
Warhammer Inquisitor

At the end of the dark 40,000 years, the enemies in the Milky Way launched their final offensive. When the end of the Era comes, the eternal war will come to an end. The human empire has now reached its destined final moment. But the gear of fate does not end. The fate of the Milky Way will be determined by him and them as it was ten thousand years ago. What will happen at the end of this dark 40,000 years?

DaoistViking · Videospiele
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50 Chs

Intelligence, Opportunity

  A flame was burning in the dilapidated gasoline barrel. The rusty gasoline barrel was full of holes and was burning with flames. The flame lit up the surrounding dark streets.

  Like the deep environment here, the people here are very uncomfortable, in every sense.

   But most of the people here are equipped with implants, all of which are inferior, broken goods with inconsistent workmanship, inferior rattling drive shafts, and rusty mechanical casings with various profane patterns tattooed on them.

  Even those without implants are tattooed with all kinds of disgusting and profane tattoos, and each one of them is not a good law-abiding citizen of the empire at first glance.

   I have to say that all the outlaws, cultists and heretics are quite frank, allowing you to clearly see them from a long distance, and then determine their identity in a millisecond, and then consider whether to shoot or not.

  Vito came to the door of a bar, and there was a bar in this dark street deep underground.

  The store signboard is lit with eye-catching purple lights, and the purple halo illuminates the surrounding dim phantom. The darkness is covered with a layer of strange purple, which makes it appear more psychedelic and strange, like.

  Vito still remembers that purple-skinned chick, that was really exciting. Speaking of which, how long has it been since he saw her? several years? Or a few months? Every time he stays with her, Vito feels the chaos of time.

  He laughed, then shrugged his shoulders, rubbed his neck and pushed open the door of the bar that said "Silver Snake Bar" in Low Gothic.

  Vito walked into the bar. This is a well-cared-for bar. Unlike the chaotic and dilapidated low-nest abandoned industrial buildings outside, everything here is well-organized.

  Complete wine tables, clean floors and walls hung with tapestries and decorations, and of course, the iconic silver snake logo is inlaid on the large bar table.

   I have to say that as a low-nest bar, its completeness and decoration are a bit out of tune, but in fact the business here is very hot, and there are many people sitting here.

  Most of them are locals, without exception, they all carry weapons and show their identities in the most direct way.

  Vito looked at them and looked at everyone from the corner of his eye. The one with the coiled snake tattoo and the hammer tattoo, and the one with the blooming flower tattoo?

  I guessed right, these customers who are full of hostility to each other are probably members of the three gangs.

   Funny how these low-nest gang members can barely sit together, well, at least drink in the same bar, and never draw a gun.

  Vito walked towards the bar with a joking smile, and walked towards the female bartender who was wiping the wine glass. She looked at the wine glass in her hand with downcast eyes.

  Long eyelashes and delicate braids hanging on the face, and some kind of strange mask on the face, some kind of mask, gas mask or something?

   Funny, the air here doesn't seem to be unbearable, at least not unacceptable for most people who come to the low nest, but she wears a filter?

  Vito leaned on the bar counter, looked at the beauty in front of him with a playful smile, and the cold female bar also looked at him, and put the glass in front of him after a while, "What do you want to drink?"

  Vito smiled, and took out a few imperial gold coins from his pocket, "It's better, don't make it from the gutter, and don't mix it with water." "Of course."

  The female bartender took down a glass of golden-orange wine from the wine rack and filled it for Vito.

  The latter raised his glass to look at it, then nodded slightly in satisfaction, "Golden Pirate? That's interesting, this is a kind of wine that can't be used in the empire, but because of."

   "Drink it because it's pirates and heretics, but it tastes good."

The female bartender said with her hands on her hips, Vito smiled slightly, took a sip of the golden orange drink, and then took out a few gold coins and put them on the table, and there was a big thing inside the gold coins, a pendant, Silver snake pendant.

The female bartender looked at the pendant in silence for a moment, then raised her eyes to look at Vito, who shrugged naturally, "Pour yourself a glass, this wine is really good, and, Antonio You question mark."

  The female bartender smiled softly, and skillfully filled another wine glass. She picked up the glass and took a sip without clinking glasses with Vito. The latter shrugged helplessly, and then took a sip herself.

   "What's your relationship with Antonio?" "Partnership, I helped him with one thing, so he is helping me with one thing now. To be precise, he thinks you can help me, Miss Silver Snake."

The silver snake leaned on the wine table and approached Vito, looking at Vito's eyes with those silver-gray eyes, and the latter also looked directly into those eyes, as if to open his mind and let him examine his soul generally.

  Miss Silver Snake withdrew her body after a while, took out a wine glass from under the wine table and wiped it, "Tell me, I can guarantee something if I don't report it."

  Vito turned his head and looked at the group of customers behind him. Most of them were noisy, using all kinds of crude and impolite words, but after all, this is a low nest, what else can you expect?

   "It's really interesting, since the members of these three gangs can coexist peacefully with you."

   "Peaceful coexistence? No, I am a neutral bar here, and no one can use knives or guns on my site."

   "Then they listen to you?"

  Vito smiled charmingly, and raised his wine glass to pay tribute to the silver snake. The latter shrugged slightly, picked up the wine glass and looked at the crystal structure in it, "This is a place for information and negotiation."

   "Vito Constantine, you can just call him Vito, you don't need to add Mr., you probably don't call people like that popular here, right?"

Silver Snake turned his head, looked at Vito with those extremely charming eyes, and then turned his head back, "The three low nest kings don't intend to destroy the only neutral zone, disrupt negotiations and negotiations, or get information Take advantage of the opponent's opportunity."

   "It looks like you're selling information to three parties, Silver Snake." "As long as the conditions are right, Vito, tell me now, how can I help you? I guess you're not here to drink."

   "Indeed." Vito took another sip of his wine, "Although this wine is really good, but yes, I'm here for the news."

   "A few weeks ago, a shuttle crashed on Owen-4, and its survivors came to Victoria Prime. Would you mind telling me their whereabouts?"

  Vito smiled, and the silver snake looked at him with a strange look, and put the wine glass back on the shelf.

   "They came to the lower nest, one person." "One? I heard it was six." "Is that strange? This is the lower nest." "Of course not, please continue."

   "They came here, they all had coiled snake tattoos, people from the devout church came to see them, and then they left with the people from the devout church, if I guessed correctly, they are still here in the hands of the devout church."

Vito rubbed his chin, thoughtfully, "Are you sure they are members of the Pious Society?" "Although they are not like low-nest people, yes, I can see that if you want to find them, you need to find them from the Pious Society." There are people at hand, and I guess it's not easy."

The young judge looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, and then showed a smile, which was not a fake smile, "Then what do you suggest me to do?" "Piety will value this very much, Vito, but I think this opportunity"

The silver snake stopped, and she raised her eyes to watch a few pious young people rushing into the bar, they whispered something, and then the whole bar pious people got up and left, and they all looked quite Big fire.

  Vito smiled, "The opportunity has come."

  Silver Snake looked at Vito with admiration in his eyes, she put her arms around her arms and shrugged slightly, "Then I wish you good luck, Vito, I have already returned Antonio's favor."

"Don't worry, we will meet again." Vito drank the drink, Silver Snake looked at her with confusion and suspicion, "If you want to find me again for information, you'd better bring something of value, Vito."

  He waved his hand and walked towards the exit of the bar.