
War Of The gods

The gods had all dissapeared after the worship of them ceased or so the humans thought but the gods had simply immersed themselves within the humans allowing them make choices for themselves. The gods and the creatures humans considered myths were all roaming the earth while keeping their existence a carefully guarded secret. Kace was a young striving college student who was a firm believer in the non existence of a higher power but what happens when he meets a professor who claims to be a goddess and becomes a part of a secret war brewing in the world that all other humans were ignorant of?

Joseph_Jaxzy · Fantasie
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3 Chs



"There's nothing left to be done." Zeus said to the room with a sigh.

The room was a collection of all gods, goddesses and their children that have been elected to serve in the council. They had gathered to discuss what to be done about their non worship by the humans, the deliberation had gone on for hours with arguments arising from several individuals before they decided to withdraw their hands from the actions of the humans

"Are you trying to say from now on we have nothing to do with them?" Poseidon asked incredulously. He had never been in support of the notion as he had argued that the humans be given reasons to fear them again but since he was the only one with such thoughts there was no way for him to enforce his words.

"Yes, that's the decision of this council meeting isn't it?" Zeus replied him

" There has to be another way." Poseidon argued

"Father," his son Jedrek called "this is the only way forward for now."

Poseidon looked at his son before sighing deeply and returning to his position on the floor of the room.

"Anyone else with objections?" Zeus asked while looking around the room to see if there were any hands raised, no hands came up so Zeus automatically took it as a sign that all present had agreed to the plan to withdraw from being in charge of human affairs

"In the absence of any objections, I Zeus, head of this council and lord of the skies hereby decree that all gods and goddesses become obsolete and irrelevant to the affairs of humans from this day forward." At the end of his words a very loud crack of thunder was heard which was followed by a burst of magic that sealed his decree, destroyed all places of worship of the gods and erased the activities from the mind of humans.

Meanwhile in the human words, the sky had turned dark right in the middle of the day and the only source of light all around the world was burning fire at the worship houses of the old gods that were worshipped by the humans.

No one human had an explanation for this phenomenon as they all took it as an act of natural disaster since not one of them could remember the acts of the gods as before.