
War Of The gods

The gods had all dissapeared after the worship of them ceased or so the humans thought but the gods had simply immersed themselves within the humans allowing them make choices for themselves. The gods and the creatures humans considered myths were all roaming the earth while keeping their existence a carefully guarded secret. Kace was a young striving college student who was a firm believer in the non existence of a higher power but what happens when he meets a professor who claims to be a goddess and becomes a part of a secret war brewing in the world that all other humans were ignorant of?

Joseph_Jaxzy · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Ice and Chills

Kace was not too happy to be resuming his second year after how much he had to endure in order to make it through his first year. He dodged all the other students who were busy welcoming each other and exchanging gossips of what went on in their lives during the holidays; he had no friends so it was pointless hanging around the lobby of the college. He had always been a loner and an outcast everywhere he went, it had never bothered him but his watching people happy to meet friends made him want to have one too.

He got into the lecture theatre and walked straight to the third seat in the third row and sat waiting for the English literature professor to come in for the class.

Thirty minutes later there was a lull in all conversations going on in the room and he looked up to find a lady who looked to be in her late 20s or early 30s standing before the class.

"Good morning all." She greeted with a smile "I am Prof. Sandra and I'll be your professor for the second year English literature class"

Kace was surprised, he had initially heard that the professor was an older man who had taught at the college for years

"What happened to the previous one?" A student asked her

"He already retired." She answered him before moving to the centre of the podium to begin her class.

She began her lectures and Kace had to admit it was one of the best he had received in the college, he admired the cast knowledge she had on the subject at such a young age and how much she was able to pass her teachings across effectively to the entire class.

"Each of you will have an individual appointment with me, starting today where we'll discuss how to progress individually in this new college year." She informed the students at the end of her lecture.

So Kace was currently on the way to her office for his appointment as his name was first on the list sent by her to the class for the visitations. As he got closer to her office he began to experience usual chills around the hallway of her office.

Kace rubbed at his arm repeatedly to full the chills and he stopped right in his tracks when he began hearing angry whispers and what sounded like arguments coming from the direction of the professor's office, he couldn't understand what was going on as the atmosphere even became increasingly cold as the arguments increased. He was utterly conflicted between waiting for the argument to end or knocking on the door but at the end, he was chosen for as the door swung open and a very angry looking man stomped out of the office carrying along with him immense chills same as he had felt coming out of the office. Jace couldn't help staring after the man as he left and wondering who on earth he was and why he felt that cold

"Can I help you?" The silky voice it his professor asked him and he turned to face her with a blush of embarrassment to have been caught blatantly staring after her guest.

"I'm Kace Michael and I'm supposed to be meeting you." he answered quietly

She studied him for a few minutes as if trying to discover something before she caught herself and waved him inside.

Kace walked into the office and was surprised as to it's simplicity, he has expected to see books lying around or arranged somewhere in the spacious office but there was nothing of the sort; the office only contained two settees, a desk, the professor's chair and two other chairs

"I get that a lot ." she said with a chuckle when she noticed the incredulous look on his face

"There's no need for lots of materials when all I need is either in my head or my laptop." He gaped at her as she said this , wondering how on earth she could take all the literature books in her head and remember them all

"You should have a seat." She waved him into one of the chairs directly in front of her desk and he sat down still surprised at the simplicity of this beautiful and mysterious woman that was their new professor.

"It says here, you were tenth place in your first year even after an incredible start during the first semester..."

"I had issues during my first year " Kace quickly informed her.

"I haven't asked for your comment." She said in an icy tone very different from how she had welcomed him a few minutes ago. "I hate been interrupted."

She continued her perusal of his first year files while occasionally asking him random questions relating to literature and his future

"Your assignment is to write me a short novel, any genre of your choice." She told him at the end of her assessment "I can see here everyone thinks you have talent, I want to see this talent."

"Yes ma, I'll do my absolute best " he told her

She just nodded without so much as saying a word to him again and began typing on her laptop.

"I'll like to say I was awed by your teaching in class today and it was one if the most amazing classes I've attended so far." He said with a smile on his face expecting some kind of response or reaction from her, he received none as she just continued working on her laptop

"I'll also like to personally receive teachings and directions from you in the future." Her fingers stopped dancing on the keyboard at those words

She lifted her eyes to him and her voice were as icy as frost when she spoke her next words "I am not a mentor ."

"I just..." he paused as she pointed straight at the door and the look in her eyes was one that told him not to test her limits.

He quietly stood from the chair and walked out of the door while wondering about the strangeness of the encounter.