had to shake my head to focus on what was important and not talk to a stupid primordial.

"Fine, fine, move on to the next reward, I don't even want to see you for a long time anymore" I commented with annoyance, wanting to just take a big break in my bed.

"Okay, here, this'll do you."

*cracking sound*

Another finger snapping sound came from all over the cube, it wasn't long before I noticed the effects of the snapping as my mind went blank.

I felt no pain at all, no, quite the opposite, it was all full of pleasure and ecstasy, so much so that I released my new Duranvil without knowing it.

I rolled my eyes as I surrendered to how warm the feeling was, but unlike the pain that seemed to last an eternity, this comforting feeling for me only lasted a second.

"Third reward of the challenge, a basic Chaos element spell" The raspy voice of the primordial brought me back to my senses.

Immediately I could feel a change in my mind, despite still having most of my memories blocked apparently, I could now think more clearly and when I thought of erased memories my head didn't hurt, that was certainly a great advancement.

Although the really important thing was that I had information of some kind of strange and complex formation, it was like different dots and lines that formed a strange formation, but I could feel a great power in it.

"The formation you are seeing is a spell, every spell has a similar formation, the more powerful and versatile the spell is, the more complex and bigger the formation is."

"The formation is something you must memorize in your magic consciousness, with the slight adjustments I made, you should already create your magic consciousness and cast that simple Level 0 spell of the Chaos element."

Explained Lord Chaos with a serious voice, this time I could feel the seriousness of his words, so I took note when I came back from creating my magic consciousness.

"Mmm, before the next reward, answer a question? Does this level 0 Chaos spell, how would it compare to the other mortal spells?" I asked cautiously and carefully, I didn't want to offend a Primordial even though I had offended him multiple times before, this time it was one of seriousness.

"Compared to other mortal spells? It's not that powerful, but very versatile, if I had to give its mortal rank in versatility it would undoubtedly be among the highest."

"As for the complexity of the training, it is certainly much more complicated than level 4 mortal spells, so you can imagine what the first level will be like."

"Besides, a talented mortal can even spend up to two years learning and understanding a level 4 spell, that's how difficult it is" Explained the Primordial again, the information he provided I expected but I was still quite surprised.

'I wonder how long it will take me to understand it' I thought with a smile on my face.

"By the way, the Test is not over yet" The words said by Lord Chaos froze me, my smile slowly faded to an uncomfortable and angry expression.

"I risked my life there more than three times, how the hell is it still not over!" I shouted angrily, I have the right in my opinion to be totally enraged.

Before I didn't care much about dying, but, I have already survived things almost impossible for me at that time, all those life and death experiences made me get a little fondness for life.

Then. How could I let them kill me just like that? Unacceptable to me.

"You remember what you said about the greatest hardship, don't you?" Chaos asked calmly, his calm seemed infectious as my state of rage subsided a bit.

"I remember, so what?"

"Well, by choosing that, create several trials in one, create a Tower that name "Torre De Las Maldiciones", the second floor of the Tower is the floor of betrayal, ruled by goblins betrayed by their own kind thousands of years ago" His explanation left me in Shock....

I knew that choosing was going to be extremely difficult, but I didn't think I could make it ridiculous, creating dozens of tests for a Test and each one with a challenge was absurd.

"Besides" he continued; "You still don't completely finish the second floor, unlike the other Tests, this one has the same Test, the challenge and at the end the Grand Challenge" He revealed with an amused voice, maybe laughing at my reaction because this time I had my mouth wide open.

"A... A Grand Challenge..."


New arc of... You will know soon...LMAO

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