

not mine not mine not mine Novel Summary An era of darkness, an era of blood and fire. The game of the gods continues, but they do not know that they will soon enter the chessboard. In the wilderness, the green tide of evil swept the Quartet. In the dark, the undead left the grave and waged war against the living. The new emperor of the human empire must prove his ability to resist foreign enemies. In the void, chaos corrupts everything, and only the strongest can survive. Finally, a terrible storm opened the prelude to world destruction. But there is still a glimmer of hope, and a soul comes here with the opportunity for change. - Description from Qidian not mine not mine from Author : Emperor of the Han Dynasty Genre : Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Xuanhuan Tags [Edit] : Aristocracy, Army Building, Beastkin, Beasts, Brotherhood, Calm Protagonist, Dragons, Dwarfs, Elves, European Ambience, Evil Gods, Fallen Nobility, Famous Parents, Fan-fiction, Fanfiction, Fantasy Magic, Firearms, Fleet Battles, Goblins, God-human Relationship, Gods, Gore, Harem, Hiding True Identity, Kingdom Building, Kingdoms, Kingdoms Knights, Knights, Medieval, Mercenaries, Monsters, Mysterious Family Background, Nobles, Outer Space, Religions, Sexual Cultivation Technique, Slaves, Slow Growth at Start, Strategic Battles, Strong to Stronger, Sword And Magic, Transmigration, Transported into a Game World, Transported into Another World, Wars,witches link: https://www.mtlnovel.com/warhammer-throne/ and know other novels

Fernrir_Zero999 · Bücher und Literatur
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796 Chs

Warhammer Throne Chapter 1: , Winter Night in Wulan Town

The Nord Kingdom is only warm for three months a year. It seems to be always covered by wind, snow and cold at other times. The winter here is so cold that the **** of dawn can bring it here, but the morning light cannot. Coming to warmth, the followers of the goddess of agriculture always try their best to plant hardy crops such as wheat, barley, rape, etc. on those fertile but cold all year round. The once-a-year agriculture barely supplies the country's food needs. .

At night, Ulan, located in the north of Nordland, is quiet and quiet. It is the mid-winter season of the year. As always, the sky is fluttering with goose feathers and heavy snow, falling on the roofs of households, and even the roads are covered with a thick layer of snow. The air in the town was quiet and silent, thick black smoke came out from the chimneys of the houses, the stars in the sky brought faint stars on the ground, but the heavy snow buried everything.

In this season, the sun goes down very early. After dark, it's safer to return to town sooner, and it's more dangerous to return to town slowly. There are everything in the wild after sunset, robbers, orcs. , Northern barbarians who plunder from time to time, and even terrible greenskins or undead are infested from time to time. Residents in the small town basically do not choose to go out at this time. Only the door and warm fireplace at home can bring them safety. feel.

A silver-clad world, except for the occasional patrol guards, the town is dark, like a dead city, the cold wind of midwinter is constantly roaring, snowflakes are floating in the sky, in the coldest season of the year , The residents of the small town can only hide in their own homes, hoping to wait for the beginning of spring as soon as possible.

A black leather boot stepped on the steps of the city gate, making a squeaking sound. A man wearing a black leather outfit appeared. He was wearing a leather three-cornered hat with the brim of the hat pulled very low. There is also a lot of snow on the hat. This man is tall and mighty. He carries a one-handed long sword engraved with gold and silver patterns on his back. He also carries a golden warhammer and a warhammer handle. The length of the hammer is very long, half the length of a person, and the bottom of the hammer handle is a spiral spike, shining with cold light.

This man has a handsome face and always smiles, looking like a priest, but judging by the fluff around his mouth, this man will not be more than twenty-five years old, but from the blood on his chain mail and the harsh eyes In the middle, you know that this person is definitely not a priest.

The man observed from side to side, there was no one on the road, and there were no traces of footprints on the snow on the mud road. He sighed slightly and saw a sentinel standing guard at the gate of the city, so he stepped forward and asked in an understatement. Said: "Excuse me, have you seen a pale man wearing a high-top round hat, cloak, outdated trousers and black leather boots in the past two days?"

The guard didn't want to answer, the man gently brushed away the cloak on his chest, and a silver white wolf head badge was revealed in front of the guard.

"I'm sorry! I'm rude! Lord Knight!" The guard saw the badge, and subconsciously bowed his body and saluted the man: "Three days ago, such a man did come here! He claimed to be Mr. Bout. He was a friend of Lord Lord, so we let him in. He left early yesterday morning and headed to the southwest!"

"Mr. Bout? Haha, let me think about it. Three days ago, it must be like this. A strange traveler rode into the town on a horse..." Who knows that the man sneered. He stretched out his hand in the guard's uneasy eyes. "So our loyal guard came forward and asked, but the traveler took out a few silver coins and gave it to our loyal guard, expressing that he didn't mean to show his identity. The loyal guard felt the traveler's sincerity, no , Is from the sincerity of Mr. Bout, and then let him into the city, right?"

In the freezing weather, cold sweat broke out on the guard's forehead, and the sweat froze quickly. He whispered and said, "Knight, Lord Knight, please forgive me. Please forgive us for our temporary obsession. I must have been at that time. Be possessed by the evil god! I am willing to turn over the money to you. Please forgive us for our sins!"

The man seemed to be very dissatisfied, snorted, and after exhaling a white mist from his mouth, the man waved his hand: "Forget it, let me go into the city!"

"Yes, yes! Thank you very much!" The guards quickly opened the gate of the city as if they were amnesty. The wooden gate slowly opened as the simple wooden mechanism bearings turned. The man led the horse into the town and left behind. Guards with lingering fears.

This fashion is six o'clock in the evening. It was supposed to be when the people in the town were active. But Nord's climate was like this. The sun had already set as early as three o'clock, so he could only walk alone in the street, thinking about it. What happened on the road.

"Soldiers' military pay can guarantee food and clothing, but it cannot guarantee a surplus life. In the face of some dispensables and does not violate the military order, it is understandable to accept bribes. Mr. Beltt is indeed clever and has been working for many years. The demon hunter, he has an insight into human nature, and a few silver coins have saved him a lot of trouble along the way, but this makes it difficult for me to do it." The man raised his head and looked at the bright moon in the sky, and whispered: " Going to the southwest, Mr. Belt is going to the port?"

"In any case, let's stay first at this time. The night in the wild is too dangerous." The man thought for a while, and decided to stay first.

Stay overnight for a day or two, and then go to meet the woman from the Garland Council.

The Nord Kingdom is a desolate and remote place, but even a small town, as long as there are human settlements, there will be an inn. The man quickly found the inn, a two-story building, from the outside, it should be It looks like a dozen rooms.

Along the snowy mud road, the hotel in the town is still open to all the residents of the town as before.

Passing through the solid wooden doors of the hotel, the interior of the hotel looks like a party scene, with wooden tables and chairs arranged chaotically. People communicate in the hotel and drink barley wine. Food and ale, the fire in the fireplace was burning, and thick broth was being stewed in the oven, and the heat of the broth was constantly wafting inside the hotel.

The cold weather outside and the hot indoors formed a sharp contrast. The windows of the hotel were also covered with thick fog. The inside and outside of the house were like two worlds. There were two drunk guys hugging by the campfire in the center of the venue. Together with the cheerful singing of the bard, dancing the folk dance of the Nords, and a businessman from the empire was dancing lamely by a strong man. His strange movements made the people present haha. laugh.

"Ms. Freya! Another glass of barley wine!" a big man with two strands of beard shouted to the proprietress. He placed the wooden wine glass on the counter viciously, and the inside of the glass was completely clean. There is nothing left but a little bubble.

"Beautiful! Be sure to bring a beautiful one when you call my name! You want ale? Check out first, you have already drunk four glasses of ale, and you pay me 20 copper coins in total!" The spoon hit the big man on the head. The big man quickly touched his pocket and took out thirty copper coins in one go: "All these are for you, beautiful Ms. Freya, hurry up and get the wine!"

"Okay!" The lady proprietress waved her fat hand, and a large amount of copper coins disappeared into her pocket instantly. After the money was collected, the lady proprietress smiled openly, and hurriedly directed his hand to move out more wine barrels. The plate of roast lamb was placed in front of the soldiers sitting on the bar: "Sir! Your barbecue, please use it slowly!"

"Okay." The soldier took the barbecue and asked for another glass of wine. He seemed to be old, with a lot of wrinkles in the corners of his eyes, and he was immersed in the delicious barbecue.

On the other side of the venue, dressed up, dressed in purple, wearing a red soft hat, and a bard with a lyre hanging on his shoulders, he is tuning the strings of his lyre and preparing to start his own performance.

"Mr. Bard! What story do you plan to bring to us today?" a drinker said loudly.

"Yeah, we won't pay if it's not exciting!" everyone booed.

"Hoho~" In the hotel, everyone was booing. The bard reluctantly straightened his clothes and began to slowly play his lyre: "Then, I will bring you an ancient story today. A magnificent epic one hundred and fifty years ago!"

"Hundreds of years ago, the land was still peaceful, and people lived and worked in peace and contentment. Despite the occasional exchange of fire between the barbarians in the north and the Middle-Earth Continent, trade and peace were still the main themes. The southern country was once the largest and best seaport and free trading city. , The dwarves living in the Roof Mountains of the Eastern World used their sophisticated equipment and crafts to trade with the human empire. The southern barrens stood up with dwarven forts, witnessing the golden age of dwarves... At that time, the forest was not dangerous now. ,that time..."

"But about a thousand years ago, everything changed."

"The world has been changed."

The inside of the hotel gradually became quiet, only the fire in the fireplace was crackling prosperously. Drinkers were sitting there. The bard should keep quiet when performing. This is common sense on the mainland, but the one from the empire The businessman didn't care very much on his face, but he listened quietly.

The bard began to play a melodious tune slowly, the tune was sad, but full of hope: "

Nearly a thousand years ago

To the north of the empire, darkness descends

Cthulhu is fierce, chaos rampant, as straight as purgatory on earth

The **** of totems has fallen, the **** of beasts is annihilated

Civilization is no match for barbarism, wisdom retreats from fierce barbarians

Peace is gone, sword soldiers rages

The south of the empire, the rise of greenskins

The head of Genusu, turned into Uzag's jewelry

The fortress of the dwarves for a thousand years, cannot stop the spread of the plague

The statue of the first king was overthrown, and the treasure of the ancient tomb became a surprise for the invaders


The alliance was re-established at the time of the subjugation of the country and the extinction of the species

Long beard guards, lion knights, march forward hand in hand

But this victory is not worth celebrating

The empire lost their emperor

Brothers smashed the wall and fell into endless disputes

In the dark corner, the undead climbed up from the grave

Evil Beastmen corrupt all parts of the mainland

The world sinks, everything is in danger

One hundred and fifty years ago, a two-tailed comet crossed the sky, and the hero finally arrived

That's Ludwig the Savior

The demon prince gave the head, the evil shaman was killed

No matter how powerful the Son of Chaos is, he is just a pool of flesh in front of him.

In the Plains of Fasha, the righteous formed an invincible coalition

Ancient Dragon Roar

Angel soars in the sky

The elf's staff and longbow are shining

The dwarves make up the strongest copper and iron walls

There are even demons from the Molten Underground

Under the influence of the savior, fighting for justice and enemy of chaos

Everything belongs to Ludwig

Dozens of purified heads of demon princes and goddesses hung on the walls of the empire

Highlight his supreme glory and great achievements

The cry of victory moved all over the world

The crowd chose him as the new emperor

Everything belongs to Ludwig

Chaos rolls back home

Peace is coming back to this land

People live and work in peace and contentment

The hymn of the gods resounds

Everything belongs to Ludwig"

The bard sang the moving epic impassionedly, and no one noticed that a new guest arrived at the door of the hotel.

It was not until a gust of wind rang and attracted the attention of everyone in the hotel that the man stood at the door and listened to the magnificent epic before he opened the door. The story of Ludwig the savior is that everyone on the entire continent A familiar story, this great former country nobleman, and later the new empire emperor relied on his powerful strength and domineering skills, and outstanding political wisdom to reconcile the destroyed old empire together, and finally defeated the chaotic army, the new empire Re-established in the ruins of the old empire, Ludwig is the founding emperor of the new empire.

"Excuse me, is there a room?" In everyone's eyes, the man spoke, and as many people expected, his voice looked very young.

"A foreigner?"

"There is no room for outsiders, our place will be closed right away, please go back."

"It's closed, it's closed!"

The drinkers yelled half-jokingly and half-seriously, that the town does not welcome outsiders so much. The person in front of them is not a familiar face, and the drinkers are a little xenophobic.

"You... shut up the old lady! Is this kind of weather so easy to get a visitor? You god-killing idiots always don't let me do business!" A roar from the proprietress interrupted the behavior of the drinkers, and then A smile appeared on her round face immediately: "Yes, we have many empty rooms here, are you alone?"

"Yes, I'm the only one, and help me prepare dinner by the way!" The young man went up to put something up, and then sat down on the counter. He ordered rye bread, boiled fava beans, barley wine, and a large piece. Grilled lamb chops are also worth twenty copper coins.

"Mr. Bard, tell us a new story."

"Then what kind of story do you want to hear?" The bard also said with a smile: "Or, I will tell you a story about the founding knight king of Bretania?"

"We have all heard of that too!" The drinkers said they had also heard of this.

"Tell a story about the War between Greenskin and the Dwarves?"

"This is boring!"

The drinkers and the bard began to discuss loudly. Some wanted to hear the war epic, some wanted to hear the love story, and some even wanted to hear the story of the gods. There were various requirements, and some of the bards also Embarrassed.

"In this way, let's let Mr. Bard tell us a new story, how about the legendary story of the 'Sledgehammer' Lane, the young hero of our Nord Kingdom!"

"Good, good! This is good!"

"Just listen to this!"

The man just bowed his head to eat, and by the way, he spent a little money to get the proprietress to get a piece of butter and spread the bread. After dinner, he said goodbye and returned to his guest room.

He ordered the best room in this hotel. Of course, the worst accommodation in the hotel is the large room, which is lined with simple linen and thatch beds. The slightly better single room is double or single. The same There is only a simple bed and a bucket of water in the corner. A bucket of water is not used for drinking, it is used when it is convenient.

The room he lives in has a soft bed, a table, a chair, and even a special compartment for washing. There is a small window in the room. After returning to the room, Ryan gently pushed the window. I opened and looked at the heavy snow outside: "I don't know when this heavy snow will fall..."

At this time, the bracelet on the man's wrist suddenly flashed with a soft white light. He did not have the slightest accident, pressing the gem on the bracelet with his hand, and a voice full of majesty came from it.

"Ryan, have you found any trace of Belt?"