
War Of The gods

The gods had all dissapeared after the worship of them ceased or so the humans thought but the gods had simply immersed themselves within the humans allowing them make choices for themselves. The gods and the creatures humans considered myths were all roaming the earth while keeping their existence a carefully guarded secret. Kace was a young striving college student who was a firm believer in the non existence of a higher power but what happens when he meets a professor who claims to be a goddess and becomes a part of a secret war brewing in the world that all other humans were ignorant of?

Joseph_Jaxzy · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Strange Happenings

It had been a less than eventful week for Kace, he had put behind him the strange encounter he had with his professor and he was almost done with the assignment given to him by her. He only wished he didn't have to personally submit it to her again, his experience with the odd man coming out of her office and her bipolar attitude did a lot to put him off been in the same vicinity as her anymore but he had her class to attend that morning and he was definitely not looking forward to it.

Stepping into the class, Kace discovered the lecture had began earlier than the scheduled time today, he walked in briskly to the nearest available empty seat hoping that she wouldn't speak about him coming in late.

"Care to explain why you're late, Mr.Michaels?" she asked him immediately he settled into the seat

"I'm sorry, I had no idea the class was starting early." he replied her , his eyes downcast.

"I sent a mail last night." Kace had not seen a mail from her since he had been working late and he didn't have the time to check his mail and he tried explaining to her all to no avail.

"Next time you're late to class, please bear in mind that you will not be attending the class and wait at the end of this lecture" She said with an air of finality and continued her teaching.

Kace waited anxiously after the lecture ended as Professor Sandra finished up with the rest of the students who had also waited behind to see her.

"So, Kace how has your week been?" she asked him with a smile when she was finally done with the rest of the students

"It went well." He replied her deciding to be vague with his response still deciding why she was having a conversation with him especially after how she behaved the last time they met.

"That's good to know."

"Look, I just wanted to apologize for how I was towards you the other day." She began "I was in a really bad place and I guess everything just came to a head at that point."

"It's fine, I understand."

"If you'd still like it, I'd very much like to mentor you."

Kace stared at her mouth agape wondering where she got the change of heart from and why exactly she got it

"I don't think that's a good idea." he finally responded after getting over his shock of her asking

"I just think you're an incredible talent and it'll be nice to have such a talent under my wings." She tried to convince him

"I don't know..." he started but he just found it hard to resist the look in her eyes as she stared at him while he contemplated. "Fine, I accept."

"Yes." her smile was really wide as she got up to hug him. He was really surprised she acted like a kid who had just won her favorite toy "Sorry, I'm just excited you decided to do this and I promise you're going to just love it "

Kace just nodded at her, her smile was contagious and right there and then he really looked at her and he couldn't deny she was indeed beautiful. Kace shook his head and he knew the journey he was about to start was going to be a very interesting one.

It had been two months since Kace began having sessions with his professor and he couldn't deny she had a wealth of knowledge to share with him and also teach him. He had made considerable progress on his personal projects and also had began planning for future writing projects.

He had another meeting with her today, she had given him a short project to work on and he was very excited to show her what he had already done. He walked down the hallway and straight into his office, in his excitement he had totally forgotten to knock.

The sight that greeted him was one he had not thought he'd ever encounter. His professor and mentor was in a full make out session with a man right in her office. He had no idea what to do and he just stood awkwardly at the door as the duo separated.

"Oh, hi Kace." she said with a giddy giggle as she proceeded to make herself more presentable while Kace stared at the same man he had bypassed at the hallway his first time there as the man glared at him with very visible annoyance in his gaze

"I'm really sorry, I could come back." He began to open the door to step back out when her voice stopped him

"That's not necessary Kace, Paul was just leaving."

Kace kept staring at the man as he shuffled awkwardly on his feet as the man walked past him and he could have sworn his eyes became darker and the man carried with him the same chill as he did the very first day he passed him.

"I apologize for that, I must have lost track of time. She said to him still with the giddy smile on her lips.

"It's fine." Kace said and sat down while getting his laptop and whatnots from his bag as he tried to get over the very awkward encounter he just had

"So, what do you have today?" she asked as she settled into her seat in front of him.

He began briefing her on what he had been able to do concerning the project over the week, ensuring to go over every detail so as to take his mind off the little bit he had seen of her and the strange man making out

"You seem distracted." She pointed out

you're distracting me. he wanted to say but instead he just smiled and said he was fine

"Go home, get some rest and let's do this tomorrow." she said to him with an air of finality that left no room for argument.

Kace picked up all his stuff, said his goodbye and left her office briskly as he kept trying to get the imprinted image out of his head.

Outside the building, he had barely taken five steps towards the sidewalk when a black bus came to a screeching halt in front of him doors opened and two muscular men hurled him in and drove off.