
Warhammer: Rogue Trader CYOA Story

=== Author: gothicjedi666 === *Disclaimer* I really liked this fanfiction so I wanted to put it here for easier reading, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. This is where I read it- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13854108/1/Rogue-Trader-CYOA-Story-1 === Synopsis: I've been asked a few times by reviewers to do a Warhammer 40k story, but it's not a universe I wish to find myself stuck in for any length of time, so I used the Rogue Trader CYOA to come up with a setup that could lead to a ship and people from the 40k universe going to more sane dimensions thanks to a special Dark Age of Technology drive. This drive was created shortly before the AI rebellion and the Warp Storms screwed over the most advanced human civilization that the universe ever knew. It allows the captain of the ship to go anywhere he can envision using some psyker power and cool tech that messes with the Warp. The SI has psykers powers that he doesn't know much about due to Inquisition's meddling, an IOM light cruiser which might as well be unstoppable in some science fiction universes, a Guard Regiment of veteran soldiers who will obey the SI's orders and a warrant telling him that he can pretty much do as he pleases outside of the IOM. No one in the IOM will try to stop him even if they could as long as he brings back nice stuff for the forge world that supports him and cooperates with his allies. He will have to return to the 40k universe for resupply and repair work, but that risk is manageable. Due to his rank, he has a lot more leeway when it comes to dealing with aliens than most IOM humans so he doesn't need to kill all the non-humans as long as he isn't seen to get too friendly with them. He has a battle harem, but they don't have real personalities they are more like bodyguards who can also serve as eye candy. So he might as well recruit skilled females for his crew or clone them if he doesn't mind waiting. He'll also need a few wives to provide him with heirs. Rogue Traders will often gather an entourage of hangers-on and companions, and this may contain alien warriors, mutants, and other undesirables who would normally be unacceptable in polite Imperial society, as such he has options for companions. He can fight in wars, go after space pirates, destroy entire hostile Xenos races, and save humans. He can plunder whole worlds just to make a profit. He just needs to keep his coffers full and bring back some shiny stuff. Should he bring back enough to appease the forge-world and impress his allies I'll give the SI more fun toys taken from the CYOA and maybe even a more powerful starship. Can't say that I'm happy with this first couple of chapters, but they do contain a lot of information that explains who and what Rogue Traders are, as what the Imperials will do, and the story will get more entertaining I promise. Please share some ideas with me either here or on my patron where I am also Gothicjedi666. I post draft chapters on that site you might not have seen here and I don't have many supporters even though I have lots of people reading my stories. To those that do support my writing, I want to say a quick thank you.

DaoistViking · Videospiele
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Chapter Fifty-Five

The Red Keep. Kings Landing.

Madness and stupidity

Tywin Lannister often had those words on his mind even before his fool of a daughter had gotten into her head to murder her younger brother while also taking out Renly. The old lion didn't care much that his dwarf son was dead, assuming that he was, it was more about how Cersei had gone about it. She'd risked too much.

Losing Jamie had unsettled her and while she'd become more and more unstable since then she still held a lot of power as the former queen. Cersei had been able to spend many years bringing the capital under her control, at least to some extent, and she'd used her influence to obtain the services of the alchemist guild.

Like many Tywin had never held much faith in the alchemist guild, seeing them as relics of times past when the dragons still ruled, now he wished that he'd paid them more attention as even from the throne room he could hear the screams as fires consumed the city. These infernos had started because of the damn wildfire.

Ironically it was Tyrion who had tried to warn his father about Cersei's plans, but Tywin had paid the Imp very little attention and kept the dwarf busy, thinking that his youngest child needed to be kept out of trouble. If only he had listened then perhaps this massive disaster could have been averted.

It was too late now. Upon seeing Renly killed the enemy hadn't scattered; they'd attacked recklessly and the gates may have held if not for the use of wildfire. Now as the city burned Renly's army must be burning with it. There was no way to know for sure as Tywin had ordered the Red Keep sealed up and none of the screams told them much other than that the city was in chaos.

Tywin found it very worrying that his eldest grandson seemed to be pleased by the insanity going on outside his home. The old lion might have considered having the boy removed from power if not for the fact that the Lannister family was unlikely to remain in power for much longer.

The Lord of Lannister didn't know why the Imperials had turned against his family. Things between House Lannister and House Thrax seemed to have been going well and then Cersei had decided to have the Starks seized while Lord Thrax was meeting Lord Stark. Clearly something had gone wrong that day as the Imperials were supporting their enemies.

Tywin felt for certain that the Imperials would soon seize control of Kings Landing and the Red Keep with the aid of The Reach. Lord Thrax would be able to place his puppet king on the throne. He would marry the Targaryen to House Tyrells blooming rose and control the Seven Kingdoms. Without the Lannisters no other House would be able to stand up the Imperials. It was unlikely that any of them would try.

It had all seemed so simple not so long ago. Robert would drink and whore himself into an early grave, Joffery would take the throne, and Tywin as Hand of the King would find a way to get Jaime to become Lord of Casterly Rock. Even when the Imperials had appeared it seemed as if House Lannister would benefit. Yet Lord Thrax had clearly deemed them unworthy of any alliance.

"My lord the Imperials are here!" yelled out Ser Barristan.

Given the chaos in the city it seemed impossible that those outsiders could have made their way to the keep unless they'd made use of the secret tunnels. Tywin had known that leaving the known ones unblocked could be dangerous, but he'd wanted an escape route for himself and his family in case things went wrong and it wouldn't have made a big difference if he had ordered the known about passages blocked because there were others.

As for how the Imperials knew about the passages well they would have their own spies and possibly some magic of theirs would tell them of such things.

"Drive them out!" yelled Joffrey "Kill the traitors".

While Tywin had kept most of the firearms here they had limited ammo and the Imperials had much better weapons, and they'd have much more experience using such weapons in battle.

"No, we must surrender," said the oldest Lannister.

His spoiled grandson naturally took this as a sign of betrayal and ordered the guards to seize the Hand of the King; only they did nothing since they knew who really commanded them. Tywin had made sure to fill the Red Keep with men he knew were dependable. They all had rifles while the Kings Guard only had ceremonial sidearms and swords.

"Father we can't!" protested his fool of a daughter.

He turned to face Cersei and Joffrey.

"If we fight we'll all be killed and then what?" he asked "If we surrender and bend the knee we may yet keep the Westerlands".

Tywin knew that this was only a chance to live past this day. Viserys would accuse him of having his niece and nephew murdered, and while this was true there was no actual evidence and the Lord of Lions could demand trial by combat to prove his innocence. He would request that both champions be of Westeros and worshippers of The Seven. Should he fail then he would plead to be allowed to take The Black and he would plead mercy for his grandchildren. Something of House Lannister would survive.

"Come on Joffrey we're leaving" said Cersei "Your grandfather may have given up the fight, but we can regroup, go to Casterly Rock and meet with my Uncle Kevan".

Tywin knew that the fighting was over.

"Seize them" he ordered "No one is to leave".

Joffrey screamed like a child having a tantrum.


The Hand lost his temper.

"You are a spoiled brat!" he shouted "You are not fit to rule. As Hand of the King am I declaring myself regent until a proper surrender can be arranged".

As much as their sheer stupidity annoyed him, the old lion would not let them go off and get themselves killed.

"You'd never make it out of the city" he said in a calmer voice "If the fires didn't kill you a mob would. They know who to blame for the flames that are destroying their homes".

Cersei looked to be considering that, but Joffrey simply fumed and looked ready to start throwing things. Tywin knew that he'd have to tell the Imperials that the boy had gone mad under the pressure of rulership at such a young age. Hopefully they had some mercy in them.